Saturday, November 28, 2009

Che Chihuahua Presents Famous Hoaxes in History (Pictures!)

Hi, as the resident rabble rouser on the staff of the Anti-Political Weasel Page I've been thinking about the great hoaxes in the history. I have put together a compendium of what I consider some the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon humankind. If you like it, it might become a regular feature of this blog.

The Piltdown Man/Evolution


Who can ever forget the eagerness of Elitist (read Socialist) Scientists to equate the evolution of man with the ascent (sic) of the exalted Monkey?

Howard Hughes & Clifford Irving

Who can ever forget Clifford Irving's fake autobiography of the elusive Mr. Hughes?

Angry White Men

Who can forget the "Angry White Man" of the 1990s?

The Value of Gold

Yum, yum, I can't wait to experience the taste of gold dubloon soup!


A really dumb economic concept conceived
by two trust fund babies.

Global Warming a.k.a. Climate Change

Over thirty years ago in the pages of Newsweak these same eco-Nazi hucksters were pushing the New Ice Age....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Is Dubai Too Big to Fail?

Is Dubai the same as AIG?  Is it too big to fail?  Should the United Arab Emirates bail out its partner? We'll soon find out when a $60 billion debt default by one of Dubai's state-owned conglomerates shakes out.  The impending default hit hard the stock markets in Asia and Europe.  One would have expected gold to have soared in value.  Instead, according to the Wall Street Journal:

The dollar and the yen roared higher Friday as the fallout from the Dubai debacle continued to resonate through global financial markets. Proving that gold doesn't always benefit during bouts of risk aversion, gold fell 4% along with a decline in crude oil.
Meanwhile, equities markets across Asia fell sharply Friday. Japan's Nikkei 225 Average fell 3.2% to 9081.52, its lowest close since July. In Hong Kong the Hang Seng Index plunged 4.8% or 1075 points to 21134.50, led down by banking stocks. HSBC Holdings shares in Hong Kong fell 7.6% and Standard Chartered shares closed down 8.6% on news the banks were directly exposed to Dubai's debt problems. [NN: Emphasis added.]
US banks although not directly exposed could take a major financial hit according to CNN, "...the ripple effect could be more crippling, according to Richard Bove, a bank analyst with Rochdale Securities."   Bove went on to state,

...the underlying problem is that there is a lot of uncertainty floating around. For example, there's little information available about counterparty derivatives, guarantees that transfer default risk from lenders to other financial institutions. And it's unknown how much of Dubai World's debt guarantee is held by U.S. banks.

Now there is pressure on the United Arab Emirates (read Abu Dhabi) to step in with financial support (read bailout) for Dubai's financial problems.  Are they thinking of the wildly successful US TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) bailout of banks holding bad paper?

Flashback to the looting of US Treasury by the new Wall Street Leftist Robber Barons, the key words of the day were that such companies like AIG holding this bad paper were "too big to fail" and that we were facing the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. 

From the auto industry to state and local governments, everything seems to be falling apart in this country. Yet, there are some people walking the streets free as birds that are responsible in large part for this economic mess.  Bush Treasury Secretary Hank "Shifty" Paulson is probably the greatest flim flam man in the history of the United States. He managed to legally (sic) rob Fort Knox for his Wall Street Left Winger Masters  after others have failed miserably to rob Ft. Knox.  Prominent Wall Street Left Wingers include Robert Rubin, Warren Buffett, Larry Summers, and just anybody that works for Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley.  (So much for the bulls**t about rich Republicans.)

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (ESSA) was initially intended to be the U.S. financial system bailout. It authorized the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to $700 billion to purchase distressed financial assets. The man on the street understood this law as being intended to cover the assets of banks and financial institutions holding bad mortgage-backed securities and to make capital available to those institutions in order to prevent a major depression.

This scam by Shifty Paulson grew from a sketchy three page notes to 110 weasel-worded pages. Meanwhile, fellow flim-flam, ex-Fannie Mae front man, Franklin Raines is laughing his $93 million in bonuses assets off in fancy restaurants in DC. The noted House  imbecile Maxine Waters and the gay pimp Barney Frank covered for corrupt leftists like like Raines.  The Wall Street big boys, (a.k.a., the Masters of the Universe, see the Tom Wolfe novel Bonfire of the Vanities for an explanation of the reference), are also getting some of that government loot. [NN: Note to self: It pays handsomely to have friends in high places. Yeah I know that Liberal dumbells everywhere will say that everybody does it! Yeah but it's still illegal and unethical.] 

Meanwhile, the American taxpayer as always will be left holding the bag and will be rewarded with huge tax increases to cover the cost of corruption. ESSA also included a variety of “buy offs” (similar to earmarks) designed to get a sign-off from individual Congressmen/women for legalized theft of taxpayer money. American taxpayers were told UNLESS THIS WAS DONE IMMEDIATELY THE WHOLE WORLD WIDE FINANCIAL SYSTEM WOULD COLLAPSE!  If things were really that bad why did Slick Hank feelthe need to buy Congressional votes?  Well, 13 months later most of the TARP loot is unspent, Goldman Sachs Execs are getting great bonuses, and unemployment is over 10%.  How's that "Hope and Change" workin' out for you Dumbos that voted for Ovomit?  I hope that the UAE honchos will be smarter than the Brainiac Liberals that are running America.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dr. Konspiracy: Is the Gig Up for the Global Warming Hoax & Conspiracy?

