Just a short note to let you know that just about everything I wrote about in my previous post came to pass during Obama's summit. At one point, Obama spoke almost an hour, the Democrooks spoke for 108 minutes, and the GOP got 52 minutes. That meant that the Democrooks got 3 times the face time as the GOP. While the cable networks aired the summit they got bored at strategic times during the charade, i.e., the gaps in coverage were coincidently on purpose.
As expected Obama waved off GOP suggestions and was at one point extremely rude to Senator John McCain who was addressing the process that needed to be followed. Obama acted like a petty tyrant for the most part and displayed his immaturity and inexperience. Here's the Washington Post account of his interaction with the GOP:
Like any opinionated cable host, Obama sometimes sharply dealt with those who angered him. One eye-opening exchange came when his 2008 election opponent, John McCain, criticized deal-making that bloated the current health care bill.
"We're not campaigning anymore," Obama told McCain. "The election is over." [NN: Well sieg heil Adolph Jr., I thought that this Summit was supposed to be a bipartisan exchange of ideas!]
On television screens, it harkened back to the presidential debates with cable news showing split screens of the two men. The exchange lit up the blogs. [NN: Especially the Twits at the Daily Kos.]
"Genius!" wrote one Facebook member, Bruce Stevenson. [NN: He's probably just another leftist Kool-Aid drinking Obamabot.]
Tim McKay had a different view on Facebook: "I'm not John McCain fan, but the way President Obama just treated him at the health care summit was in my opinion, about as classless and unprofessional as they come." [NN: I would have said that Obama showed about as much class as a cracked toilet seat.]
The president also criticized Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House's No. 2 Republican, for piling a copy of the Senate bill on his desk as a prop to make the point that changes should be simplified. "Those are the kind of political things we do that prevent us from actually having a conversation," he said. He cut off Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell after the Kentucky senator checked his watch to note Democrats had more speaking time. [NN: The Dems have never used children or sob story letters from constituents as props.]
"There's an imbalance in the opening statements because I'm the president," Obama said. [NN: Mein Führer!]
Writing with an outsider's view, the Times of London wrote that "watching American politicians argue about health care can be seriously damaging to your health. Symptoms include migraines, extreme fatigue and sudden violent urges." [NN: Yeah, like your system is so damn perfect.]
The true aim of the Liberal-Fascist Democrooks emerged as the Summit trudged on. Their aim is to take over the insurance industry. That's because unlike their hippy dippy rhetoric of "sharing the wealth," these people are simply greedy corrupt bastards.