Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Last week the Arizona legislature passed one of the most restrictive and sweeping anti-immigration bills in the country last week, it sparked some protests that erupted into a riot. Opponents of the law believe that the law legalizes harassment and discrimination of Latinos, are looking at how to roll it back. What's the bill is about in the simplest terms? YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE UNITED STATES LEGALLY. EITHER AS A CITIZEN, LEGAL RESIDENT ALIEN, OR WITH A VALID VISA. Opponents of the bill chose to respond to the bill with violence over the weekend 

Here's the lead sentence of the Wikipedia article on riots:
A riot is a form of civil disorder characterized by disorganized groups lashing out in a sudden and intense rash of violence against people or property. While individuals may attempt to lead or control a riot, riots are typically chaotic and exhibit herd behavior.
The article goes on to explain that "Riots often occur in reaction to a perceived grievance or out of dissent."   The recent immigration law that was passed in Arizona sparked violent demonstrations this weekend by "aggrieved" illegal immigrants and thin-skinned and thick-headed Latinos/Chicanos/Hispanics/add an ethnic label once Chairman Obama comments and implied condemnation f the law blew the not-so-silent dog whistle to commence the Pavlovian response.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Obama's "hate speech" contributed to the violence that erupted.  Okay, so now that you know where I'm coming from. Here's some questions: 

  • What about the grievances of the taxpayers of Arizona (and other southern border states) that have been asking the federal government for assistance to stem the tide of illegal immigration?  They've gotten nothing.

  • What's the responsibility of Mexico (and other third world countries) to take care of their citizens?  Mexico has more billionaires per capita than all other Latin American nations combined.  And they don't like paying taxes like leftist billionaires like George Soros

  • Isn't it funny how prosperous leftists are always so generous with taxpayer and then turn out to be the biggest skinflints when it come to personal charitable giving?  They'll try to make you the middle class person guilty by using such terms as "moral imperative" when it comes to helping these third world wretches.  But you won't see one thin dime coming out of their pockets.
One final mark of the Left's closet racism is the smearing of refried beans on the windows of the Arizona Capitol Building.  This has a contrived feel about it as if some Liberal Hollywood type said "Let's do some mischief.  We'll make a swastika using refried beans! Mexicans eat them! I've seen them do it at Taco Bell!"  It sounds like the type of racist symbolism that a Hollywoodenhead would recommend using. 

These Hollywooden heads have controlled the images of minorities for years--Latins are either gardeners or domestics.  Blacks are criminals, drug dealers, or dancing fools.  Please don't tell me that Liberals aren't bigots.  These actions are intended to inflame and Liberals are at their worst manufacturing dissent.  There's been lots of stories over the years where racist action were done by Liberals to foment violence.  That's another blog post for another day.   The President of Mexico has called the legislation discriminatory.  This hypocrisy from a country that cracks down hard on illegal aliens that enter Mexico from Central America. 

By the way, I am an American with a Spanish surname.  There isn't a Liberal anywhere that can tell me a damn thing about what it means to be a proud American.  That's an unhyphenated American to you closet Liberal bigot.

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