There is a scandal brewing in the Global Warming "scientific community" that has many people's slimy carbon fingerprints all over it.   It seems that the Global Warming (a.k.a., Climate Change)  "scientific" data is "fake" and isn't worth the paper that it's written on.  In 1,079 emails and 72 documents that were hacked from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) e-mail system, we have come to find that there has been collusion and destruction of documents, as well as the intimidation and suppression of contrary views or by boycotting of journals that publish contrary views.  We can see the obvious conspiracy by the Leftist Environmental Movement to use this hoax to impose control over every aspect of our lives. 

The New York Times to its eternal discredit has indicated that it will not publish these 1,079 emails and 72 documents because in their words:
The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won’t be posted here.
Oh really?  What did the New York Times consider The Pentagon Papers?  Weren't they classified documents that weren't intended for public consumption. If memory serves weren't they illegally obtained by theft by Dr. Daniel Ellsberg.  This is an example of the selective morality of the Left.  They will always excuse their pecadillos but never anything, however minor of their enemies real or imagined. Their ire has always been directed to big corporations that are the bane of all good Leftists.

Make no mistake, the Left is as greedy and ruthless as any 19th Century Robber Baron.  For example, Al Gore, the Climate Change Flim Flam Man, is certainly not in need of any more money, got $529.7 million in grant funds to build environmentally friendly cars in Finland of all places!  What about unemployed Americans that need jobs? Well, the ugly truth is that Liberals don't give a damn about the little guy!  Especially if scam income is involved where a Liberal crook is able to invest someone else's money.  In this case it's taxpayer's money that was given to the über scam artist Gore.

Democrats/Liberals/Socialist are always the first ones to yell "hypocrite" at Republicans and Conservatives that do not live up to phony superhuman standards as defined by the Left.  Yet, they are the first ones to make dozens of excuses for their screw-ups and flaws. Take for example this justification entitled, Al Gore: "Carbon Billionaire"? from the This is Diversity v 1.0 blog for the corpulent Gore's ascent to carbon-based wealth while pushing this Global Warming/Climate Change scam:

Conservatives are accusing Gore of profiting off of the very causes he's built his career on since leaving office in 2001. As a partner at a venture capital firm that invests in green energy innovators, Mr. Gore has developed a reputation among his supporters as a man who puts his money [sic] where his mouth is. But when one of those investments stands to receive more than $500 million in a new government grant for developing smart grids, some people see a conflict of interest.

In other words, is Al Gore using the green revolution he helped start to get rich?

If you think this is a new question, think again. People have been speculating about Gore's sincerity for years, and this latest development merely proves that whenever a man of great influence makes a difference, there will always be those who shout "Hypocrite! Sell-out! Liar!" from their rooftops.

Should Gore's wealth be our primary concern here? Why do people care? If his efforts are helping the environment and generating a profit, isn't that a win-win for everyone involved? If he continues to make money by investing in green energy, then others with capital will join him and create more green investment opportunities and jobs that benefit the global economy as well as global ecology. Isn't that a good thing? [DK: In other words, the end justifies the means.]

Remember that old Adolph and boys--(DK: i.e., the National Socialists and purveyors of mass pseudoscience--think Nazi Dr. Mengale's "scientific experiments")--also used the Machiavellian concept of the "the ends justify the means" also sometimes called consequentialism.    But Al Gore shows his hypocrisy in other ways by not walking the walk while allegedly talking the talk.  For example, while exorting others to leave a small carbon footprint Gore ran up a $30,000 electric bill for his mansion.  But Al Gore assuages his environmentalist guilt by living a "carbon neutral" lifestyle by buying carbon credits from a company he owns. This modern equivalent of the indulgences sold by the Catholic Church in the 1500s and leading to the Protestant Reformation. 

And this is the whole point of this Global Warming/Climate Change  hoax and conspiracy--plutocrats like Gore will continue to prosper while you sacrifice and pay higher taxes.  Fortunately, there are consequences including legal action against these fraudmeisters. But as we know with drug cartels and the global warming conspiracy, only the mules will get caught.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

THE KULTURE VULTURE: 'Scuse Me While I Kiss this Guy (Apologies to Jimi Hendrix)

Over 1500 complaints were filed on Monday probably by irate Eastern and Central Time Zone viewers of Sunday's live broadcast of the American Music Awards (AMA) on ABC. The complaints were over Adam Lambert's kiss with a male keyboard player and other homoerotic acts.  The performance came as a "surprise" to ABC because the amorous moments were not part of the rehearsals for the show, more on that below.

ABC also did not expect one of the backup dancers to stick his face in the singer's crotch during the S & M charged performance.  Crotchety viewers of the live broadcast complained heartily. But viewers on the West Coast didn't get exposed to the face-off between Lambert and the male dancer because it was cut out of the tape-delayed broadcast. This is odd inasmuch as there is a large gay population on the West Coast. 

So what was the harm in the multiple displays of "affection" during the Lambert performance?  He did kiss a girl dancer or, at least I think it was a girl. Bipartisan, we're told by our politicians is a good thing.  So why not buy-sexuality? After all, Gays are a huge consumer group with lots of disposable income; at least before the recent recession cum mini-depression.

There seems to be no problem with having dog killers, wife beaters, accused murderers, drug addicts, drug dealers, drunk drivers, and other assorted misfits entertaining broadcast TV sports fans of the National Felons League.  Never mind talking about the wealthy thugs in National Badboys Association. There's all kinds of muck on broadcast TV. 

But maybe it's just as well that we limit the debauchery on broadcast TV. Broadcast TV should show only such highbrow fare as Jerry Springer, Big Brother, or the ever informative TMZ.  The only question that remains in this fiasco is that after the Super Bowl fiasco involving Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction, aka the nipple seen round the world; why wasn't there any video delay technology available for the AMA live broadcast?  Hmmmmm, ya think that ABC is bulls***ing us about their shock at the Lambert performance?  Me thinks that the ABC suits protest too much.