Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Like clockwork, cash-strapped governments everywhere practice their unique form of extortion during budget crunches.  In Cahleeforneeah, (California), Governor Arnold Strudelmaker and the neo-Marxist Democrook legislature are planning to release prisoners pursuant to legislation that they passed as a trailer bill to last year's state budget.  According to one political consultant quoted by the Sacramento Bee,  
"The legislation was based on a lie that the prisons are filled with low-level offenders who pose no real threat to public safety, and that is absolutely not true," said Ray McNally, a political consultant whose client list includes the California Correctional Peace Officers Association and Crime Victims United of California, which is partially funded by the guards' union. "When you release dangerous people, other people get hurt."
Governments always threaten dire consequences during budget crises unless they can raise taxes.  They will claim that old people will be thrown out in the street; children will starve because the schools where they can get a free breakfast (and sometimes lunch) will be closed; we'll be overwhelmed with dirty air and water, we need more money to fight climate change global warming, there's going to be roving bands of violent "utes" preying on law abiding citizens because there are no more cops, blah, blah, and more blah.
On the local level, the "pol cats" are threatening to layoff cops, firefighters, and school teachers unless you pay more taxes.  At the state level they're going to release hardcore criminals onto the street unless you pay more taxes.  At the Federal level, MODO (Master of Disaster, Obama) says the never ending recession could have been worse if he hadn't thrown trillions of dollars at it.  And you will have to pay more taxes

That old Democrap War Horse, the threat of another Great Depression, has been released from the barn.  But the old Boogey Man, Herbert Hoover has been replaced by George W. Bush.  MODO's failures have been masked by his childish tendency to blame others, especially Bush, for his failures and his naïveté.  And yes the Obama Stimulus has been an unqualified failure.

Odumbo and Odumber (Joe Biden) have gone on media rampage claiming that their Stimulus package has been a suck-cess! MODO and Vice President Joe Biden are basically jawboning that the Stimulus has been a success on the one-year anniversary of a plan that was shoved down the throat of US taxpayers by the US Congress via Democratic majorities. 

But the American people seem to be waking up.  One poll shows that almost half of the American people believe that the Stimulus will never create a job.  CNN, ever the Leftist Propaganda Shills allowed the DNC Chair Tim Kaine to extol the virtues of the Stimulus virtually unchallenged.  But anybody with a shot at a three digit IQ believes Kaine.  Even retiring Democrat moderate [sic] Senator Evan Bayh has a take on the suck-cess of MODO's Stimulus package.

Call it what you will--the Big Lie or disinformation (in Russian terminology dezinformatsiya or dezinformatsia), MODO is trying to sell it like the good Afro-Leninist that he is.  A CBS News/New York Times poll last week found that only 6 percent of Americans believed the package had created jobs. Another poll by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation showed a majority opposed the Stimulus program.  But does MODO care about what average Americans think?  Absolutely not.  What Marxist does?   That is unless the individual is big contributor to his or her campaign fund or can deliver votes.

When I worked for a California county several years ago, County employees went for five years without a cost of living raise.  Meanwhile, the County Supervisors and their staffs all got raises every year of the austerity period.  I'm shocked! Shocked that politicians would engage in self dealing!  But politicians always misspend public monies.  Part of the County's financial problems came about because like the morons that they are, they fell into the trap of wanting to run government like a business.  They played venture capitalists by investing in a recycling plant that was a money loser.  They ended up having to sell the plant and the landfills to private industry.  The stupid part of the "business" transction was that the County retained complete legal liability for any hazardous conditions caused by the landfills.  That says a lot about the quality of their lawyers and risk managers along with their business acumen.  In 1999, I wrote some $2 million in purchase orders for computer patches to protect the County's COBOL driven computer system from the Y2K computer bug.  The County "Stupervisors" had ample warning of the problem but they failed to act as they always do and paid a premium for the software patches purchased at the last minute.

We see everything falling apart in this country.  Yet there are some people walking the streets free as birds that are responsible in part for this mess.  Not only that, their ill gotten gains might be  recoverable funds. 

Question: How could a crooked CEO be free after looting a government sponsored enterprise for $90 million dollars through cooked books?
Answer: Be a Liberal Democrat and know that the court system, the media, and the Justice Department legal hack Eric Holder are in the pockets of your fellow leftist crooks. 
The former CEO of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines walks the street a free man with $90 million dollars in bonuses “earned” from cooked books at Fannie Mae.  Fannie Mae as you may recall is at the crux of the mortgage and credit crisis due in large part to the crypto-criminal activities of Barney "Mush Mouth" Frank and Christopher "Countrywide Sweetheart Home Loan" Dodd among other Democrooks. Dumbocrat Congresswoman, Maxine Waters, (D-Imbecile) is featured below telling the world of the “outstanding job” that "Frank" Raines is doing at Fannie Mae.

