Tuesday, June 7, 2011


There are several things that I'd like to see disappear from the popular culture.  There are also several popular expressions that should also disappear from the public lexicon.  Let's start with a few of these popular, but really stupid popular expressions.

"I want to give back to the (Fill in the blank) ______________!" 

The origins of this absurd expression started as a "guilt trip" imposed upon those Black Americans that left the ghetto and were made to feel like like somehow they had betrayed their race by being successful.  But damn, why shouldn't these "Oreos" have to apologize for paying attention in school and seeking something better than being a crude rapper or drug dealer? 

     This expression has further devolved into one of the stupidest, most self-serving remarks that has ever been uttered by anyone of any race.  The best example of this devolution that I personally know of was by an acquaintance of mine that used this lame language during a job interview for a buyer position with a local school district.  When asked why he wanted the buyer job, he said, "I went to the District's schools so now I'd like to give something back."  Hmm, like what?  Are you going to work for free?  What did you take from the school district?  This kind of self-serving crap really irritates me, but not as much as the next stupid statement...

"I want to make a difference!"

Puhleeze!  People that make this statement suffer from the other Attention Deficit Disorder Syndrome, i.e., these poor self-esteem types that want positive attention drawn to them.  They want everybody to think that they are "good people" doing "good works."  Typically, these folks buy UNICEF Christmas cards and wear affinity group ribbons that espouse some cause like being against the persecution of left handed Lithuanian midgets with restless leg syndrome.  Blecch!  Barf!

"It is what it is." 

Well, thank you Captain Obvious for your less than ass-tute (read astute) observations about life in general.  What would we ever do without your keen eye?  And why have a thoughtful opinion about anything when a lame comment like that will suffice for the uncritical thinkers amongst us?

"It's great!"

Along with "grade-flation," the societal urge to engage in hyperbole or, "hype" in the vernacular is rampant.  Greatness should be reserved for people like the guys on Mt. Rushmore or for things like the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or the Magna Carta.  I still remember back when a manly "Tony the Tiger" used to say that about Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, (actually it was "They're great!").  He was a studly tiger and not the politically correct de-clawed wussy pussy that shills for the cereal now.


See the comment above for "It's great" for insight into the stupidity of excess.  This is a variation of the equally idiotic expression the "best of the best"--either you're the best or you're not.

"It was surreal!"

Take one college art appreciation survey class and suddenly the world is viewed through "Dali Goggles"!  This is also an example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing.  No, this is not a slam against community college students but to the those elitist college snobs that try to wax eloquent using inappropriate metaphors and similes.

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Now let's visit the stupid stuff that I wish were gone with the wind.

Stupidnomics (a.k.a., Obamanomics)

Nine percent unemployment is now the norm (read acceptable as full employment) according to the lame stream Obama-State run media.  Huh?  In November 2006, when the Democrats campaigned against Republicans on the theory that they caused the worst economy in U.S. history, the unemployment rate was 4.5%.  Now a 9.1% unemployment rate is cool according to the Obama-State run media.  During the much hated Bush administration, the Dems contended that the low unemployment rate was fueled by "burger-flipper" jobs.  Now that the "Democommies" are in charge those "burger flipper" jobs are gold to these desperate socialists.  The hypocrisy of the Dems can be "surreal" sometimes.

Academic Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups are largely responsible for faux university courses in Black Studies, Chicano Studies, Gay and Lesbian Studies, Native American Studies, Women's Studies, etc., ad nauseam.  Why are there incubators for leftist fueled discontent mongering on a university campus?  Contrary to leftist beliefs, this is NOT the purpose of a university.  But the modern university and the complete government-run educational system is considered by Liberal Fascists as an indoctrination tool.  Many of these these nonacademic, undisciplined courses are often taught by former street thugs, e.g., ex-community organizers that do not have an acceptable educational portfolio.  Sometimes, you get a cigar store Indian like Ward Churchill

     A well taught American history course reveals the warts in the American experience.  But contrary to what is taught in the affinity group courses, the US has striven to correct inequities in its society.    The US has not engaged in the mass state institutionalized genocides even remotely comparable to that of socialist driven regimes like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and the so-called People's Republic of China have.  Those regimes murdered a conservatively estimated total of over 85.3 million human beings in furtherance of a socialist utopia.  

