Monday, September 7, 2009

Short Takes: Michael Moore, Van Jones, B. H. Obama, and Michael Savage

OLD NEWS FLASH: Fat Cat Moore declares Capitalism to be “Evil”!  Yawn, Ho Hum.

The latest Michael Moore movie, "Capitalism: A Love Story," premiered at the Venice film festival Sunday. The movie's theme is that capitalism benefits the rich and condemns millions to poverty. Moore was quoted in a Reuters news story about the upcoming propamentary as saying:

Democracy is not a spectator sport, it's a participatory event," he told a news conference. "If we don't participate in it, it ceases to be a democracy. So Obama will rise or fall based not so much on what he does but on what we do to support him.

Moore though has done quite well for himself by capitalism according to the 2005 book Do as I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy by Peter Schweizer. At one point, Moore and his wife’s foundation held more than $280,000 in corporate stock and nearly $100,000 in corporate bonds.

According to Schweizer, Moore has also at various times owned stock in Big Pharma, Big Oil, and yes, even the evil Halliburton. One might say Moore in his own way has been an enabler for big bad capitalism. The better word is hypocrite. By the way, have you noticed that foundations are the last refuge of scoundrels or Liberal plutocrats like Warren Buffett? The common thread among many of these super wealthy indivduals is to have the government tax you even more. Despite the super wealth of many of these Liberal moral paragons, most are only philanthropists with other people's money.

Van Jones--Adios!

The resignation of "Green Czar" Van Jones, on Saturday is a welcome departure. Given the man's public statements which were overtly racist at best and downright nutty at worst, we should applaud the fact that precious tax dollars will no longer fund this fountain of hate speech. But Jones is the product of a system that bends over backwards to extend hyper-free speech rights to leftist radicals.

In nearly every American university, there are ethnic, racial, and women's studies departments that are often run and staffed by non-academically trained community activists or ex-militant group members. These so-called "professors" spread hate and discontent without providing a meaningful academic experience. In the early 1970s, one Chicano Studies class at a California State Univerisity that I attended was a campus joke because the course was a guaranteed easy "A" with little or no work required. (Those were your tax dollars "hard" at work folks.)

But these academic abuses are not limited to marginal academic departments alone.  In one class, my poetry professor called Sarah Palin "white trash" shortly after pontificating for ten minutes about the racism visited against Gypsies.  Another professor in the Telecommunications department at the same school described George Bush and Dick Cheney as "Nazi #1 and Nazi #2" during a lecture on recording techniques. The professor made the comment during a discussion of open microphones and potentially embarrassing situations that could happen. The "teachable moment" concerned the incident during the 2000 Presidential Election in which unflattering comments by Bush and Cheney about a New York Times reporter were overheard via open microphone by the crowd.

Personally, I've had grades lowered in a several of my college classes because my political viewpoint differed greatly from the Leftist professor.  (You'd think that I'd have learned to write like a Marxist drone to get a better grade in order to get into a bigtime Ivy League Law School.) Most of these abuses of power occurred even though I was doing "A" work at the time.  The bottom line is that students are often academically bludgeoned into Leftist viewpoints.  Universities often simulate an ultra-modern chic Chi-Com reeducation camp with the warmth of Soviet gulag.

If there was ever a need for a "Fairness Doctrine" it's in the universities and colleges in the United States.

Television Show Fall Preview: The "Barry O" Cult of Personality Show!
The "Barry O Show" debuts tomorrow at a Teacher's Union infested school near you.  Despite the protests from parents across the nation the show will go on.  The content of Barry O's Show is no longer in dispute since the "Kids Help Obama!" lesson plan from the US Department of Education was eliminated. (Hmm, since when does the Federal Government" provide lesson plan content for local screwells)?  The only problem will be Obama apparatchiks disguised as teachers providing the color commentary on Barry O speech.  They're likely to spout the party line for Barry O and cultivate Obama's cult of personality. The picture to the left depicts children thanking Stalin for a great childhood.  Sound Familiar?

Savage is Still on British PNG list! Why won't the US Department of State stand by a US Citizen?

The biggest mystery to date is why Michael Savage remains on the UK persona non grata list populated by murderers, thugs, and bigots.  While Savage is outspoken who isn't these days?  Some third grade teachers are rabid advocates for Obama and will often resort to physical violence when their rhetoric fails them (and it often does because most of them are not smarter than a 5th grader).

It's already been revealed via British government e-mails stating that Savage was put on the list to counterbalance the disporportionate representation of Muslims on the list.  Even though Home Secretary Jacqui Smith resigned based upon her incompetence and malevolence in putting Savage on the list, Savage is still battling to be removed from it.  A good guess is that the the Obama Administration via some State Department apparatchik is involved in this one.  This is also probably why the State Department has done little or nothing. The inclusion of Savage on this list is stupid. Take a look at the list and see if Savage belongs there.  Only an mentally ill idiot that believes that the Daily Kos is an example of rational and truthful thinking would agree with the list.

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