Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's baaack...Hitler's racist paradigm!

Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, but I took some time off to undergo some emergency dental surgery and to partially fulfill Cahleeforniah's mandatory continuing legal education requirements to keep my license.  The seminar I took was about 8 USC §1326 cases.  These are cases that involve the deportation or exclusion of non-resident aliens.  The seminar was given by Scam Diego's local Federal Defenders, the Federal public defender group funded by us, the 50% of us taxpayers that actually pay taxes.  I also had a nice lunch at our expense and didn't pay a dime (out of pocket) for the excellent program.  BTW, the Perrier water was splendid.

I also found out that by virtue of my membership in U.S. District Court - Southern District - California bar that I can get a $500 course in legal writing for "free" also at our expense!   The course is excellent. I know because I paid $385 several years ago to take it.  Bryan Garner is an excellent instructor as well as the editor of Black's Law Dictionary.  The only downside of that experience was a rude waiter at the Omni Hotel where the seminar was held.  I was served throughout the lunch by a busboy.  No offense to the busboy, but he touched dirty dishes and then served me my food!  The snooty waiter was only nice to me when he presented the bill for an expensive hamburger and iced tea.  I don't get upset at rudeness as much these days because rudeness is so common now.  But it is not the fault of the the present generation.  Ignorance of manners is the fault of a generation of wastrels also known as the "Baby Boomers" (read Baby Bummers), strong emphasis on the "Baby" part, inasmuch as many Bummers are still grossly immature as the enter into old age. 

Baby Boomers were rule breakers.  They burped and farted with impunity, but never in front of a black person, especially a Black Panther.  Baby Boomers drank booze and smoked dope with impunity.  They destroyed the educational system so thoroughly that educational bonds on the ballot now have a only 50/50 chance of passing.  This is why kids have to pay high college tuition.  In Cahleeforniah, higher education used to be free up until the early 1970s.  That is it was free before the so-called student protests in the 1960s. As a kid I remember education bonds passing with a 90%+ margin. The only "no" votes came from cranky curmudgeons that didn't have any kids. 

Baby Boomers ranted in the 1960s and 1970s about getting a "relevant" education.  In response, college administrators indulged indolent Baby Boomer college students.  As a result Bummers received a crappy college education. They no longer had to take courses like actual mathematics, literature, or humanities.  But they loaded up on political science and ethnic studies courses.  At Scam Diego State, where I went to undergrad school in the 1960s and 1970s; there was a Chicano studies course where it was rumored that everybody that was admitted to the class got an "A" without much academic strain.  In law school, I remember people with 66% of their college credits being in political science.  This meant that most of them learned about the American political system from a socialist perspective.  This makes for very lousy lawyers that don't respect the legal system.

This imbecilic Marxist political perspective may account for some of the stupid misinterpretations by Leftists of the recent Arizona Immigration legislation.  Under settled US Constitutional law, you can't stop anyone without probable cause.  Looking "Latino" or Greek, Italian, Arab, or Jewish is not probable cause.  (People have thought that I am a member of one of those ethnic groups from time to time.)  They are right 20% of the time.  But Leftist Lawyers and politicos continue their disinformation campaign based on their bumpersticker ideology.  They don't tell you that if a person stopped by a "zonie" cop produces a valid drivers license that it is presumption that the person stopped is here legally.  But that doesn't stop the race mongers like Al "Not So" Sharpton or Barack Hussein Obama from openly fomenting racial discord for their political and financial advantage.  But then Obama's overt race mongering/baiting strategy  was also the modus operandi of the last race monger and race baiter--Adolph Hitler.

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