Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The scam also known as climate change is a hoax. No one seemed to learn anything from the East Anglia scandal in which e-mails were hacked and showed that much the climate data was manipulated to get a desired result. See http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/6679082/Climate-change-this-is-the-worst-scientific-scandal-of-our-generation.html.

 Let's get this straight. Climate change is the latest iteration of the original new ice age prediction in a 1975 Newsweek article of an oncoming new "Ice Age". Time Magazine joined the scam with several covers ballyhooing oncoming ice age.

 The "Wired Magazine" article cited below comes from a magazine group, Condé Nast, which is in the tank for the entire Obama agenda, including "climate change". The author cites UN data to bolster his weak argument. The UN is on record as wanting to impose a so-called carbon tax upon the world, which renders them with a severe conflict of interest. See http://www.wired.com/2016/01/please-stop-saying-humans-arent-causing-climate-change/?mbid=nl_12616.

 Soon after the East Anglia scandal broke, flim flam man Al Gore closed down his Carbon Credit Exchange, in what we would call in the law consciousness of guilt. See http://www.nationalreview.com/planet-gore/252703/rip-al-gores-chicago-climate-exchange-has-died-greg-pollowitz. Ten years ago, Gore predicted that the Earth would be cooked. It looks like he's wrong. See: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2006/01/27/algore_we_have_ten_years_left_before_earth_cooks/.

Here are some things to consider about the Climate Change scam:

¶    Carbon credits are the new way for the wealthy elite to make money at your expense. Make no mistake, the wealthy elite resent the fact that middle income people muscled into their Cosa Nostra, the stock market, with their 401(k) s. Elites are elites for a reason. See http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/01/obama-wins-another-battle-in-his-war-on-coal.html.

 ¶     It's all about control with these elitist control freaks. They want to control where you live, where and how much you drive. If they have their way, you won't have any more 4th of July BBQs because of "carbon footprint" concerns and the fact that patriotism will a thing of the past. Obama is currently conducting his war on coal and driving up the price of electricity for the average person. See http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/01/obama-wins-another-battle-in-his-war-on-coal.html.

 ¶      It's all about redistributing wealth, but not the wealth of the elites. You, the middle income citizen will carbon taxed into a controlled subsistence lifestyle with a UN carbon tax. Here's a list of such proposed taxes: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/07/07/here-is-a-list-of-global-taxes-proposed-by-the-united-nations-last-week/.

  ¶     Humans exhale carbon dioxide all of the time, which plants love and in a symbiotic relationship produces oxygen when they "exhale". Can you imagine some Liberal Fascist tyrant jailing people because their carbon footprint is criminal? What a nifty way to control dissent and save the Earth.

 ¶      If the situation is dire why are they indoctrinating the public rather than acting on a clear and present danger? Maybe they have no basis for their scam to justify a wholesale transformation of our society.

 The freedom and liberty that you save may be your own. Oppose climate change. Think about it.