I wasted three votes on Jerry Brown in the 1970s. Two of my votes were for his two Governorship runs (1974 and 1978) in California and one was for Brown's ill-fated run for the Presidency in 1976, against who was to become, until Obama, the worst President in US history-- Jimmy Carter. So what the heck was I thinking when I voted for Brown three times? Maybe it was the fake grey hair at Brown's temples that impressed me. He also seemed to be an energetic 30-something that was not like the "old" guys that my Baby Bummer generation rebelled against, (i.e., "Don't trust anybody over 30 years old!"). In the final analysis, Brown accomplished very little in his lackluster eight year tenure as Governor of California. In fact, the only two accomplishments of Brown in eight years was his giving up of the Governor's limousine and mansion. Brown has lived off those two symbolic gestures for nearly forty years. Other than that he's got nothing else to offer.
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It's quite a transition from a "hip" brooding young man to an "uncool" grumpy old man. |
But back then Jerry Brown was a 1970s ultra-cool cultural icon--just like Obama was to a new generation of naïve college "utes" in 2008. Brown was dating then-hot Latina rocker Linda Ronstadt. (See picture at right.) He also cracked jokes to his staff in Latin! How intellectually cool! (Today's equivalent in a dumbed down society would be the skilled hacky-sack guy that never seems to go to class or the skilled Play-Station gamer.) And Brown went to Yale Law School, as did his fellow Marxist travellers, Hillary and Bill Clinton and that meant that he was smarter than the average Russian bear. In defense of my seeming dumbness in voting for Brown three times, I can always fall back on the defense of youthful naïveté. I was young, dumb, and full of rum.
In the Governor's race against former ebay CEO, Meg Whitman, Brown is relying on the politics of personal destruction. He's accusing Whitman via attorney Gloria Allred of knowingly hiring an illegal alien as a housekeeper. Whitman appears to be the victim of fraud by her former employee (falsified documents) and of political slander and libel by Allred and Brown. It's typical Liberal-Fascist political tactics. Brown has provided no ideas, no vision, and no prospective leadership. His pitch is basically that he'll get California working again. But he doesn't say how he'll do it. Maybe it's like the way the Obama Care was passed. We'll have to elect Jerry Brown to find out how he'll do it. Talk about a Liberal pig in a poke. I don't think so Jerry. Forty years on the political public teat is enough. Grow up Jerry and get a real job.