Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Death is big business in the United States.  But this post is not about the American funeral industry, which is a legitimate and necessary industry.  This is about Planned Parenthood.  They are in the business of state-sanctioned genocide. Ever since Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) "legitimized" abortion, over 50 million unborn children have been slaughtered.  Some have been slaughtered using one the most vile methods--partial birth abortion--that is reminiscent of the human experiments by the "Angel of Death"--the Nazi Dr. Josef Mengale.

Proposed new McDeath-style signage for Planned Parenthood.  Illustration by N. Nafta
The Republican controlled House of Representatives recently voted to defund Federal funding for Genocide Inc., also known as Planned Parenthood.  The Wikipedia entry for Planned Parenthood reads more like a public relations press release than an accurate, comprehensive history of Genocide Inc.  

Should s/he be aborted if s/he is a racist?
     There are those that believe  that Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger was a racist.  One of my Black friends also sincerely believe that abortion was legalized by the Supreme Court in the hope that minorities would self-exterminate themselves out of existence. If this is true, then it would have been a sort of "benign" final solution by the true racists, the Liberal-Fascists of the mid-20th century.  Here's an item for Black History Month. According to the Margaret Sanger Papers research project by the New York University, History Department:
The Negro Project, instigated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, was one of the first major undertakings of the new Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA), the product of a merger between the American Birth Control League and Sanger's Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, and one of the more controversial campaigns of the birth control movement. Developed by white birth control reformers, who consulted with African-Americans for help in promoting the project only well after its inception, the Negro Project and associated campaigns were, nevertheless, widely supported by such black leaders as Mary McLeod Bethune, W. E. B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism. [Emphasis added.]
It would seem however, that Sanger was more interested in eugenics than in being a foremother of the National Socialist Party head honcho, Adolph Hitler, the Master Racist.  But the racism in Sanger's Black Project is implicit and insidious.  It's the old "doing something bad while making it look like a good thing" schtick.

     But the modern party line from Planned Parenthood is that they are primarily interested in women's health issues.  Never mind that they concentrate on, and make most of their revenue from abortions.  Apart from the moral/ethical implications of legalized abortion and answering the bio-ethical question of when life begins, (notwithstanding any reference to our pay grades); the real hot button issue here is whether American taxpayers should fund state-sanctioned genocide.  (Psst: The correct answer is NO!

     Even without Federal funding, Planned Parenthood would not be left out the financial cold.  They could always seek deductible charitable contributions from its wealthy Liberal supporters.  Although, the charitable contribution deduction is an indirect taxpayer subsidy, it is certainly a more palatable one than the current direct subsidy by the U.S. government.  (NN Note: Obama wants to eliminate the charitable deduction.)

     What offends many people about abortion is that some women use it as another form of birth control. The most common justification for abortion is that it is more convenient to abort a pregnancy than to screw-up a career or one's other lifetime plans.  Since 1973, when Roe v. Wade was decided, birth control medical technology has advanced to the point where--except rape or incest--there really no excuse for involuntarily or carelessly getting pregnant.

     Here are 12 methods for avoiding pregnancy including the oft-ridiculed abstinence choice.  These methods are in no particular order of preference or endorsement:
  1. Male Condom
  2. Female Condom
  3. Diaphragm (used with spermicidal gel or cream)
  4. Cap (used with spermicidal gel or cream)
  5. Sponge (infused with spermicidal gel or cream)
  6. Spermicidal [creams, gels or pessaries (dissolvable tablets)]
  7. The IUCD or coil
  8. Natural Family Planning (a.k.a., the Rhythm Method, possibly reliable with a Persona device that check temperature and hormonal levels, but somewhat similar to the No. 9 Baby Roulette method below.)
  9. The Withdrawal Method (Baby Roulette)
  10. Sterilization (Men or Women can do this)
  11. The Pill (Hormonally based and highly effective, but if taken for a long period of time, the body becomes convinced that you do not want to be pregnant.  This is frustrating for couples that have decided that they want a baby as their biological time clock relentlessly ticks away.)
  12. Abstinence (100% effective but thumbed at by Liberal-Fascists as "spoiling" the party for women.)

 All of these choices are readily available from Planned Parenthood, free clinics, and most medical doctors.  As an aside, a man acts irresponsibly when he fails to use any contraception when the woman has not taken precautions in that regard.  If you play, you eventually pay one way or another.  But it not the purpose of this blog entry to dictate the private sexual conduct of people, except when it involves the protection of the most defenseless lives in our society.

