Friday, May 18, 2012


Here's a news item that should alarm Conservatives concerned about the Establishment Republicans resolve to defeat Obama:
May 17 (Bloomberg) -- Mitt Romney denounced a plan drafted by Republican strategists to run a racially tinged advertising campaign against President Barack Obama focusing on Obama's former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr.
[Nafta's Notes & Comments: "Racially tinged"?! Facts are facts. Wright is an unabashed racial bigot. And aren't you all a little bit tired of the one-sided racism that Black radicals get away with? For example, the failure of U.S. Attorney General Eric "The Racist" Holder to prosecute New Black Panthers for intimidation of white voters in Philadelphia is a sad commentary on race relations in the US. So much for Equal Protection under the law. White guilt on the other hand is condescending and generally looks really stupid and phony.]
Romney responded to a report in today's editions of the New York Times detailing a proposal for a super-political action committee backed by billionaire Joe Ricketts, the founder of what is now TD Ameritrade, to finance ads featuring Wright, whose racially incendiary sermons became an issue in the 2008 presidential campaign. [Emphasis added.]

[Nafta's Notes & Comments: Click here to view ex-Black Muslim Wright's "racially-tinged" vitriol as discussed in the New Republic. Oops, somehow the left leaning New Republic has made the article about Wright's ex-Muslim background "unavailable" as of the posting of this piece! This is like the old Soviet Encyclopedia changing the facts to suit their Marxist agenda. But here's a veiled threat that is apparently being taken seriously by the RINOs running the Romney campaign. It's in the aforementioned Liberal-Fascist rag, The New Republic entitled Smear Interrupted.]

So Mitt; even though these Liberal-Fascists are going to resort to religious bigotry against you and the Mormon Church and to use false accusations of racial bigotry as a deodorant for the stench of their crappy economic, foreign, and domestic policies; you're going to treat the America-hating Wright and Obama with the utmost respect? Huh?

Hey Mitt, in the 2008 and 2012 Republican primaries, why was okay for you to have carpet bombed Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Huckabee with no-holds barred negative ads? Now that they're all gone, where's your resolve to defeat the biggest threat to the freedom of the United States since WWII? What makes the arrogant America-hating Obama immune from criticism that any other President--Democrat or Republican--would get for doing such a lousy job? 

Dammit MittGrow a pair for the country's sake.     

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