Saturday, July 9, 2011


Maybe stricter enforcement of the im-
migration laws would be a better so-
The great state of Texas executed illegal immigrant Humberto Garcia Leal on Thursday night despite objections from the Obama regime and former President George W. Bush. Thirty-eight year old Leal was executed for the murder of 16-year-old Adria Sauceda in 1994.  Sauceda's nude body was found hours later after he left a party with her. Sauceda was bashed to death with a large piece of asphalt.  

And although this human chancre has greatly benefited from his prolonged illegal stay in America since his "terrible twos" days, he was a typical ingrate to the very end.  In his final statement, Leal apologized to the victim's family and asked for their forgiveness and then said  "One more thing: Viva Mexico, Viva Mexico."   He said this, after reaping the benefits of living in the United States for well over thirty years.  Funny how guys like Leal always exalt the old country where they never would have done as well as they have in America.

Defense attorneys argued that Texas police and other state authorities did not inform Leal, a Mexican citizen, of his right to consult with Mexican consular authorities.  The attorneys and violated the Vienna Convention that guarantees foreign detainees the right to consult with consular authorities of their governments following an arrest or detention.  So doesn't this constitute an argument for asking a foreign detainee about his immigration status?  How could a street cop give an alleged perpetrator his right to a foreign consular assistance if he can't ask the trigger question to inform a suspected perpetrator of his legal rights?

We are always hearing sob stories about the valedictorian illegal immigrants that were "innocently" brought here as children to justify passing blanket amnesty and various iterations of the Dream Act.  Why not balance those stories with stories of criminals like Leal and the MS 13 gang.  But we won't hear those stories because racist Democrats need illegal voters to support their destructive agenda.  Racist RINOs will always argue that illegals are doing the jobs Americans won't do.  Maybe we can breed a type of American worker similar to those subhumans bred to do undesirable jobs as described in Brave New World.  Now there's a solution for illegal immigration.

[Full Disclosure: Nick Nafta is an American citizen of Latino descent born in the United States. Nafta resents the deferential treatment given to illegal immigrant lawbreakers.  He especially despises Liberals that play the "Moral Imperative Card" and humbly suggests that they either shut the f*** up or sponsor an immigrant and assume full legal and financial responsibility for their stay in the United States.]

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Anyone that has paid any attention to the recent Republican Presidential Candidate Derby can't help but wonder where's the substance?  Remember the old 1984 Wendy's Commercial "Where's the Beef?"  Well it seems that at times this race is about nothing but beef, i.e., beefcake and sometimes a little cheesecake.  Until Mitt Romney began putting his foot in his mouth by adopting Liberal views on global warming and unions, he was considered the ultimate Republican stud muffin.  Enter Rick Perry and we may have a real hair competition not seen since the hair poofs John Kerry and John Edwards were the Democrat Presidential ticket in 2004.   Republican Mitch Daniels was pinged upon because he's short, balding, and boring! 

*   *   *   *   *

Does anyone care that they're
both intelligent women?

As mentioned earlier, there's plenty of cheesecake too!  You can now purchase a 2-pack of "Babes in the White House" bumper stickers featuring Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.  A classic way of eliminating the competition when you can't beat them with ideas is to trivialize them.  The methods used by the Democrats to eliminate capable Conservative women are at times reprehensible.  One method is to play the "pretty face but no substance" angle.  So far this hasn't really worked because both women are articulate and could hold their own against the teleprompter assisted Obama.  In the case of Palin, she has been subjected to legal harassment, libel and slander, and a vicious Lame Stream Media hate campaign that has not been seen since the Nazi pornographer, Julius Streicher put out the anti-Semitic Der Stürmer.  

