Monday, February 1, 2010

Man of Inaction

Oh Boy, the President of the United States is truly a Man of Action and is really on the ball!  Now he’s gonna tackle the Bowl Championship Series.  This issue is more important than the fact that we have 10% unemployment (18% if you include the ones that have stopped looking for work). We’ve got the Communist Chinese threatening us with dire consequences if we sell weapons to the Taiwanese. Iran is going to spring a surprise on the world on February 11th! We've still got two foreign wars and an ongoing war against terror, er, we mean police action against man caused disasters.  But if what is most important to Obumbler is a playoff system for college football, then most Americans would probably agree with Coach Jim Mora who once said, “Playoffs! Playoffs!? Don’t talk to me about playoffs!”   In fairness, this stupid issue was provided by Orrin Hatch, the Republican Senator from Utah.

* * * * *

Obama’s immaturity and incompetence is beginning to cause irreparable harm to this nation.  His responses to the nation's numerous crises are to: (1) Throw fiat money at the problems overinflating the debt beyond any imaginable financial obesity and (2) Blame Bush.  Bush is gone and as of 10:46 AM, February 1, 2010 each citizen's share of this debt is $39,931.07.  Obama's contribution to deficit is not calculated--although he's served a year in office.  However in October 2009, it became official that Obama's budget set the record for deficit spending.  According to the USA Today:
The deficit for fiscal year 2009, which ended Sept. 30, came in at a record $1.42 trillion, more than triple the record set just last year.

In addition, future deficits are currently projected to total $9.1 trillion in the coming decade.
While Obama childishly points an accusing finger at Bush, three fingers point back to him.  Leading [sic] Democrats aren't helping him any by calling on the Administration [sic] to spend our way out the current recession.  With the release of Obama's new budget of over $3.83T in spending we know that this guy governs as he lived--beyond his means.  Liberal-Fascists have the "Marie Antoinette" attitude toward the poor.  Michelle "Antoinette" Obama, however, takes the cake by showing up to a Food Bank event for the poor wearing, as OJ Simpson might say, "ugly-ass" $500+ Lanvin sneakers.   Meanwhile, the "Emperor Jones" Obama smacks his lips while wolfing down $100 per lb. Kobe beef on the taxpayers' dime as unemployed Americans go hungry.

It is time to seriously consider Obama's impeachment.  Now we all know that there is no specific Constitutional basis for impeachment based solely upon sheer incompetence. If there were such a basis, Jimmy Carter would have never served a four year term.  Warren G. Harding would have been gone after the Teapot Dome scandal.  Bill "the Perjurer" Clinton would have been gone before the "spinich dip" had dried on Monica Lewinsky's little blue dress.  So, if you shake a tree hard enough, you might find that wherever there is a Chicago politican there is corruption.  Maybe the bribery of the Senators of Nebraska and Louisiana might be just the ticket to impeach the Kenyan Usurper.

Obama is an abuser of power to the nth degree. Abuse of power is always sound ground to bring an errant President to justice. 

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