Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Audacity of [a] Dope

First there was "YELLOW" Journalism disguised as news.  Now welcome to "PINKO" blog rants courtesy of Media Matters, County Fair disguised as serious political commentary.  Here is the Liberal-Fascist intellectual vomit comment about a public school indoctrination in full below:

[Disclaimer: The following is being reproduced in full under the "fair use" doctrine as  delineated in §107 of Title 17 of the United States Code . These Leftists MFs like to sue even if it is a frivolous lawsuit.]

September 23, 2009 9:31 pm ET--[NN: Is that extra-terrestrial time?]--by Jeremy Schulman

Drudge and the right-wing blogosphere are flogging a "SHOCK VIDEO" from YouTube that purports to show "[s]chool kids taught to praise Obama."

The children in this video appear to be no more than 8 years old. They have done nothing wrong. Presumably, neither they nor their parents have consented to having their faces plastered all over the right-wing media. They did nothing to justify Matt Drudge's invasion of their privacy. They did nothing to justify Michelle Malkin's invasion of their privacy.

Nothing these kids have done would warrant a decision by Glenn Beck, his enablers at Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, or Lou Dobbs to further invade their privacy.

The right is ruthless. They lie. They steal. They race-bait.  Now they are exploiting children.

Like most Leftists that support the murder of fetuses, these scoundrels always hide behind children. Leftists are morally inert and morally confused.  Rule of thumb: whenever the Lefists accuse anyone of wrongdoing it's a good bet that they themselves are doing the dirty deed themselves.  Do you agree with the illogical stupidity asserted by Mr. Schulman?  This non-brainiac is saying that right wingers are exploiting little kids!  To the left (no pun intended) is a picture of Joe Stalin getting thanked by school kids for a great childhood!  Here's the video showing a teacher-union infested left wing madrassa leading a song that exploits kids into supporting and praising Obama.  See any parallels folks!?  (If the link doesn't work cut and paste into your browser the following URL:  Can you imagine the media outrage if the rap crap was about Ronald Reagan?

Hitler and Goebbels would have been Nazi blue-gray proud if they could have emulated Obama's cult status. Mao Zedong would have been scarlet jealous. Pol Pot might have wished that he was the subject of this hero worship. Mussolini could have only dreamt of such cult worship. Kim Jong "Mentally" Il goes into apoplectic fits because he can't command such worship except at the end of a bayonet.  I could go on but you get the point, I hope. 

The faux outraged rant by Schulman came about only because the teacher-union neo-coms got caught doing something wrong. Schulman's rant is as frivolous as the ACORN lawsuit against James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, who played the undercover pimp and prostitute in the ACORN videos.  They hope that by forum shopping they will  prevail despite the fact that they are both dead wrong.  In the Court of Public Opinion both of their lawsuits would be thrown out.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Recycling is mandatory even if it involves old ideas, e.g., the old Race Card Shuffle

It's a Black White Thang...You wouldn't understand!

Fresh off the presses of The Los Angeles Times we, the unwashed non-Ivy League university educated proles, have now been enlightened by the Liberal-Fascist illuminati.* To wit:

The Age of Obama--[NN: What!? The Age of Obama? Wow! This puts Obama in the same company as the Age of Caesar Augustus or the Age of Enlightenment!  Not since the Soviet Encyclopedia has such such an unaccomplished mediocrity been so honored! With the ascendency of Liberals in power it might be better called the "Gelded Age."]--has brought many things to the American scene -- none more important than the proof that skin color is no barrier to success. But for some white Americans, it has also helped crystallize a sense of dislocation, anger and powerlessness.

Some ...have even adopted the language and techniques used by blacks, women, Latinos and gays in their civil rights struggles. But some analysts ask: Is this white victimhood? Strident TV host Glenn Beck of Fox News Channel tapped into the feeling this summer when he accused Obama of having "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."