It was Enron quality corruption for sure. But unlike Raines, CEO and Bush buddy, "Kenny Boy" Lay was later convicted of looting Enron using cooked books. The answer as to why there might be unequal treatment between a Republican crook and a Democrat crook remains unsaid by the Goebbels-like lame stream media.  Let's euphemistically call it "professional courtesy."  For you conspiracy theorists (reluctant or otherwise) there's a lot of Google results claiming that Ken Lay faked his death to avoid jail and then disappeared.  According to Wired Magazine's Evan Ratliff it's tough to disappear.  Ratliff had a $5,000 contest to see if he could disappear but he was "caught" within 30 days.

The extortion racket as practiced by the Mafia and known as La Mano Nera has nothing on these new American corporate-government gangsters.  But you ain't seen nuttin' yet folks!  Just wait until MODO ladles out that Stimulus money to ACORN, SEIU, and his other cronies to either get out or manufacture the vote this fall.  Your tax dollars are at work.  It's called "shovel ready" bullsh*t.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The retirement of Evan Bayh from the Senate is curious.  Bayh cited gridlock as the main reason for his departure.  What gridlock?  With a 255 to 178 majority in the House and a supermajority in the Senate until the recent election of Scott Brown to the seat held by the late Teddy Kennedy, there should have been no problem in easily passing Obama's socialist agenda.  According to the Politico article on Bayh's departure,
Now Bayh finds himself the subject of scorn from Democrats, who accuse him of abandoning his party and his colleagues at a time when they desperately need him to help save their suddenly imperiled majority in the Senate.
Bayh never really fit into the Senate according to the Politico article.  Apparently what did Bayh in was his keynote speech in 1996 at the Democrat National Convention.  It was a yawner and put him in the category of political inertness.  Two years later his pedigree got him the Senate seat that his father Birch Bayh had held. 

Although Bayh twice made it to the short list for a Vice-Presidential nomination he was passed over.  Most recently he lost out to Joe "Plagiarizing Plugs" Biden, who along with former Senator John Warner, are perhaps the dumbest men to have ever served in the US Senate.

The biggest misconception about Bayh is that he's a moderate Democrat.  Democrats include Neo-Marxists (Obama), Stalinists (Hillary Clinton), Eurosocialists (Kerry), and Eco-kooks (Gore).  But there are no moderates in the Donkey party.  The truth is that Bayh voted for every piece of Obama's extreme legislative agenda, which even a rock would intuitively know was Neo-Marxist.  If Bayh was a moderate he certainly never voted that way.

Bayh's website states that he is for "...fiscally responsible health care reform that will not increase the federal deficit or raise taxes in ways that will cost jobs or hurt our national economy."  Yet, he still voted for the unwritten amorphous Senate Healthcare Reform bill.  According to one source, Bayh "hates the Senate (and) hates the left bloggers," said a friend of the senator who has also served as a longtime adviser.  "They are getting their wish (of) pure Democrats in the minority."  I imagine the kooks at the Daily Kos will be having seizures and foaming at the mouth when they hear that.  I also guess that means that there was a de facto party purge of sorts.

But what Bayh's retirement really proves is that America is not like the rest of the world where power is often passed forward solely on the basis of accident of birth.  While at times it may appear that there are familial political dynasties in America, Bayh's departure signals, at least for now, the end of such political dynasties. 

For the first time in years, we have Kennedy-free Congress, there are no Bushes or Clintons in elective office and that's a good thing for America.  Now if we could only have term limits then we could clean House... and the Senate.  Can you imagine a Congress free of Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, McCain, Snowe, Collins, Frank, Rangel, Pelosi,  and Franken?  I wonder if you can.

Monday, February 15, 2010


The plot sickens, the man whose data was the lynchpin of the global warming theory has admitted that the theory is a scam.  Professor Phil Jones former head of University of East Anglia’s (UK) Climatic Research Unit is also refusing Freedom of Information requests to produce data supporting Climate Change né Global Warming. The good Profesor apparently is not a very good recordkeeper and lost critical data.  Usually that's fatal to such occupations as bankers, lawyers, accountants, and especially--scientists.
 Professor Jones seems to have trouble “keeping track” of information and his record keeping is “not as good as it should be.”   Wow, where have we heard that lame lost information excuse before?  Remember the Rose Law Firm billing records that Hillary Clinton couldn't find and how they mysteriously showed up in a White House hallway? 

