Friday, April 16, 2010

TAX INCREASES ARE TAX CUTS (Apologies to George Orwell)

From ABC News comes this amazing quote from Chairman Obama at a DNC fundraiser where he touted his "tax cuts" and said that the recent Tea Party rallies across the nation have “amused” him.

“You would think they should be saying thank you,” the president said to applause.
The cavalier attitude of Chairman Obama toward the Tea Party movement shows his general arrogance and hostility toward US citizens that peacefully disagree with him.  The peaceful opposition by the Tea Party people is certainly in stark contrast to Barack's BFF, former domestic terrorist and fellow Marxist Bill Ayers.  

     It also shows that Obama will resort to outright misrepresentions to push his Marxist agenda.  Barry, like a typical Marxist is probably engaging in good old fashioned "doublespeak" a term commonly associated with George Orwell.  But then again, most of what Marxists stand for is based upon the lies of an ill-conceived 19th century economic and social philosophy that is in reality a cover for plutocrats.  While not filthy rich, both Marx and Engels didn't have to work for a living as they waxed philosophically.  So don't let the phony Marxist rhetoric about the common man fool you.  The most ardent modern  socialists (read Marxist) are wealthy individuals like George Soros, the Kennedys, and the Rockefellers.  They all are also control-freaks to the nth degree.

    But what's even more bothersome is where Obama pursues actions which appear to be incongruent with each other.  One day he's announcing the end of the Space Shuttle program and hinting that we'll be depending on the Russians to get our astronauts to the international space station.  
The next day Obama's pledging $6 billion to go to Mars.  Huh? Is he suffering from ADD

Former NASA engineer and author Homer Hickam wrote a letter to the astronauts of the Johnson Space Center, in Houston, Texas, telling them that the president's "plan means no more of you are going to fly into space except for maybe a few every year (for a little while) as passengers with the Russians. For those few of you who get to play spam in the can, we taxpayers get to pay through the nose to the tune of fifty million dollars for each seat you occupy."

Ask yourself honestly, (I know it's really tough for hardcore Lib-Commies to be honest)--especially if you're a virulent partisan Democrat--why is it more important that NASA be privitized and that health care be taken over by government?  What has been more successful in helping people,  private technology or the failed government medical systems of Canada, Great Britain, and France?  Hardcore Commies will lie and that's why Obama and his cronie communists must be driven from office.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Tax Man Cometh...

April 15th is here and with it will come all those lame TV news stories about last minute tax filers trying to beat the midnight deadline.  Some of them are even thinking that it's cute to be a part of a news story. 

     One year, I saw a young man doing his taxes in the lobby of the local Post Office at 8:45 p.m.  The post office was scheduled to close at 9:00 p.m.  He was frantic, like most procrastinators are when they're up against a deadline.  This is where many people screw-up and either delay their refunds, omit critical information or forget to sign their tax return.

     I'm wondering if gravel-voiced Charlie Rangel or little Timmy Geithner are sweating their taxes. Probably not. Democrats never worry about their taxes. Nor do they ever suffer consequences from not filing them either or committing outright tax fraud.  But you TEA Party domestic terrorists had better file yours or else you'll find out how hard Eric Holder's AUSAs come after you.   KSM will get more legal rights than you will--and he masterminded the murder of 3,000 innocent American citizens

     I hope that you all will take a moment to take the People's Poll about government spending.  Remember this day also when you step into the voting booth and use you vote to boot the free spending America haters and indolent human chancres out of power.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Incompetence thy name is Obama

I don't know about you, but I'm really concerned for the well being of my country. The Lap Dog Media has declared Obama's nuclear summit an unqualified success. But the only thing that came out of the summit was to agree to meet again. I guess this is like the old Soviet propaganda that claimed that the Russians invented cars, the telephone, submarines, etc., ad nauseum.

A compliant unquestioning media should always be highly suspect. But these stooges have probably been promised an honored and privileged place in the future Obama's People's Republic of Amerika. Good luck because many of these dupes will eventually reside in Gitmo as subjects for re-education in the principles [sic] of Obama's Amerika. They realize all too late that they have been fooled by their personal greed and narcissism. But then they are only emulating Obama who like many Baby Boomers are the most self-centered and destructive people ever to walk the face Earth.

But how would the press have known about what Obama really "accomplished" at the summit? They weren't even there as Dana Milbank of the Washington Post wrote today. Milbank's column opened, "World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama's Nuclear Security Summit must have felt for a moment that they had instead been transported to Soviet-era Moscow." He further described the scene in Washington D.C., as resembling "a military encampment, with camo-wearing military police in Humvees and enough Army vehicles to make it look like a May Day parade on New York Avenue."

Yes, it's just like the only knowledge that we have of Obama's reputed intelligence is from his two autobiographies. The unwillingness of these media stooges to examine ANY of Obama's sealed school and birth records is scary. But none of the Dana Milbanks of the media are unwilling to reveal any "state secrets" because the agenda of Obama is the same as the media stooges--or at least as these coffee house communists may have dreamed about while in college at their Ivy League Skools. Now they seem a bit uncomfortable with their Frankenstein creation.

Unfortunately, the rest of us have to live with this incompetence of this [Mis] Administration. Doesn't it make you sick that the people are presiding over the decline of this once mighty nation are the ones that have benefited the most from this greatest nation on Earth. If there was ever a need for the impeachment process it is NOW!!