Friday, April 30, 2010

Vote fraud is a form of identity theft.

Right now, it takes more documentation of one's identity to buy a cell phone, to open a bank account, or to buy certain over the counter allergy drugs than it does to vote or apparently to become President of the United States.  Mexico, one of the most backward third world nations in the world requires a state issued ID to cast a vote in their elections.  Moreover, it must renewed periodically.  Mexico takes vote theft seriously, why is it so different in America?

The ultimate cosmic joke might be that we may have elected an undocumented alien as President of the United States.  Inasmuch as Barack Hussein Obama has every record involving him sealed tight as a drum, we may never know the extent of the fraud that the Democrats might have perpetrated upon the citizens of the United States.  Vote fraud is the stock in trade of the Democrat party.  Without vote fraud, they cannot win in the arena of ideas because they have none that a vast majority of Americans agree with.  They are currently using a 19th century social and economic philosophy--socialism--to deal with 21st century problems. As Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress are tanking in the polls, the dirty little secret is that their ultimate goal is complete social, political, and economic control of America.  Americans' feelings about the issue are irrelevant to them.  Democrats care about American ideals of freedom and independence about as much a homeless bum cares about personal hygiene. 

You can't have effective vote fraud if you have to show proof of eligibility to vote, i.e., that you are a citizen of the United States.  On his radio show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh called it correctly when he said that the underlying issue in the Arizona immigration law controversy is establishing the identity of a voter.  Over the last 25 years the integrity of the vote has been diluted by motor voter laws and liberalized absentee voting.  It takes lot of effort to get up off your duff to go vote.  That's why tyrants, dictators, and crooked politicians rely upon voter apathy and vote fraud to attain power.  

Vote fraud is a form of identity theft.  Our identities as free citizens are stolen every time an illegal alien casts a vote in our elections.  Next time you think that having to show an ID to vote would be racist, try voting in a foreign country without an ID.  Good luck with that one.  As for me, I think I'll go see my brother in Arizona.   I won't show my ID there because I won't have to.  I obey the law. Therefore, I have no reason to think that an Arizona cop will stop me.

Vote Fraud illustration courtesy of SodaHead.

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