Friday, April 9, 2010

AMERICAN INDOLENT (Doesn't Obama have enough work to do?)

You can't escape this guy Obama. He’s always on TV—the Super Bowl, MLB, The Final Four, and now American Idol (AI). It’s as if the CSI franchise expanded to CSI - Ysleta, Texas or Law & Order put out a new show, Law & Order—Flashers Special Unit. I wish this guy would jump the political shark and do some work. He seems to have an excuse to do anything but his job.

The AI show that Obama will be on is the show in which AI "gives back" (a term I wish would die along with "I want to make a difference") and donates megabucks to charities and causes.  It's the old "goodness by association" aura that Obama is seeking via his appearance on AI.  Unfortunately for Obama, not even standing next to Mother Teresa would help him.  Besides, Obama was never a generous person.  His charitable contribution only went up when he started running for President and the book royalties (laundered and disguised campaign contributions?) started rolling inAccording to the New York Times some of the largest contributions went to Trinity United Church of Christ.  Its then pastor, Jeremiah Wright, was the author several inflammatory racist and anti-American statements. Obama sweated that one out even throwing Reverend Wright under the bus until after his inauguration.

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As an aside, when it comes to going to church, Obama's excuse for not going is that he and Michelle would be too much of a distraction to the other churchgoers. So he says this is why he hasn’t found a church in Dee Cee to attend. BS, the guy would rather shoots hoops on Sunday morning than to go to church. Why not be honest about it?  A lot of us backsliders—me included—have skipped out on church more than a few times.  So what's the big deal?

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The talent pool on AI is average this year, and putting Obama on AI won't really help things. Besides the "goodness by association" trick, another reason that Obama is going on AI is to divert attention from the intense anger seething from America over his underhanded health care plan. Today one of the poster children for Political Weasels everywhere—Bart Stupak—announced his retirement todayfrom Congress. Apparently Rep. Stupak doesn't have the "you-know-whats" to face angry voters.  They're somewhat upset over his about face in supporting ObamaCare after thumping his concave chest that he would NOT support it. The only association Americans are making is that we have politicians that don't respect the American voters' wishes. It's a good thing for Obama that AI voters won't be voting on his performance Tuesday night.

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