Bachmann is beginning to feel the effects of the Liberal-Fascist media hate machine.  The Media is nitpicking her every word to make her appear to be, as Chris Wallace on Fox News put it, "a flake."   For a bunch that claims to be enlightened and non-sexist, the Democrats and the Coastal elites are the biggest knuckle dragging troglodytes ever to trudge the surface of the Earth.  What's ironic about these sexist attacks by the Left is that both women are examples of the feminist icon as postulated by such feminist multimedia as Ms Magazine in the 1970s.  Both Palin and Bachmann are independent, intelligent, have families, successful careers, and genuinely seem to love their husbands.  In other words, they have it all because they are closer to the average American woman than Michelle "Antoinette" Obama.  And unlike most Liberal women, they've earned their success based on their own hard work.  The average Democrat female "success story" is based upon connections and not character.  Hillary Clinton hitched her wagon to Bill Clinton.  Nancy Pelosi came from a prominent Baltimore, Maryland political family.  Scratch a female Kennedy public figure and well, you find a Kennedy.

*   *   *   *   *

Alleged Conservative pundit, David Brooks endorsed the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama because he liked the crease of his pants.  Chrissy Matthews felt a thrill up his leg whenever Obama spoke.  Is there some sort of political bromance going on here or is this just hyper-educated coastal elite talk?    It also sounds very metro sexual because it is superficial and not substantive.  It seems as if it's more important what clothes are in a candidate's closet than the skeletons in his closet.  Something sure looks like it's in the closet and it ain't designer suits, shoes, or skeletons.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The Bad Sleep Well by Akira Kurosawa is a film classic.  But it still would be a notable film if only for its pithy title.  It is a title that has become symbolic of a fundamental truth of life--that good does not always triumph and that nice guys, as Leo Durocher once said, finish last.  Nevertheless, the Durocher quote, although taken out of context,  has also come to be the motto of bastard bosses, pushy feminists, card cheats, Social Darwinists, or any Socialist, including their fellow socialist travelers, the Fascists.  Make no mistake, Fascism is a form of Socialism, (see Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg pp. 31-38). 

Before I digress any further, and turn this post into yet another polemic against the left--that comes later--I would state for the record that the some of the worst actors in American politics seem to be the ones that having benefitted most from the country that they seem to hate.  But it's not only politics in which the "bad" seem to be prospering.  It just seems as if there is no crime or punishment anymore for any apparent privileged character in America.

Michael Vick, reinstated to the NFL after doing time for running a illegal interstate dog fighting ring and gambling operation was rehired by Nike as a athlete endorser.  After Vick was convicted in April of 2007 in Federal Court, he was dropped by Nike as an athlete endorser.  But what is most galling about this reversal of fortune for Vick is that there seems to be no consequences for wrongdoing.  Here's a guy that not only did sadistic acts of cruelty and violence to dogs, but was also caught running a gambling ring! 

Back in 1962, NFL Hall of Famer, Paul Hornung and Alex Karras were suspended for a year for betting on NFL games and associating with shady characters.  Both were reinstated by Commissioner Pete Rozelle in 1964.  In Hornung's case it was due to intense lobbying by Coaching legend Vince Lombardi.  The NFL was interested in building a fan base, particularly in light of the competiton from the upstart American Football League.  Bonifide stars were at a premium.  After all, business is business.

Unlike the Black Sox scandal in 1919, in which eight White Sox players were banned for like for throwing the World Series, the NFL seems to be more lenient viz gambling.  But when it comes to drugs, Major League Baseball (MLB) seems to have a more laissez-faire attitude.  Pitcher Steve Howe was suspended several times over a 17-year on and off baseball career for substance abuse, but was always reinstated when a live arm was needed. 

Outfielder Manny Ramirez recently of the Tampa Bay Rays, abruptly retired from baseball when confronted with the possibility of having to take a second drug test.  Ramirez however, is still owed some $21 million by the bankrupt Los Angeles Dodgers.  He'll get some of that money.   Many players such as Sammy Sosa were suspected of using performance enhancing drugs during the "blind eye" period of steroid use in MLB.   MLB greatly benefited from the fan increase during home run derby in the 1999 season between Sosa and Mark McGwire, also suspected of using  performance enhancing drugs.  Although they may not be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, none of these players has suffered any real financial hardship.  McGwire currently works as the batting coach of the St. Louis Cardinals.