     The Sociopath-in-Chief, President Obama, has said the he would not want his daughters to be punished with an unwanted baby.  But if we attempt to follow the President's twisted logic; such a pregnancy would be a "mistake" that we could simply abort and throw away in a medical waste bin.  No wonder the Sociopath-in-Chief never finds himself above his moral and ethical pay grade.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


As expected, the protest by the school teachers in Madison, Wisconsin is devolving into a moral morass.  There are reports and videos of Doctors providing false medical excuses for striking teachers' absence from the classroom.  Apart from the obvious fraud being perpetrated by BOTH the doctors and the teachers against taxpayers; this also sets a poor example for the students that they claim to care so much for. All of the Democrat legislators are hiding at a Best Western Hotel in Illinois hold up like cockroaches in a darkened cupboard.  Their sorry excuse for their absence is that they want to "slow down" the process.  Not so; they simply don't want to lose an embarrassing vote to the Republicans that will offend their public employee union creditors.  

     As an aside, House Democrats in Indiana have taken a page from the Wisconsin Weasels and are fleeing over the state line from a vote on legislation to curtail the power of public employee unions.  They are using the same cowardly tactics as their Wisconsin brethren to act in favor of their special interest group against the interests of taxpayers.  After all, didn't the public employees' unions contribute boatloads of campaign cash to the best Democrat legislators that money could buy?   

* * * * *

But let's digress back to the poor children. Lyrics from the Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young song Teach Your Children once implored idealistic, young Baby Boomers to:
Teach your children well
Their father's hell did slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picks the one you'll know by [sic]
It's a safe guess that many of these striking teachers are also Baby Boomers.  Many young talented teachers are let go during times of budget crises while older incompetent Baby Boomer teacher hacks are retained.  These generational defectives hold on to their teaching  jobs because of the antiquated concept of teacher tenure.  This sadly, is to the  detriment of education.  Why not try competence and merit instead as to employment decisions?

     So what sterling "virtues" are the formerly idealistic Boomer pedagogue  hacks teaching the children?  Check out the Baby Boomer Seven Deadly Virtues listed below:
  1. Indolence: Webster's Online Dictionary defines indolence as idleness, laziness, inertia, shiftlessness, or sloth.  Teachers have openly refused to go back to work even though they proclaim, as they beat the chests in self-righteousness, that they are doing it "for the children."  To paraphrase an old saying, "Citing concern for children's welfare, like proclaiming one's patriotism, is the last refuge of scoundrels." 
  2. Dishonesty: Doctors have taken the Hippocratic Oath to first "do no harm."  But by giving false cover to these thugs, these so-called healers have compromised the integrity of medicine by providing phony medical excuses.  Would you have any faith in a doctor that abused his license to practice medicine in order to advance a dubious political agenda?  How do you feel about the con-artist teachers that use these false medical excuses to collect sick pay?  This bad behavior also undermines the moral authority of any teacher anywhere   seeking to discipline a kid for cheating on test--doesn't it?   
  3. Incivility: Webster's Online Dictionary defines incivility as the quality or state of being uncivil or a rude or discourteous act.  Look at the signs carried by the striking teachers comparing Governor Walker to Hitler and Hosni Mubarak. One wonders what happened to the civility that the Hypocrite-in-Chief called for in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings last month? Perhaps we should call Obama the Hypocrite-in-Chief instead.
  4. Greed:  Suffice it to say that when a freeloader tries to get someone else to pay the entire freight for what the freeloader wants and desires, then "Houston, we've got a problem."  How dare these teacher-freeloaders demand that taxpayers pay the entire cost for their medical care and retirement pensions!  These freeloading teachers not only want a free lunch, but a free breakfast, dinner, and a midnight snack too!
  5. Cowardice:  Just look at the runaway legislators in Wisconsin and now apparently Indiana.  Balless wonders, including the  Liberal-Fascist women legislators.  Oh, and as a post script to the dishonesty "virtue" above, these cowardly legislators are probably using state credit cards and Per Diem payments to fund their AWOL status.
  6. Uncleanliness:  Many of the protesters look like they haven't seen the business side of a bar of soap in weeks. Dirty beanies and clothes are the uniform of the "Days of Rage" for the 1960s throwback protesters.  Don't you just hate people that try to relive their wasted immature youth?
  7. Thuggery: Many of these protesters aren't Wisconsin public employees.  They don't have as our esteemed man child Presidunce would say "Any skin in the game."  They are part of the rent-a thug bunch that are also a part of the Hypocrite-in-Chief's SS-like  Organizing America branch of his political machine.  The busing in of Obama's union and campaign thugs are reminiscent of the unpopular 1970s school busing remedy that happened in the very intolerant, Liberal, and very segregated Boston, Massachusetts school system. 
* * * * *

Election results don't seem to matter anymore unless you're Presidunce Obama saying to Republicans in 2009, "We won and you lost."  (Read, "Get lost Republicans.  We don't want any of your input.)  Let us pray that the Liberal-Fascist Baby Boomer generation of politicians are soundly defeated.  To paraphrase Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes' comment in Buck v. Bell, "One generation of Liberal-Fascist Baby Boomer political imbeciles is enough."