It seems that all government does is tax and spend. I think that a lot of us wish that we could compel our bosses to give us more money whenever we needed it. For many people the cold reality is that when they didn't have cash money, they used credit cards. Now that the credit bubble has burst, the kibosh has been put on private deficit spending. People have ever so slowly begun to learn how to manage their money. They also have begun to spend more wisely.
Not so with any level of government--be it local, state, or the Federal government. Governments spend tax dollars on political vanity programs* as if they were drunken sailors on payday. The only difference however, is that at least the sailor earns the right to throw away his or her spending money. On the other hand, government engages in legalized theft, a.k.a., taxation. Yet, it always amazes me whenever I hear some people say that they don't mind paying extra taxes or that everybody must pay their "fair share" of taxes. Fair share my ass! None of these busybodies ever helped me earn my money nor did any of them have to put up with the noxious, stupid, pigheaded bosses that I had over the last 25 years.
A couple of months ago I read a radio listener comment on a radio station's discussion forum. The listener, "Charles," was one of those "I don't mind paying more taxes" fools. I ran across this old comment of mine while looking through some of my old comments on various forums.
This is my reply to "Charles" on the KOGO AM 600 San Diego, "Your Space" Blog. Charles was defending a local city government's proposed raising of the local sales tax to fund city services:
Dear Charles,
What vital services were you thinking of saving with yet another sales tax increase? What in the Hellmann’s Mayonnaise are governments doing with all the hard earned taxes that most of us have paid? Obviously it wasn’t for infrastructure improvements or else we wouldn’t be begging for government bailout funds to build dog parks.
Instead, most local governments are more concerned with playing amateur venture capitalists, i.e., they give away public funds to the private sector under the guise of community development to “increase the tax base.” Many of these public fund gifts include tax breaks or project subsidies. The notion that government is equipped to competently handle economic development is ridiculous.
If government tended to its core responsibilities of police, fire and infrastructure management (e.g., good sewers, roads, etc.), economic growth would occur without any taxpayer funded giveaways. Why? Because most people would prefer to live in a nice place instead of a ugly tax hellhole.
I never got a response from Chuck. But the increased sales tax was turned down by a landslide by City of Chula Vista voters in a special election. Now you know why the Liberal-Fascists want to corrupt the electoral process with voter fraud. Otherwise, they couldn't be voted in so that they can spend your tax dollars like the thieving magpies that they are.
The Supreme Court's 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New London, handed local governments carte blanche power to seize private property in the name of economic development. Four years later after being given Susette Kelo's property, Pfizer is closing its research and development facility in New London, Connecticut. This leaves a broad wasteland where there were once houses and where people once made their lives. But wasn't there an economic impact report or study done before Kelo's and people's property were seized by the amateur venture capitalists on the New Haven City Council? Didn't they consider the possibility that the venture by Pfizer might fail? Maybe not, because most politicians have no marketable job skills so political office is the best job that they will ever have. Stupidity for politicians is a resume enhancement.
*A Political Vanity Program is a program that some politician will claim as his/her legacy after s/he leaves office. This a gross misuse of the term legacy, which implies that the "grantor" had ownership of the thing handed down. These people are really philanthropists with other people's money. This is a character flaw of many penurious Liberal-Fascists.