Saturday, November 14, 2009

All Government Thinks About is Tax and Spend and When They Get Bored With That; Then It's Spend and Tax

It seems that all government does is tax and spend.  I think that a lot of us wish that we could compel our bosses to give us more money whenever we needed it.  For many people the cold reality is that when they didn't have cash money, they used credit cards. Now that the credit bubble has burst, the kibosh has been put on private deficit spending.  People have ever so slowly begun to learn how to manage their money.  They also have begun to spend more wisely. 

Not so with any level of government--be it local, state, or the Federal government. Governments  spend tax dollars on political vanity programs* as if they were drunken sailors on payday.  The only difference however, is that at least the sailor earns the right to throw away his or her spending money.  On the other hand, government engages in legalized theft, a.k.a., taxation.  Yet, it always amazes me whenever I hear some people say that they don't mind paying extra taxes or that everybody must pay their "fair share" of taxes.  Fair share my ass!  None of these busybodies ever helped me earn my money nor did any of them have to put up with the noxious, stupid, pigheaded bosses that I had over the last 25 years. 

A couple of months ago I read a radio listener comment on a radio station's discussion forum.  The listener, "Charles," was one of those "I don't mind paying more taxes" fools. I ran across this old comment of mine while looking through some of my old comments on various forums.

This is my reply to "Charles" on the KOGO AM 600 San Diego, "Your Space" Blog. Charles was defending a local city government's proposed raising of the local sales tax to fund city services: 
Dear Charles,

What vital services were you thinking of saving with yet another sales tax increase? What in the Hellmann’s Mayonnaise are governments doing with all the hard earned taxes that most of us have paid? Obviously it wasn’t for infrastructure improvements or else we wouldn’t be begging for government bailout funds to build dog parks.

Instead, most local governments are more concerned with playing amateur venture capitalists, i.e., they give away public funds to the private sector under the guise of community development to “increase the tax base.” Many of these public fund gifts include tax breaks or project subsidies. The notion that government is equipped to competently handle economic development is ridiculous.

If government tended to its core responsibilities of police, fire and infrastructure management (e.g., good sewers, roads, etc.), economic growth would occur without any taxpayer funded giveaways. Why? Because most people would prefer to live in a nice place instead of a ugly tax hellhole.
I never got a response from Chuck. But the increased sales tax was turned down by a landslide by City of Chula Vista voters in a special election.  Now you know why the Liberal-Fascists want to corrupt the electoral process with voter fraud. Otherwise, they couldn't be voted in so that they can spend your tax dollars like the thieving magpies that they are.

The Supreme Court's 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New London, handed local governments carte blanche power to seize private property in the name of economic development.  Four years later after being given Susette Kelo's property, Pfizer is closing its research and development facility in New London, Connecticut.  This leaves a broad wasteland where there were once houses and where people once made their lives.  But wasn't there an economic impact report or study done before Kelo's and people's property were seized by the amateur venture capitalists on the New Haven City Council?  Didn't they consider the possibility that the venture by Pfizer might fail? Maybe not, because most politicians have no marketable job skills so political office is the best job that they will ever have.  Stupidity for politicians is a resume enhancement.

*A Political Vanity Program is a program that some politician will claim as his/her legacy after s/he leaves office.  This a gross misuse of the term legacy, which implies that the "grantor" had ownership of the thing handed down.  These people are really philanthropists with other people's money.  This is a character flaw of many penurious Liberal-Fascists.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Swine Flu a.k.a., the H1N1 virus

The Swine Flu "pandemic" might potentially be the crisis that the American Mugabe a.k.a. "Broke" Obama and Rham-it-through Emanuel will not let go to waste. No doubt this "panicdemic" could be used to impose more restrictions on our liberties as well as another excuse to change the health care system, i.e.,  Obama could declare a national emergency and impose martial law.

Remember Clintonista Paul Begala's famous, "Stroke of the pen, law of the land? Kind of cool," remark about one of Clinton's Executive Orders?  It gives you insight into the mind set of the average Liberal-Fascist.  My original opposition to the Patriot Act, P.L. 107-56 was based on my standard test as to whether to pass a law or not. My test is to imagine the power and authority conferred by the potential law in the hands of the worst tyrant that you could ever imagine.  One of the criticisms of the Bush Administration was the accusation of domestic spying on American citizens. The "secret" order signed by Bush in 2002, authorized the monitoring of phone calls and other communications of people in the United States believed to have contact with suspected associates of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups overseas. While there were no cases to best of this writer's knowledge of abuses of the executive order, it may a different story with the American Mugabe. Obama has preserved the domestic surveillance program.

