Tuesday, August 21, 2012


From ConservativeByte comes this bit of prognostication that turned out to be wrong:
Yesterday, Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin went on a local public affairs show in St. Louis with, at most, 12 convalescent viewers and gave birth to the mother of all campaign gaffes in 2012. Responding to a question about rape exceptions to abortion, something asked of every GOP candidate since Roe v Wade, Akin said something about how in “legitimate rapes” pregnancies are very rare. There are at least three serious things wrong with Akin’s answer, but let’s put those aside for now. His candidacy is over. So, what happens now?
At some point before 5pm CDT tomorrow, Akin will file papers to formally withdraw his name from the ballot. I realize today Akin was defiant and said he wasn’t a “quitter.” His supporters claim he will stay in the race because he views his candidacy as “providential”, but this is just the bluster before the end. Everyone is entitled to 24 hours to try to right their ship, but Akin did nothing today to cauterize the wound. When Reince Priebus, Ann Coulter, NRSC and Tea Party Express are all united in saying you should quit, you’ve pretty much run out of options.
Wrong! Akin is still in. But why Akin got into trouble is because he tried to talk about a subject that he is not competent to talk about--biology. Why talk about female physiological reactions to rape--especially to a Liberal-Fascist interrogator? This is something that gripes me about the GOP. Why do they let their candidates go on Liberal-Fascist media shows? Why do only Liberal apparatchiks get to moderate Presidential debates? Those Goebbels Gerbils are looking for gaffes by GOP candidates.

Didn't the GOP learn anything from ambush of Sarah Palin by Katie Koran? How about the musical ambush of Michele Bachmann by that little bitch Jimmy Fallon? When was the last time that a Democrook canine-date went on Fox News for an interview? You can't name one because Democrat weasels know better than to be subjected to questions that would require honest answers.

Meanwhile, there's is a Democrat congressional canine-date that has admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old boy at a public rest stop, sex with an underage child I think it would be called. So where's the wall-to-wall coverage of that pecadillo from CNN, NBC, See BS, ABC, and my favs, the talking dead heads at MS-LSD? How about the sexual harassment lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security? Any takers for that story you Fourth Estate pretenders? I for one am sick of the cancer that is the Democrat party on the American Body Politic and their enablers, the New Pravda media.

As for Akin, what a selfish bastard. He said that he's staying in the race to make a point about abortion--bullshirt! He realized that if he pulled out that come January 2013, he'd be out of a job for sure. I'm disgusted with that bonehead. His ego is being assuaged at the possible expense of continued Democrat control of the Senate.