[NN: Didn't Obama describe his White Grandma as "a typical white person" that is afraid of walking past a black man on the street?  That sure sounds like racial streotyping to me. Glenn Beck may be onto something.]

For some, it was reinforced by the sight of a New Haven, Conn., firefighter telling senators that the Latina judge Obama had nominated to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, [NN: a.k.a., SotoMENOR] had discriminated against him in an appellate case because he is white. Or Obama condemning the arrest of a black Harvard professor by a white police officer. [NN: If it looks like a duck...]

So here we go again with the "Angry White Man" Liberal-Fascist racist slander.  The highly entertaining 1993 movie Falling Down was among the first mass media products to explore the "angry white man" stereotype.  During the course of vanqushing members of various ethnic groups, including a Latino gang, the main character "D-Fens" kills a gay-bashing military surplus store owner.  From this, one could infer that that this is true dysfunctional diversity and that D-Fens is an equal opportunity "angry white man." The seed--perhaps inadvertently planted--is that Non-Liberal White men are p.o.'d about the world in general.

The LA Times article goes on to describe alleged comedian and Daily Show host Jon Stewart (Stuart) Leibowitz's take on the issue.

Jon Stewart [Jon Stuart Leibowitz] of "The Daily Show" put his comedian's finger on this phenomenon Tuesday when he showed the Web page of the Drudge Report, which bannered a story about a white high school student beaten up on a school bus by black students. (Police later said the fight was over a seat, not race.)

"Now Drudge won't say this, but I will," said Stewart [Leibowitz] with mock gravity. "Because Barack Obama is president it is now open season on white children . . . and black people are now allowed to hit them."

[NN: We're getting the finger from Leibowitz. Yeah, that's why the Black kids were cheering every time the white kid took a shot in the chops. Check out the update on the Bellville, Il school bus beating where the State's prosecutor for the case now claims that there were gang signs being flashed.]

While Leibowitz may get style points from the nut job Daily Kos crowd, he gets zero points for originality or substance.  Newsweak [NN: Yes, I intentionally spelled it that way] has extended the angry white man/person" slander to six-month old babies. So now do we have the angry white baby?  Stupid concept.  Yeah, babies may perceive physical differences like skin color, but does that translate into racism?  Showing videos with interracial activities might be stimulating, but no, there hasn't been any real negative socialization at six months like being in competition for plum jobs, law/business/medical school admissions, or NEA grants.  Or as Obama might say the babies don't have any skin in the game yet.  Gawd, I hope this University of Texas study wasn't funded with taxpayer money!

In one form or another, this "angry white person issue" looks like it's being coordinated by the DNC media cabal on several fronts including another swipe at the Drudge Report by alleged comedian Bill Maher about the subliminal racist text in a story hyperlink that read: “POLL HELL: OBAMA NEGS RISE.”  What was Maher suggesting?  Does Maher mean NEGS is shorthand for "Negroes"?  Or maybe he's making a literary allusion to the 1967 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by William Styron, The Confessions of Nat Turner about the slave uprising in Virginia in 1831.  Perhaps Maher is suggesting that Drudge is warning in code that the "NEGroeS will rise up in rebellion.  As the LA Times might put it, "Many might not say it but I will," then with mock gravity Nafta asked, "Are you understanding how silly these White Liberal-Fascists sound?"    

It's always racism whenever the "wrong words" (read politically incorrect words) are used against minorites.  But where was the furor over the equally entertaining 1992 movie White Men Can't Jump?  The title to a thinned skinned White man suggests that White men are physically inferior to Black men.  But does that slander really matter?  Just about every ethnic and racial group in America has been a societal piñata at one time or another. So why not White folks?  Did I put that in a politically correct enough way for you Attorney General Holder, or are you going to include me in your one-sided investgation of racism in America?



*NN: The Illuminati Conspiracy is sometimes referred to as the New World Order or NWO.  The only new world order that ever really mattered was the nWo in World Championship Wrestling and later in the WWF (now the WWE).