Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm shocked, shocked that a do nothing like Obama can win the Nobel Prize Peace Prize!


When Theodore Roosevelt won the Nobel Prize in 1906, it was for among other things, stopping a war between Russia and Japan in 1905.  In 1902, President Roosevelt took the initiative in opening the international Court of Arbitration at The Hague, by submitting a dispute between the United States and Mexico. Roosevelt also led the way in using arbitration to solve international problems in the Western Hemisphere.

When Woodrow Wilson won the Nobel Prize in 1919, it was for championing the creation of the League of Nations. His vision for world peace was embodied in his Fourteen Points that outlined a bold vision of world peace and, for better or worse laid the foundation for the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I.

When Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Prize in 2002, it was more of a lifetime achievement award for trying real hard and for swinging a hammer for Habitat for Humanity (HFH).  Unfortunately, many of the HFH houses are falling apart.  But as we entered the New Milleneum it's feelings, not achievement, that count the most. This is because world has become more feminized.  So now we should all just hold each other, eat some Ben & Jerry's ice cream, watch Oprah and hope for change.

When Barack Obama won the Nobel Prize in 2009, well, we're not really sure why he won it. Was it the good intentions espoused by his teleprompter?  Some critics wondered why Obama was chosen for the award so early in his Presidency.  "So soon? Too early. He has no contribution so far. He is still at an early stage," said 1983 winner, Lech Walesa.  The Wall Street Journal online, quoted Siv Jensen, leader of the Norway's Progress Party as saying,  "It is just too soon. It is wrong to give him the peace prize for his ambition. You should receive it for results." The better question how can a man running (sic) a war in two nations be given a prize for peace?

Maybe it's a reward from Euro-Socialists for beginning the deconstruction of the United States in the nine months that the man child has been the POTUS.  In his acceptance remarks this morning Obama justified his receipt of the award as a "call to action" in anticipation of the his fantasized future  accomplishments. Obama might have been comparing himself to then West German Chancellor Willy Brandt who got the award in 1971 for Ostpolitik, or the normalization of relations with East Germany.  History will show that that normailization happened chiefly because of Ronald Reagan's tough policies against Communism and not Brandt's asperations toward normalized relations with then-East Germany.  It is more likely that Brandt got the award, as did Carter, as a lifetime achievement award.  

Problematic with Obama's award is that nominations for the Peace Prize closed two weeks after Obama was nominated.  That leaves about two weeks of peacemaking that Obama needed to accomplish to deserve the award.  There were certainly no good works toward peace done by Obama.  Prior to being elected President, Obama was a U.S. Senator from 2005 to 2008, of which he showed up to work a total of 143 days. Before that he was Illinois State Senator in which he registered 193 votes of "Present."  He was a community organizer, a law professor and civil rights attorney before his political career began in 1997.  But there has never been evidence of Obama having produced any shred of significant legal scholarhip--not even in the area of international law.  So what's the justification for the award?  Maybe "Meester Beeg" could have bought the undeserved award for his personal political and economic puppet.  Buying Socialists is easy. They are highly corruptable even though they lie about being for the little guy. Just look at the corrupt plutocrats in the Democrat party such as "Nazi" Pelosi. She takes every government perq available and then some, just like the guy that takes every free food sample offered at the local Costco.

Perhaps the end of days are upon us.  For sure it is the beginning of the end for the United States if Barack Obama and George Soros have anything to say about it.


  1. Why should you be shocked? This is a set up job to make the citzen's believe that Obama is right...After all US citzen's believe if it comes from Europe, then it must have "KLASS." I guess Mo gets a new pair of shoes...

  2. Mom/ Socialist Europe does not have "KLASS," well it does, but just the one main class (hehe). They actually think it's a good idea here...

    Uncle E./ This quote is priceless.

    "But as we entered the New Milleneum it's feelings, not achievement, that count the most. This is because world has become more feminized. So now we should all just hold each other, eat some Ben & Jerry's ice cream, watch Oprah and hope for change."

    This reminds me of all that new-age bullshit that people love today: "Get in touch with your feelings and bringing your mind and body into one to associate with the real." Moreover, it's a kick in the face to witness the potentcy of the media, how it establishes a discourse that people believe because just because it sounds nice or has big ears.