In Professor Jones' case the paper shredder must have been working OT like Ollie North's paper shredder worked OT during the aftermath of Iran-Contra.  Jones' cohort in crime, Professor Michael Mann, (not to be confused with Director Michael Mann), has thrown Jones under the bus. as you'll hear in this BBC Tonight broadcast. 

Penn State University has been investigating Professor Michael Mann.

This latest scandal undermines the Liberal Fascist plan to take over the economy and the daily lives of everyday people.  This is because it puts "cap and tax" legislation in jeopardy in the United States.  But as we've seen over and over again, the Master of Disaster--Obama (MODO) will press on for "crap and trade" because his puppet master, George Soros wants it.  Soros, as we all know hates the United States.  This little Fascist wants the world to pick the US President.  If you needed another reason to hate liberals hoot, there it is! 

BTW, Al Gore is sticking desperately to his global warming scam.  The jig is up Al, it's time to give back the Nobel Prize and the prize money.  And while you're at it's time to give back the money paid out for those stupid carbon credits. You fraud!


Big Bro' Obama is watching you...

Remember when the Liberals were complaining about the Bush Administration listening in on the phone calls of Americans.  They said that the Bush Administration was abusing the Patriot Act.  From the Patriot Post comes this news story:
The Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia is hearing oral arguments today [Friday] regarding citizens' privacy while using mobile phones. With federally mandated GPS locators built into the hardware of all new cellular phones, police have been tapping mobile phones to find the location of criminals for years, but the laws regarding such tactics are ambiguous and outdated.
The Obama administration has argued that Americans don't enjoy a "reasonable expectation of privacy" when it comes to their whereabouts as revealed by their cell phones, and therefore warrant-less tapping is allowed. Not only that, but lawyers for the U.S. Department of Justice say that "a customer's Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records" showing where calls were placed or received.
According to CNET news, "Those claims have alarmed the ACLU and other civil liberties groups, which have opposed the Justice Department's request and plan to tell the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia that Americans' privacy deserves more protection and judicial oversight than what the administration has proposed."
Kevin Bankston, an Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney who is arguing the case, paints it as "a critical question for privacy in the 21st century," adding, "If the courts do side with the government, that means that everywhere we go, in the real world and online, will be an open book to the government unprotected by the Fourth Amendment."
Well, well, well, now that they are in power they now want to keep an eye on all of us.  This is the same White House bunch that retained all of e-mail addresses of all those that were commenting on ObamaCare so that they could "push back" on misstatements about ObamaCare.  

This is also the same White House bunch that wants to go back to old Fairness Doctrine [sic] because Liberal Fascists don't control the media as they used to do, e.g., when they had their media stooges like Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow pushing Leftist agenda.  They also say that anybody that doesn't agree with them is not patriotic.  The "new" patriotism means that if you don't buy into global warming, ObamaCare, or higher taxes on the "rich" (i.e., anyone with a thriving small business) then you're not patriotic.  Let me be perfectly clear about this, these people are the equivalent of Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler, and Benito Mussolini.

How you might ask? There's ample evidence that Mussolini, Stalin, and the first fascist President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt were part of a mutual admiration society.  My initial opposition to the Patriot Act was based on the potential that in the wrong hands it would used as potential tool of oppression.  

We have met the Fascist Oppressor and he is Obama.

There is no success like failure and failure is no success... (Apologies to Bob Dylan)

Wow!  The Master of Disaster, Obama (MODO) is now going to help select the site for the trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed or "KSM" as he's been dubbed by the Lame Stream Media.  I guess New York City wasn't up to the task of spending über millions of bucks on the trial of KSM.  The most incompetent AG ever, Eric Holder has decided to move the trial elsewhere.  Hey MODO how about picking Chicago?  Or maybe you build a new courthouse--a shovel ready project--with the TARP/Stimulus/2010 Election Slush  funds right next to the Illinois prison where you're going to be holding the terrorists from Gitmo.

Old KSM was ready to meet his maker--Satan--after the oh-so-evil George W. Bush set up those military tribunals to try these enemy combatants.  But the minute that MODO decided that we should treat KSM as if he were a shoplifter, then KSM assumed the position of terrorist shill and recanted his confession.  MODO also thinks that waterboarding is torture.  But we never hear MODO condemn Muslim atrocities like the beheading of Daniel Pearl.  The brutality of the terrorist barbarians, at least in the twisted minds of Liberals, is always justifiable.  Michael Savage is right.  Liberalism is a mental disorder.