Monday, November 9, 2009

"Ich bin beschäftigt!" – (i.e., I'm busy!)*

The Man Child Obama has declined to go to Germany to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Some cynics might suggest that Obama was still holding a grudge over the opposition of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Obama giving his foreign policy coming out speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate while he was the de facto candidate of the Democrat Party. 

Obama later gave his July 24, 2008 speech in front of the Victory Column** in Berlin. That Obama might be so petty and childish as to hold such a grudge should come as no surprise to anyone with normal powers of observation or older than 14 years old. Had he elected to attend the Berlin Wall ceremony he would have spoken in front of the Brandenburg Gate as the President of the United States and not some wet behind the ears junior Senator from Illinois.

Obama claims that he is "too busy" to go to the Berlin Wall anniversary. One has to wonder busy doing what?  Between dithering for months about how many troops to send to Afghanistan, running up huge deficits, shooting his mouth off wrongly about a Cambridge cop, shooting hoops with cronies, running off to Copenhagen to be an Olympic pitchman, eating $100 a pound Kobe beef, going on dates with Michelle Antoinette, and working with his teleprompter; he can't seem to find time to be President. 

He has yielded the lead on the Healthcare issue to the feckless Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker "Nazi" Pelosi. Yet like a petulant child at the dinner table he slams his dish down demanding that the health care legislation be passed immediately! He continually apologizes to the world for America's sins like a smarmy management trainee sycophant looking for approval from a jerk boss. Obama also seeks approval from vile human chancres like Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega. That's leadership?  I recently saw a bumpersticker that said OBAMA - One Big Ass Mistake America. That about says it all.

*     See Rich Lowry's article, Behind Obama's Berlin Wall Snub, Real Clear Politics.
**   NN: The Victory Column is a major tourist attraction in the city of Berlin. It was erected in 1873 to commemorate the Prussian military victory over the Danish in 1864.

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