Thursday, June 28, 2012


My jailhouse lawyer friend called it right. When John Roberts was nominated to the Supreme Court, he said that he didn't like Roberts' character because he seemed to play it safe throughout his life. We might have seen a sample of that "play it safe" attitude today with the Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Chief Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion. Roberts allegedly changed his vote against ACA in May siding with the Leftist stooges on the Court.

The rumored motivation for Chief Justice John Roberts siding with statist position was that he was moved to change his vote because of the attacks on the Court by the Goebbels Gerbils (a.k.a., the Mainstream News Media) and radical Senators like Patrick Leahy (D-VT).  Perhaps Chief Justice Roberts did not want "his" Court to go down in history as the spoiler of the historic Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Needless to say, what the Roberts "majority" actually did today was to give government the unlimited power to tax. This opens the door to a carbon tax, a fat tax, a soda tax, and taxes on any behavior.

In McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316, (1819), Daniel Webster argued that, "An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy." In his majority decision, Chief Justice Marshall said: "That the power of taxing it [the bank] by the States may be exercised so as to destroy it, is too obvious to be denied, and That the power to tax involves the power to destroy [is] not to be denied." So too, with the potential destruction of freedom of thought using a tax. Imagine a CO2 tax on talk radio. The selective enforcement crowd at Eric "The Racist" Holder's Department of (In)Justice might now feel that they don't have to protect the First Amendment rights of their enemies. So they could conceivably selectively enforce a draconian carbon footprint tax on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al, to destroy them. The enforcement rationale would be that the talkers breathe too much CO2 as they spread, as the ubiquitous Senator Chuck Schumer has said, their "pornography." But Jon Stewart and his ilk would be free--as anyone should be--to spout their radical leftist ideas over the airwaves. It doesn't matter how stupid and anti-democracy those ideas are.

Willkommen to the totalitarian state. The Fourth Reich will not be televised, it will be imposed. But take heart, because as June 6, 1944 was--November 6, 2012 will be another D-Day.  We will have an opportunity to defeat another tyrant.