On the holiest day of redemption in Christianity, Catholics are confronted by the following: the Catholic Church, and in particular, the Pope is under attack by secularists for priestly molestation of their young charges. I have heard a lot of my non-Catholic acquiantences say that the Church is hypocritical and should allow priests to marry and the problem with aberrant priests molesting their young charges will simply go away. Maybe, but that's just as silly as buying into the equally looney spin that these aberrant priests are in reality gay and just like their prey to be very young.

Nobody that is a sane human being and has a working moral compass likes any abuse of trust, be it by Catholic priests and their alter boys, public school teachers and their students, or Congressmen and their Congressional pages. Yet the Leftist stooge press ignores the larger overall societal problem of pedophilia and focuses in on their favorite target, Christianity and in particular the Catholic Church.
It's true that prohibition against priests marrying probably goes back to the Investiture Controversy in which a series of popes challenged the authority of European monarchies over control of appointments, i.e., investitures, of church officials such as bishops and abbots. The land and other fiscal accotrements associated with clerical office made them valuble commodities.
These secular officials often sold these offices via a practice known as simony not unlike POTUS Obama I, promising a congressman a judicial lifetime appointment of the Congressman's brother to a Federal Circuit Court judgeship in exchange for the "honorable" congressman's vote on healthcare deform. One of the things the Church did was to take the comercialization out of clerical office by turning the office into an instrument of the church and not a family business purchased on the open market.
Yet, non-Catholic meddlers want to change basic church structure to suit their secular fancies. My question to these meddlers is why not ask other religions to reconsider some of their more medieval doctrines, e.g., the subjugation of women as personal chattel or the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation?
By the way, in my part of the world there is one local high school where there have been four instances of teacher-student pedophile abuse in the last two years. Where's the flaming outrage fanned by the repressive radical left press? There have also been calls by some for a Senate hearings on the pedophile priest crisis. Well, while we're at it then let's go whole hog and investigate public school pedophile crisis or the Congressional pedophile crisis.
Let's bring former public school teacher and the schoolboy's favorite femme fatale Mary Kay Letourneau up before the drinking, carousing, philandering Senators. Fat chance, inasmuch as teachers unions are the sacred cow of the Democrat controlled Congress. I would like to see these political vermin pass their "august" judgment upon the Catholic church. Well that's not likely, because you see these vermin politicians and secularist haters have an unfair advantage. They can't judged because they have no standards to held to. They are, to be frank, set-up not to fail so that they can be free to pontificate (pun intended) on the bad morals of others that oppose their secularist agenda. (You know the story, specks in the eyes of others and logs in their own eyes. Religion is opiate of the masses... blah, blah, blah.) Not that the victims do not deserve justice but behind much of this focused anti-Catholic furor are (1) a leftist political and social agenda and (2) greedy lawyers. I can't think of a more unholy mix on this holy day. Let's attack the whole problem and not just part of it.