Monday, March 5, 2012


As the April 15th tax filing deadline approaches, it is noteworthy that almost half of Americans, including corporate giant General Electric on revenues of $14 Billion, did not pay ANY income tax in 2011. Many of these are freeloaders that live on government support without contributing a red cent to the revenue pool. 

According to

If you use those who are supported by Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)--best described as a federal largess to indigent families with dependent children--as stated by the Dept. of Health the data suggests 1.7% of the total population that derive over 50% of their income from Welfare supports.

The number stated that receive any portion of their support from welfare assistance--including food stamps--it is 29,900,000 or roughly 8% of the total population in the United States.

This breaks down to:

· 39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

· 38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

· 17% Hispanic 5,083,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

The strictest sense of the term though would be those getting income directly from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services which is about 8% of the total population that receives some form of assistance and 1.7% that receive most of their income (50% or more) from these programs.

According to the online Daily Mail a leftist UK publication:

·   151.7million U.S. citizens paid no federal income tax in 2009, according to figures compiled by the Heritage Foundation.

·   In 1984, the middle of the Reagan era, 85 per cent of Americans paid federal income tax, meaning [that] just 34.8million people did not.

·  Another finding by the Heritage Foundation shows that 21.8 per cent of U.S. citizens receive financial assistance from the federal government. This means that 67.3million people - a record high - are "dependent on the federal government", excluding government employees who rely on the public sector for their salaries.

If you believe what Liberals claim about their self-righteous pursuit of tax revenue from the "wealthy" then one must wonder why legal tax havens like a Private Family Foundation's earnings aren't taxed at all. This is a tax planning device cleverly used by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. They are two high profile liberals that are taking advantage of a tax advantage that primarily benefit the wealthy.

Where's the outrage? Where are the "99%'s" that should be occupying the Microsoft business premises? Why aren't they in Omaha in front of the Oracle of Omaha's mansion? The answer is selective morality. Leftists as a rule are hypocritical when it comes to moral issues. If one of their darlings has a moral failing such as prostitute patron Eliot Spitzer or Dan Rather--even if he unknowingly uttered a forgery to influence a Federal election--so what? There are journalism (sic) awards and TV shows to reward such bad behavior.

Freeloading is not limited to any particular socio-economic class. The tempest in a teapot over Rush Limbaugh's alleged "slur" against female law "stoodent" Sandra Fluke is silly. While Limbaugh's criticism may have been less than artful, his point remains; since when are taxpayers responsible for the "entertainment" expenses of a grown woman or man? Fluke claimed that she was having so much sex that she couldn't afford birth control pills. Fluke said that Georgetown law school does not provide contraception coverage in its student health plan and that contraception can cost a woman more than $3,000 during law school. 

The contraception cost issue is a frivolous argument. There are economical birth control alternatives. Condoms are cheap and according to a female friend of mine are given away by many social welfare organizations. Planned Parenthood remains a cheap source of all types of contraception.

By the way Sandy, Georgetown Law is a Catholic Jesuit school. The Catholic Church does not condone birth control or abortion. If you have a problem with that either go to another law school or get a part-time job so you can buy your own pills. I worked my way through a Catholic law school and bought my own condoms. 

Fluke asking a Catholic University to contravene its religious doctrine to provide her with free contraception would be like me going to the Yeshiva University cafeteria and demanding a free pulled pork sandwich. Hey Sandy, when do you take time out from your busy sex life to study law? That is, if you truly are the serious law student that you want us to believe that you are. And what about the man in your life, why doesn't he provide the birth control method? Why is it your sole responsibility?

During my college days, I remember a coworker of mine at a department store where I worked as saying that having sex while using condoms was like taking a shower in a raincoat. Well, guys get over it. Whether it is love, deep like, or even a one night stand, you have a responsibility to your partner to have birth control available. Putting on a condom won't spoil the moment and it’s relatively cheap.

As demanded by the Liberal Fascists, Rush apologized over the weekend. But it’s not done, yet. These modern day Brown Shirts will do anything to drive Rush from the airwaves.  Unable to compete in the arena of ideas, Liberal-Fascists, will resort to outright lies, violence, forgery, vote fraud, or disinformational subterfuge in lieu of reasoned argument to promote their Fascist agenda. The best example of this is the so-called "war on women" by Republicans.  The Democrats can't successfully run on the failed Obama's record of misery. So they resort to a red herring to sell their leader's failed agenda.

But the real story is that Sandy is training to move up in class from activist to Liberal lawyer class action thug. From these bloodsucking freeloaders, I have received a couple of class action “settlements.” The total of the settlements was under $20. For me, here was no dilemma of deciding whether to buy a house, buy a car, or go to Europe. Put together the settlements would have been barely enough to have bought two tickets and small popcorn for the local 10 a.m., Sunday morning matinee at the local movie house.

If you've ever been home sick from work, you'll see these bloodsucking freeloaders heavily advertising during daytime television.  Their target audience are their fellow freeloaders collecting their government transfer payments. Lawyers freeload off the misery of others. What a noble bunch they are always acting in the public good. 

The final group of freeloaders is the unwashed Occupy [fill in the blank] human chancres that are polluting the landscape of the United States. These are shock troops of the Liberal Fascist totalitarian take-over of the United States. They want their student loans forgiven and mortgages paid for by someone else. They decry capitalism but are not above enjoying their i-Pods, smart phones, and other products of Capitalist innovation. We could name more freeloaders but hasn't your day been ruined enough already?  

How about a tax policy where everybody pays something into the tax pool even if it is a token payment? Yeah, that would include Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway investment fund that still owes a billion in back taxes. Do you think that there a quid pro quo between Buffett's advocacy for Obama's "tax the rich" agenda and a favorable settlement of  Berkshire Hathaway's back taxes problem? That would help Buffett's bottom line considerably inasmuch as he derives most all of his income from lower taxed capital gains and not ordinary income.  Would it be too much to ask Foundations to  pay .01 of 1% of their gross value in taxes?