Saturday, November 28, 2009

Che Chihuahua Presents Famous Hoaxes in History (Pictures!)

Hi, as the resident rabble rouser on the staff of the Anti-Political Weasel Page I've been thinking about the great hoaxes in the history. I have put together a compendium of what I consider some the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon humankind. If you like it, it might become a regular feature of this blog.

The Piltdown Man/Evolution


Who can ever forget the eagerness of Elitist (read Socialist) Scientists to equate the evolution of man with the ascent (sic) of the exalted Monkey?

Howard Hughes & Clifford Irving

Who can ever forget Clifford Irving's fake autobiography of the elusive Mr. Hughes?

Angry White Men

Who can forget the "Angry White Man" of the 1990s?

The Value of Gold

Yum, yum, I can't wait to experience the taste of gold dubloon soup!


A really dumb economic concept conceived
by two trust fund babies.

Global Warming a.k.a. Climate Change

Over thirty years ago in the pages of Newsweak these same eco-Nazi hucksters were pushing the New Ice Age....

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the piltdown evolution pic. LOL Finally some people with brains are fighting back!

