Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Well, the American Mugabe has won re-election despite the fact that he is the most incompetent U.S President ever to have held the office. The list of POTUS incompetents includes such political lightweights as Warren G. Harding and Jimmy Carter. The current economy sucks and will get worse. But the parasites don't care as long as they get their "gov'mit" check.
Meanwhile, Obama sat by and watched as an American ambassador was murdered by Islamo-Fascists. His response to the Super Storm Sandy is tepid at best. Of course, Chris Christie's slobbering ass-kissing praise probably put Obama over the top for this election. Christie deserves to never be seriously considered for any higher office than Governor of a Liberal vassal state. Nobody likes a Pansy Judas. Enjoy your moment in the sun Chris, because these heartless Marxist bastards will toss you away like a used condom, i.e., you got screwed without getting kissed.
My biggest condemnation goes out to the Amerikan news media. What a bunch of fawning apparatchik parasites. Perhaps it's time to rethink the free reign that these primordial slime have been given by the First Amendment. Inasmuch as these slime influence the political process, perhaps they should be required to disclose their lives as elected officials have to do, i.e., they must disclose their party affiliation, income, and any relationships that they have with members of the government officials that they cover. That means if you're a reporter covering the White House that's married to someone working for the White House you MUST disclose that fact to the public. Most of the urinalists (read journalists) in the news media are ex-Democrat political operatives.
Obama is the creation of the parasitic Baby Boomer scum bags. Boomers are a cowardly lot. They are afraid of being called "racist" as they buy their UNICEF Xmas cards to show that they really "care" about third world children. It's all about appearances to these generational jerks. But maybe as a Baby Boomer, I should just submit to the inevitable Marxist Leviathan that now rules our country. Not! Bring on Gitmo you Liberal Fascist son of bitch pigs!   

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