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Unfortunately, it is bad politicians that continue to sleep well despite the collateral damage that they are causing to their fellow citizens through their bad deeds.  Senator Chuck "U" Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Friday that invoking the Constitution's 14th Amendment, which states that federal debts "shall not be questioned," to continue paying government obligations is a strategy worth considering should a debt-ceiling deal remain elusive.  What's happening here is what Constitutional lawyer Mark Levin said on his WABC radio talk program on 5 July 2011.  Senator Schumer is suggesting that Pharoah Obama simply use that clause to continue to incur debt.  Since when does America tolerate a dictator?  It is Congress' Constitutional duty to appropriate funds to meet the financial obligations of the United States of America. 

But Pharoah Obama continues his impression of Robert Mugabe by spending the nation into oblivion.  The Pharoah has parties at the White House while millions of Americans suffer from unemployment and other financial woes.  Mugabe had a party marking his 85th birthday while many Zimbabweans went hungryThe Sunday London Times story of the birthday party gives a preview of what America can look forward to if the Pharoah is allowed to continue his profligate spending ways.  Under Mugabe's stewardship the unemployment rate is 94%!   Mugabe spent millions on luxury limousines while millions starved.  Are you starting to see a pattern? 

Meanwhile, Pharoah's wife, Michelle "Antoinette" Obama, is playing the part of the American iteration of Grace Mugabe, wife of Robert.  Her trips abroad with their children are legendary in their extravagence at the expense of the American taxpayer.  But does the Pharoah and his Queen care about that?  No, they sleep quite soundly in the People's House.  The bad indeed sleep very well.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


The Ten Plagues of Egypt are contained in the Book of Exodus in the Holy Bible These Plagues preceded the leading of the Hebrews by Moses into the Wilderness for forty years before reaching the Promised Land.  While many non-believers tend to dismiss the Bible as a collection of quaint stories, it does provide a comparable backdrop for what is happening to America today.  As an aside, the immigration apocalypse has been left for another blog post.  Below are the Ten Plagues of America.

1. Natural Disasters, e.g., Flood Waters & Fires:  To start the Biblical analogy, a flood berm burst near the Fort Calhoun nuclear plant that had been shut down for refueling since early spring.  While American officials assure the public that the Fort Calhoun plant and another nuclear plant along the flooded Missouri River are safe, Japanese officials were just as quick to assure the public that all was okay with the Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant.  The Midwest and other areas are flooding.  The Mississippi is flooding and Missouri farmers lost valuable crops when the Army Corps (pronounced "Corpse" by the Pharaoh) of Engineers opened the flood gates to save a Missouri town.

     The Los Alamos Laboratory has been evacuated due to a raging fire in New Mexico. Eastern Arizona is burning to a crisp. Texas is burning, and although some assistance has been given, FEMA thought that Texas had received enough assistance already. That's what you get for being a red state!  What's Obama's reaction?  Shooting hoops, playing some more golf, and going to fund raising events with wealthy crony-socialist Dems--after all why fiddle around? Oh, and by the way, the "Chicago Way" always means that the Pharaoh will punish his enemies whenever and however possible.  This is no matter how petty or harmful it is to America.

2. Liberal Tax Cheats, Chiselers & Cozenages: Where do we begin?  So many crooked Dems and so little effort to prosecute. Tim Geithner, chief tax enforcer, has gotten away with apparent tax games.--so have Tom Daschle and Charlie Rangel.  How about the legal tax loophole/shelter dodge also known private foundations as practiced by über wealthy Dems, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates?  Why not go after tax exempt Foundations with the same élan that the Pharaoh wants to tax small businesses (the "wealthy")?  These small businesses provide many of the jobs in America.  But the Nanny State doesn't want that!  It's better to foster a dependency class than a middle class!  Evidently, earned income is a scourge that must be eradicated. The Pharaoh favors protection of the passive income of crony socialists. Meanwhile, the financial testicles of the average American taxpayer are being crushed. What's Obama's reaction?  Shooting hoops, playing some more golf, and going to fund raising events with wealthy crony-socialist Dems.
3. Out-of-Control Public Employee/School Teacher Unions: In the spirit of full disclosure, I was twice a memberof a public employee union, SEIU, while working with the State Bar of California and the County of San Diego.  I can say that SEIU got me a $13,000 raise in pay from the State Bar, but got me a 2% raise after five years of no pay raises from the County of San Diego.  I have mixed feelings about public employee unions.  But the bottom line is that they have evolved into a money laundering operation for the Democrook party.  The mess that happened in Wisconsin is ample evidence of public employees gone wild.  In that case, the teachers were demanding full time benefits for what is the best paid part time job in America. That is insane.  Teachers have done very poor job of educating the young skulls full of mush in America.  They have tremendous nerve asking for more money for job poorly done.  These are among the Pharaoh's most rabid and irrational supporters. 

