Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Keep Your Worldwide Pants Zipped / Ignorance of the Law is an Excuse... Sometimes

Why do these people still have media jobs?

Why is David Letterman still on the air?  The guy is a moral and intellectual albatross. There are some TV critics that feel that CBS is suppressing Letterman's admission last Thursday at the expense of the First Amendment.  As an aside, the ever oily Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) once likened right wing talk radio to pornography to be regulated like pornography.  Well, Senator the indiscreet semi-porn star Letterman broadcasts his sexual affairs and sexually slanders Sarah Palin's underage daughter by joking about her getting pregnant.  What about that?  Letterman expects laughs and high ratings for his crude humor and now sordid personal life.  Yet, the hypocitical Letterman indirectly asked the public to respect his privacy by saying he's not going to talk about his sexual peccadillos anymore.  Well, that didn't last very long because he's still talking about it. It's also getting his creep show some high ratings in the competition for late night viewers.

In reality Letterman is nothing more than a media stooge for the DNC doing the dirty work of destroying the lives of their political opponents.  But know this Dave, they'll throw you under the bus in a "New York minute" when you're no longer of any use to them.  Meanwhile, the Stooge will continue to issue his insincere apologies in hopes of maintaining his current big ratings.  It seems that the insincere apologies shtick comes easy to the Stooge.  This is the same Stooge that described Sarah Palin as dressing like a slutty flight attendant.  According to the news summary article by Liz Barratt in the Spokane Examiner.com:
The New York Post called David Letterman a skirt-chaser (fair enough) with a secret bachelor pad at the "Bed Sullivan Theater." A "Late Show" (or as the Boston Herald now calls it, "Mate Show") staffer told the tabloid all about it.

Skirt-chasing funnyman David Letterman's restricted office at his Midtown studio has all the trimmings for a bachelor on the prowl, including a fold-out couch and a kitchen.

Letterman's production company, Worldwide Pants (and, no, we won't even make the obvious joke about that one), denies that the space is a secret love nest, according to the Post report. The sofabed is just there so he can take a wee snooze when he needs it.

Apparently his TriBeCa apartment is too far away (about 15 minutes by car).
I'm wondering now who's the real slut?  Maybe Letterman should zip his mouth after he zips his pants. 

* * * * * *

Why does Whoopi Goldberg still have a place in the witch's coven also known as The View?  Whoopi described Roman Polansky's crime as being "not rape rape."  What the fig does that mean?  Is she really saying that if 13 year old gives in that it's quasi-consensual sex?  It sounds like the same kind of dumb argument as the perjury light defense ("everybody lies about sex") that Bill Clinton's defenders asserted nearly 10 years ago.  (Psst, hey Lefties, both are still crimes called perjury and statutory rape.)  But maybe, Whoopi's remark is just another case of a Libertine Loving Liberal shooting his or her mouth off about things that they don't know about, e.g., the law.
The notion put forth by Hollywood/entertainment lefties that Polansky has suffered enough as a fugitive cowering in his chateau in France is laughable.  Polansky pleaded guilty to the original crime in open court with no coercion except for the fact that he might have felt that a jury probably would have convicted him.  Maybe because of that little fact there is a backlash against supporting Polansky in Hollywood.  And there's still another crime to try Polansky for because of his having fled justice 30 years ago.  But maybe by serving his time that it'll be enough that he won't be able to freely walk the prison yard with the general inmate population. I also doubt that his many artistic awards would do him much good in the clutches of a 350 lb inmate nicknamed Bubbalicious. There wouldn't be any hot tubs, soft music, or quaaludes to soften the pain of being violated.  Some insensitive talking head might quip that it wouldn't be "rape-rape" if that happened.  It would be poetic justice.  Not me.  All I want him to do is his time even if it's in protective confinement.  And I want him to do the same time like any non-celebrity would have to do for the same crime.  As for Whoopi, there's no prison sentence for being felony dumb, but the Court of Public Opinion can sometimes render some very harsh judgments.

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