Recently the Obama DOJ recently exercised its subpoena authority by demanding the production of the details of all IP traffic to and from" on June 25, 2008. Indymedia is the Leftist news organization Independent Media Center, which is dedicated to promoting "social and economic justice" and "social change."  The Grand Jury subpeona did not specify the criminal activity that it was seeking to investigate.  While the subpoena was withdrawn, it shows that the Obama Administration is willing to attempt incursion into civil liberties to extend its power.

The Hong Kong Flu in 1968-69 killed approximately 33,800 people, yet, apart from the spitting on sidewalk laws, there were no calls to curtail liberties. During the annual flu season an estimated 36,000 people die in the United States each year. The usual approach to the flu epidemic has been a combination of information dissemination and the use of "hit or miss" flu shots.  The CDC has published its recommendations for vaccination for 2009-2010 flu season.  Unfortunately for many concerned parents, the vaccine has been in short supply and a least one a poll blames the drug companies for the shortages.  This shortage might come as good news to Louis Farrakhan who believes that the vaccine is designed to "depopulate the earth."  The extreme mistrust of the government may be behind the refusal of some health workers to take the vaccine even though it has been mandated.

It is not clear whether this latest crisis will eventually pan out into a genuine pandemic as probably hoped by the most extreme Liberal-Fascists. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said that "passive surveillance" is adequate for now and that a US-Mexico border closure "has not been merited by the facts." She later retracted the term under severe criticism.  A children’s rhyme from the time of the 1918 Spanish flu might be instructive as to the issue of border closing:

I had a little bird,
Its name was Enza,
I opened the window,
And in-flew-Enza.
As it stands, the American people may be weary of the numerous crises real or created (e.g., the health care crisis) by the Liberal Fascists and may feel justifiably that their collective plate is full. They might not be in the mood for yet another crisis and drastic action--even if merited. So what will the "busy" American Mugabe do?  Between bites of imported $100 Kobe beef, he will claim that his plate is full.

Monday, November 9, 2009

"Ich bin beschäftigt!" – (i.e., I'm busy!)*

The Man Child Obama has declined to go to Germany to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Some cynics might suggest that Obama was still holding a grudge over the opposition of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Obama giving his foreign policy coming out speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate while he was the de facto candidate of the Democrat Party. 

Obama later gave his July 24, 2008 speech in front of the Victory Column** in Berlin. That Obama might be so petty and childish as to hold such a grudge should come as no surprise to anyone with normal powers of observation or older than 14 years old. Had he elected to attend the Berlin Wall ceremony he would have spoken in front of the Brandenburg Gate as the President of the United States and not some wet behind the ears junior Senator from Illinois.

Obama claims that he is "too busy" to go to the Berlin Wall anniversary. One has to wonder busy doing what?  Between dithering for months about how many troops to send to Afghanistan, running up huge deficits, shooting his mouth off wrongly about a Cambridge cop, shooting hoops with cronies, running off to Copenhagen to be an Olympic pitchman, eating $100 a pound Kobe beef, going on dates with Michelle Antoinette, and working with his teleprompter; he can't seem to find time to be President. 

He has yielded the lead on the Healthcare issue to the feckless Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker "Nazi" Pelosi. Yet like a petulant child at the dinner table he slams his dish down demanding that the health care legislation be passed immediately! He continually apologizes to the world for America's sins like a smarmy management trainee sycophant looking for approval from a jerk boss. Obama also seeks approval from vile human chancres like Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega. That's leadership?  I recently saw a bumpersticker that said OBAMA - One Big Ass Mistake America. That about says it all.

*     See Rich Lowry's article, Behind Obama's Berlin Wall Snub, Real Clear Politics.
**   NN: The Victory Column is a major tourist attraction in the city of Berlin. It was erected in 1873 to commemorate the Prussian military victory over the Danish in 1864.