     Teachers' unions also enable the elitist plutocrats oppose school vouchers, i.e., they don't want their precious little Franklin and Eleanor intermingling with Malik, Maria, José, Mohammad, Lakisha, Tony, Billy Bob, and Peggy Sue. In other words, they fear the old cliché, "To know me is to love me." Racism and classism have never been so evident as it is with elitist Democrats. Does the Pharaoh and other rich Democrats send their kids to public schools?   As Democrats like to hector Republicans over sex scandals, here's an area where the gross hypocrisy of the Democrats is obvious.  As a postscript to the Wisconsin saga, a school district went from $400,000 in the red to $1.5 million in the black implementing Governor Scott Walker's reforms.

4. Out of Control Eco-Nazis:  The EPA (damn that Rockefeller Republican Richard Nixon) is writing regulations as if "cap and trade" were in effect.  The California agriculture economy is being held hostage by the Eco-Nazis defense of the Delta Smelt. An insignificant little fish is more important than human beings.  Even Mitt Romney, a supposedly smart businessman has put on the Eco-Nazi uniform regarding global warming.  But you have to realize that global warming is a elitist plutocrat cozenage to create another closed wealth creating scam by selling carbon credits.  They are done with the stock market inasmuch the "little guy" is heavily invested in the stock market through 401(k) plans.
5. Out of Control Spending: Imagine a US President that regularly spent over $80,000 over his household income running the budget of the United States of America...well that nightmare is here.  As this goes to post, the Pharaoh's wife, Michelle Antoinette, is spending perhaps upwards of $500,000 for her African Good Will hunting trip.  This includes her entourage of family, friends, and hangers on.  Her Spain trip cost the taxpayers around $400,000.  The Pharaoh has run-up almost $3 trillion in deficit spending in just two and a half years.  Remember the stimulus package of $800 billion?  Remember when the Pharaoh bragged about "shovel ready jobs"?  Guess what?  It was a money laundering scheme to keep public employees paying the dues that end up in Democrook party coffers.  Yet, Pharaoh laughed it off by saying I guess the shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as he/we thought.  Yup, the $800 billion joke punch line. 

     August 2, 2011 is the drop dead date for the US to default on the debt or so the Pharaoh claims so as to scare Congress into raising the debt ceiling.  The Pharaoh also wants to tax corporate jets.  This is ironic in that the Pharaoh and Michelle Antoinette spend hundreds of thousand dollars on what is apparent non-governmental related business and travel.  Oh sure, Michelle Antoinette might pose for a photo-op doing push-ups with Bishop Tutu in designer togs. To borrow a World War II line as adapted by 1960s sitcom Get Smart, "Is this trip necessary?"

6. A Lying Deceptive Lap Dog Lackey Media:  The Pravda, Izvestia, and Der Stürmer press is in full operating support mode for the Pharaoh.  Note the continuing sexist libel against the more than capable Conservative women like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.  The press made major mountain out of a molehill over Bachmann's minor gaffe about John Wayne being born in her hometown of Waterloo, IA.  Here's a link to the Pharaoh's numerous gaffes that the Lap Dog Media deliberately chose to ignore or play down.  Most of the Pharaoh's gaffes were excused because he's sooo tired from working (sic) for his crony socialist buddies like George Soros.  Swinging a golf club, shooting hoops, wolfing down greasy fries, having White House soirees for Beyoncé and Jay-Z, and going to fundraisers is exhausting. 

