Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Gang that Couldn't (or Wouldn't ) Shoot Straight or Don't they have people to research these things?

In a speech to the Polish people, former US president Jimmy Carter attempted to express his affection for the Polish people in the Polish language.  Unfortunately, for Carter he said instead that he "lusted after" them.  This was not the only time Carter expressed his lusty inner thoughts.  As you might recall, there was the infamous Playboy interview in which Carter, in an off the cuff remark (but not off the record), admitted to two Playboy freelance writers that he had "looked on a lot of women with lust" and had "committed adultery in my heart many times."  It makes you wonder if these guys have competent people to research this stuff and advise the President or the Presidential candidate as to how to handle a sticky situation?

Gaffes are an integral part of political life.  But how the gaffe is portrayed by the Lame Stream Media and others in media often depends upon the political persuation of the gaffer.  Sometimes stuff happens that one may not have any control over.  Remember when George H.W. Bush threw-up on the Japanese Prime Minister?  This was parodied on Saturday Night Live and was the subject of comedians everywhere.  Bush's son, "W" was treated by the media as the King of Gaffes, e.g., the New York Times asked in a snarky way how George W. Bush would handle a State Dinner with the Queen of England. 

Of course the Lame Stream Media, e.g., Time Magazine, protects Lefties. Time was full of excuses when Michelle "Antoinette" Obama touched the Queen of England, which is verboten under royal protocol.  Well sorry, Time, but there is no excuse for the FLOTUS's familiarity with the Queen because it's the Queen's House and it's her rules.  You always respect someone else's house rules.  And no, Michelle Antoinette, you are not at liberty to make up your own rules of conduct in someone else's house.

In a related article, Time in cataloging Obama's gaffes also made very sure to to do some damage control.  For example, when Obama cracked a joke at the expense of Special Olympians about his bowling game with Jay Leno on national television, Time, made sure to cover Obama's posterior:

Obama called Special Olympics Chair Tim Shriver from Air Force One before his Leno interview even aired to apologize for the off-color joke. Shriver told ABC's Good Morning America the following day that the president "expressed his disappointment and he apologized, in a way that was very moving."
(Wow, just thank about it Doofus, you cain say the meanest gawldurn thangs, but if ya apologize real purty, all is fergivin.)  Tim Shriver, by the way, is the son of Sargent Shriver, 1972 Democrat candidate for Vice-President.  So I would expect a good (sic) Democrat like Shriver in that circumstance to cover Obama's backside.

The rest of Obama's gaffes that are cataloged by Time are mostly described in terms that either minimize them or are simply ad hominem attacks on people like "Joe the Plumber" to draw attention away from Obama's ineptitude.  Another example is the cheesy DVD collection given to British PM Gordon Brown that was recast by Time to state that "Obama allegedly gave Brown a 'special collector's box' of 25 classic American DVDs...[Emphasis added.]  Allegedly gave?  Bolshevik!  Obama probably sent Joe Biden to the local DC Walmart to pick up a gift.  Obama mistakenly thought that not even Biden could screw-up this simple errand.  But it could have been worse, Obama could have ended giving PM Brown an Obama Chia Pet and a case of those little car deodorant trees for the PM's Rolls Royce Limo.

The recent flap over Obama bow and handshake with Japanese Emperor Akihito has also brought some controversy.  Acording to one New York Times blogger the real breach of protocol was to shake hands and bow at the same time (i.e., he should have picked one or the other actions to do).  The blogger, David Sanger, also pointed that George Bush 41 bowed before the casket of the deceased Japanese Emperor and was criticized by some pundits for doing so.  It was the correct thing for Bush 41 to have done.  On the other hand, Obama didn't know what to do.  This begs the question as to whether Obama has anybody competent enough to research this stuff?  Probably no more than he has anyone to competently advise him on the economy, health care, or trying terrorists in the United States.

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