    Yet, White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn coupled Mao Zedong and Mother Theresa as political philosophers that she turns to.  But there are always excuses and blind eyes turned toward the misdeeds of leftists. Affinity Group university courses do little to add to the knowledge base. Most of the time they only further the big lies of the left.

Fist bumps, High Fives, and Ball Caps Worn Backwards

Talk about lame things to do, copying a frivolous cultural fad is silly.  But the three things listed above are an outgrowth of "white guilt" all while trying to suck-up and saying "Hey, We can be the same."  Bull crap!  As if the turn of a ball cap or stupid hand jiving would make up for slavery, segregation, discrimination, etc.!  There's nothing worse than a cultural or racial toadie.  Especially one that wouldn't have a racial or ethnic minority at his or her dinner table.  Liberals are two faced toadies.

Baby Boomers

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am within the demographic commonly described as Baby Boomers.  And for the umpteenth time in my life I'm really ashamed of my generation.  The world will be a far better place when the last Baby Boomer takes his or her final breath.  Now I'll tell you why I feel this way.   This the generation that single handedly has destroyed everything that the Greatest Generation defended and handed over on a 24Kt gold platter to a generation of ingrates. 

    But If you've had to fork over and arm and a leg for college tuition, thank leftist Baby Boomer college students for causing a backlash against college students with their student protests.  For much of my academic career, higher education was free in California.  Today's students and their parents are SOL because of my Boomer Brethren's trashing of the higher educational system.

     As far as drugs and alcohol is concerned, if it could be snorted, injected, smoked, put in suppository, baked into a brownie, inhaled, absorbed via osmosis, or drunk--the Boomers did it to excess.  Now grown-up Baby Boomers complain and moan about illegal drugs, outlaw drug cartels, and border violence.  Thank a Boomer for these problems. 

     Are houses too expensive for you first time buyers?  Our parents bought a house primarily to live in.  Investment considerations were secondary.  But I remember in the early 1970s when lazy Boomers would put down a minimal down payment on a house and then turn around and sell it once the long term capital gains period had run.  Unlike today's house flippers, the Boomers did little or nothing to improve the house.   Boomers inflated the market by creating an artificial demand. Houses that were $15,000 were in two years valued at $50,000!  So you can thank my fellow Boomers, in part, for today's inflated housing prices!

     STDs anyone?  "Free love" reached its apex with the Baby Boomers.  In their generational arrogance, they sincerely believe that they invented sex.  Wow, tell that to Alex Comfort, author of the Joy of Sex,  Xaviera Hollander, author of the Happy Hooker, and Joan "J" Garrity, author of The Sensuous Woman.  Because of their legendary appetite for sex, drugs and rock and roll, their excesses paved the way for crabs, venereal warts, the gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, genital herpes, and sadly, AIDS.

     I could go on for days about Baby Boomers' screwing up America, e.g., personal and public deficit spending.  But let's move on to the "vermine de jour" the big wiener himself....
Anthony Weiner (Part-time Underwear Model, move over Jim Palmer!)

So this sick lying rat bastard refuses to resign despite admitting to lying to the public and the useless Lame Stream Media about his perverse little online escapades.  Despite all this hoopla, this sick mo'fo thinks he should keep "his job" despite his moral failings.  This is the Bill Clinton mode of counter attack, i.e., a Battle of the Bulge strategy by a loser. Democrats seem to believe that they can be personally immoral so long they have the right "public morality" (read adherence to the Liberal-Fascist socialist agenda).  Check-out Barbara Walters defense of Weiner on the View.  It will make you wonder why Liberals are considered to be "smart" as compared to the rest of us?  It also shows how deathly afraid they are of Sarah Palin.
     Color me surprised if Weiner leaves office any time soon.  The cancer that is the Democrat party will protect him up until it becomes absolutely necessary to throw him under the bus.  In compensation, they might even get him a job with with DNC's de facto party press organs (no pun intended) CNN or MS-NBC.

Typical voter reaction to Weiner's Ways

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