     By the way, the Pharaoh doesn't even know the age of his 12 year old daughter, he claimed in his June 29th presser with the Lap Dog Media that she's 13 years old!  I can excuse Bachmann not knowing that John Wayne Gacy, lived in Waterloo, IA.  But the Pharaoh not knowing the age of his own daughter--that's grim!  To think that the Lap Dog Media hectored George H. W. Bush for not knowing grocery prices!  I hope my President doesn't waste time looking at grocery store coupon flyers instead of running the country!  What a bunch of "dicks" leftist urinalists (read journalists) are.  ("Dick" is now a term for journalists to use when they disagree with someone, if they want to get suspended.)

7. Crony Socialism & Syndicalism:  By giving labor unions control of Chrysler and GM, the Pharaoh was practicing a form of syndicalism to the detriment of Chrysler bond holders that were totally screwed by the Pharaoh's fiat decision.  Can a new and improved People's Wagon à la Adolph Hitler, i.e., the Volkswagen, be on the horizon?  How about the big profits  made by "Goldman Sachs the Treasury" and "Morgan Stanley by while we rob the American taxpayers"? 

8. Election Fraud:  Where would unfunny fruitcake Al Franken be without vote fraud?  He'd be trying to resurrect a mediocre and very unfunny radio talk show career.  Franken was as funny as a fart in crowded elevator.  Where would Harry "Mr. Peepers" Reid be without illegal alien votes and the SEIU fraud machine?  He'd probably be chasing ambulances in Searchlight, NV. There are dozens of stories of "found" voting ballot boxes that benefited Democrook politicians in the last 40 years!  Vote fraud is the only crime that the Democrooks are good at.  They certainly stink at forgery.  Isn't that right Dan Rather?

9. America Haters Running America:  Little did I realize that the dirty, filthy unAmerican SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) roaming around on my college campus would be the coat and tie radicals running the American government today.  These colossal wastes of human DNA are self-centered narcissists as exemplified by the biggest narcissist of all, Pharaoh Barack.  Most of their achievements are the result of gradeflation, inflated resumes, and overtures to our enemies.  Teddy Kennedy, alcoholic murderer, immigration law defiler, and ruiner of the greatest health care system in the world, made direct overtures to the Soviets to thwart Ronald Reagan! 

     BTW, trust fund a-hole Teddy used to love to say, "tax the rich!"  Teddy wasn't rich he's on a budget from his trust fund. And, he like most rich Liberal-Fascist and other socialist pigs consider themselves the "chosen ones" to run and benefit financially from their warped stewardship of the world.  Just look at the wealthy Democrooks that are advocating Socialism--Soros, Buffett, Gates, GE management, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley to name a few.  Do you really think that good Liberal-Fascist women spendthrifts like Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Obama would give ever up luxury?  You can't have any of the good stuff but they sure as hell can.  The Dems through their control of the media have managed to stereotype the Reputzigan Party as the political party of the rich.  Truth be told, the real plutocrats are the Democrooks.

10. Death of the Unborn:  The Pharaoh continues to insist on the quarter of a billion dollar annual funding for the merchants of death, Planned Parenthood.  This funding for death continues despite the rampaging public debt that is destroying the American economy.  This is the very first thing to cut from the bloated election fund that the Democrooks are pushing disguised as a budget.

*  *  *  *  * 

America is burning, flooding, going of of business, declining, and dying a slow and painful death.  What's Obama's reaction to all these crises?  He's fiddles around like Nero, shooting hoops, playing some more golf, going to fund raising events with wealthy crony-socialist Dems, and he and the Missus taking lots of vacations on the taxpayers tab.  It's time for the corrupt, morally bankrupt politicians to be driven from positions of power before they bankrupt America.  November 2012 can't come fast enough.