Intellectual lightweight, Matt Lauer interviewed Donald Trump yesterday on the Today Show. Trump always delivers high ratings to talking head shows because he never fails to disappoint with his shoot from the lip style.
So what was the vital nugget of information that viewers took away from the interview? Was it how Trump would
address the National Debt? Was it how Trump would defeat ISIS? Was it how Trump would strengthen the American military? Was it who Trump would appoint to the Supreme Court to replace the late Justice Scalia?
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No, what viewers took away from the interview was that Donald Trump would allow Caitlin Jenner to use any restroom in Trump Tower that s/he wants to use. What has happened to this country?
A couple of years ago this restroom controversy would not have been a seriously discussed issue. Depending upon one's individual plumbing, there was no question about what restroom to use. It would have been the stuff of late night comedians' jokes. But transgender identity is a serious mental health issue. The suicide rate among transgenders is 40%. That issue is what is truly important--not restroom selection. But it is an issue that should be handled by a qualified mental health professional.
But this gender identity crisis is a manufactured issue. As a result, truly serious matters are not being discussed. The National Debt--that's not important. ISIS--that's not important. The National Defense--that's not important. Health care--that's not important. The next Supreme Court Justice appointee--that's not important. That a putative felon is being seriously considered for the highest office in the land--that especially is not important.
Ironically, free market capitalism as bastardized as it is, is being used by corporate hating Leftists to promote this agenda. Cowardly businesses, afraid of left wing media backlash, have joined the conga line of the "outraged" by boycotting or otherwise denying business to those states that codify and restrict restroom use to the original birth gender of the restroom patron. Target Department Store has buckled under and will allow customers to use any restroom that they feel corresponds to their gender identity. Never mind that some predator might use that to his or her advantage to molest or otherwise harass or offend other customers. Their feelings are irrelevant.
NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver is holding North Carolina hostage with the implied threat of moving of the NBA All Star game next year from Charlotte, North Carolina. The sports talking heads are talking about North Carolina "doing the right thing" and allowing restroom gender neutrality. I'm sorry, but what the hell qualifies a jock sniffer or a half educated ex-jock to opine about a mental health issue as if it were a matter of national security?
There is a far more sinister side to this controversy. The true power of the media is ignore an issue or conversely make it the only topic of discussion. By making restroom use the question de jour, the issue of Hillary Clinton's ethical qualifications to be President of the United States is being quietly swept under the rug. Our right to know has become the oligarchy's right to let us know. We don't need to be talking about gender-neutral toilets when the country is going down the toilet.
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The Cobra is Loose!
Today on the Chris Plante Show on WMAL, Washington, D.C., Plante broke the story about how Vice-President Joe Biden is code named "Cobra" by the Secret Service. It seems that "Lunch Bucket Joe", erstwhile working class hero, is fond of skinny-dipping and wandering naked throughout Blair House, the Vice-Presidential residence. Whenever the Veep is unclothed, agents get on the horn and warn female agents to make themselves scarce as the "Cobra" makes the rounds. There was no indication as to how the "Cobra" got his code name, but you can figure that one out.