Friday, December 25, 2009

Take the day off from politics and enjoy the gifts that God has bestowed upon all of us.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whoring for Health Care

Probably the most ridiculous and vulgar ad that has ever been conceived is the current MTV Rock the Vote ad, "What will you do for Health Care? As some of you may be aware, MTV had decided to accept political advertising right after Obama was assured of the Democrat nomination.  No small coincidence inasmuch as the Left leaning media will almost always the bend their self-serving standards and practices to accomodate Liberal policies. 

Even NBC's TV show Law and Order got in on the promomotion of the Health Care Reform that the American people don't seem to want. While you could make an argument that the dialogue that discusses health care insurance is realistic, the issue of a lifetime cap on insurance benefits is a little too specific to ring true.  It sounds more like a talking point written by David Axelrod. But Axelrod didn't get an "additonal dialogue" credit for the episode.

One of the discussion threads on the Ron Paul Forums is called "Whoring for Healthcare." That about sums it up vis-à-vis the Rock the Vote ad. Although the recent purchase of Senate Democrat votes to get cloture on the debate is more apropos to the issue of whoring for Health Care. It's funny how prostitution seems to be the flavor of the month. It's okay to sell yourself. According to the CBS News Politics page:
Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, responded Tuesday to widespread criticism that Democrats only garnered the 60 votes needed to defeat Republican stalling tactics on the health reform bill by catering to self-interest, saying Democrats are focusing on the big picture; "trying to cross a demarcation line." Harkin dismissed deals dubbed vote-buying by GOP senators as "small stuff" that distracted Americans from the primary focus of the overhaul bill.
According to the December 20, 2009, Washington Post article entitled, Health bill money for hospital sought by Dodd:

A $100 million item for construction of a university hospital was inserted in the Senate health care bill at the request of Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., who faces a difficult re-election campaign, his office said Sunday night.  
The legislation leaves it up to the Health and Human Services Department to decide where the money should be spent, although spokesman Bryan DeAngelis said Dodd hopes to claim it for the University of Connecticut.
The provision is included in a 383-page series of changes to the health care bill that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., outlined Saturday. Scattered throughout are numerous items sought by individual lawmakers, many of them directing money explicitly to programs or projects in their home states.
Apparently Senator Ben "Kornhusker Kickback" Nelson also got an earful from his constituents in Nebraska and his DC offices and it wasn't very pretty.

But the Democrats won't listen to the people because they have a another agenda besides health care.  And it's the same agenda that the fleeing Kremlin refugees brought with them when they moved into the DNC Headquarters in 1992. You recall 1992? That was the year that the Soviet Union fell and Bill Clinton was elected President.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Million Dollar Man Was Right, "Everybody has a Price."

The old World Wrestling Federation, now known as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has always had good instincts when it comes to marketing their product. They know how to tell a story that depicts the struggle between good and evil without melodramatic preachiness. The WWE characters almost always personify good and evil. In wrestling terminology, the "Faces" are the good guys and the "Heels” are the bad guys.

One of the more colorful wrestlers from the late 1980s and early 1990s was Ted DiBiase, also known as "The Million Dollar Man."  DiBiase was a "heel" if ever there was ever one.  DiBiase would condescendingly sneer that "Everybody has a price."  He would then demonstrate the "purchasing power" of his money such as buying off the manager of a local swimming pool to close it for the entire day so that he could have the pool to all to himself.

After this last weekend we all should know that the "Million Dollar Man" was right.  The recent cloture vote on the misnamed Health Care Reform shows that anybody can be bought.  We have the "Louisiana Purchase" of Senator Mary Landrieu's vote for up to $300 million in Federal Medicaid funds that are certain to disappear in the corruption rathole that has characterized Louisiana politics since the days of Huey Long.  (As an aside, the old Huey Long "Share the Wealth" limitations on executive pay sounds strikingly familiar to the limitations on insurance executive pay and expense accounts contained in the proposed Health Care Reform (sic) legislation.)  Some like Glenn Beck have likened her to the highest paid hooker in history.  This greatly upset those genteel loving folks at MediaMatters, the propaganda front group for that little Fascist, George Soros. 

We also know that Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) from got additional time to "study" the legislation.  But after all those hours of study Blanche's answer to the question as to where the Constitutional grants authority to force Americans to purchase insurance is plain wrong.  Blanche du Bonehead answered that the U.S. Constitution “charges Congress with the health and well-being of the people.”  BZZZZZT!  Wrong answer Blanche, because unlike Prego® Pasta sauce it's not in there.  You could take another 100 years to study and you still wouldn't get it right. 

Senator Ben "Let's Make a Deal" Nelson got the Federal government to pick-up the full tab for Nebraska's growing Medicaid population.  Other states also got similar Medicaid assistance.  Lurking somewhere in all of this is the apparent illegal use of public money to de facto purchase the votes of Senators.  It used to be that bribes were done privately with cash-filled envelopes left at a drop spot.  Now it's brazenly done and condoned as doing the people's business.  What kind of people are we to stand for this overt corruption?  At a minimum, there has to be an equal protection argument in favor of the aggrieved taxpayer citizens of those states not chosen to receive a piece of the Chicago style bribery action.  Query: Has your Senator committed political malpractice by not bringing home any of the Medicaid loot?

Here's a handy rule of thumb to employ whenever listening to any Democrook politician pontificate about ethics in government.  Always assume the opposite that they say is the truth.  When "Broke" Hussein Obama talks about transparency in government, you know the Liberal-Fascists are busy with their backroom Chicago deals and looting the Treasury in every way that they can.  The bottomline is that the Democrooks sincerely hate America and are looking to destroy this country.  They are plutocrats only concerned with feathering their own nests and relegating the rest of us to subservient serfdom.  Yes, it's true that they believe in equality--the equality of misery for us little people.  If you don't believe it, then why don't the 60 Senate elitists that voted for this health care legislative mess subject themselves to the health care reform monster that they created? 

Perhaps we should all pause and consider the opening words of the Declaration of Independence.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The blatant corruption of the Democrook Party impels us to ensure in that in 2010, they be separated from the body politic with all deliberate speed and by any legal means necessary.

Join the 2010 Battle of Bunco Capitol Hill!