Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Well color me brown, as in those  snappy designer brown shirts worn by Hitler's Sturmabteilung (SA), aka well, der Brown Shirts!  You could just as easily substitute Mussolini's Black Shirts, but that might get you accused of racism by the Obamabot Noose Media.  You could even substitute Mao Zedong's legendary Red Guard.  The point is that socialists are not benign--they are the ultimate hate group.  And all of the foregoing groups and the Democrats are socialists! 

The Canadian version of the Brown Shirts/Black Shirts/Red Guard were on full and open display Tuesday night as angry rock and stick bearing "student" protesters shut down a scheduled speech by Ann Coulter at the University of Ottawa.  Although in the case of the Canadian political thugs, they probably wore plaid lumberjack shirts.  According to the Drudge Report (23 March 2010 Edition): 

FLASH: Ann Coulter Ottawa speech shut down... 2000 protesters surrounding building with rocks and sticks -- pulled fire alarm in building. Cops shut it down! Blogs calling for Coulter to be hurt. MPs were banned from going, Coulter denounced by an MP in the Parliament.
To bring this home, we're hearing today from the prescient House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer about Democrats that voted for ObamaCare being threatened with violence!  No doubt the threats are eminating from horn rimmed glasses wearing right wing bloggers and Janet Napolitano's identified housefrau terrorist groups.  This proves my point that whenever Liberal-Fascists accuse conservatives (or anyone they don't like) of bad behavior; it's because they are covering up the fact that they or their fellow travelers are probably engaged in such bad conduct.

According to the article, many of the protesters cited "hate speech" as the reason for their fortified assault on free speech.  Coulter believes that the tone was set by University of Ottawa vice-president and provost Francois Houle in an e-mail cautioning her on the content of her speech.  According to the e-mail:
...We have a great respect for freedom of expression (sic)[NN: that's a major joke, just ask Canadian Mark Steyn about free speech in maple syrup land] in Canada, as well as on our campus, and view it as a fundamental freedom, as recognized by our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you, that our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or "free speech") in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States. I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here.

You will realize that Canadian law puts reasonable limits on the freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges. Outside of the criminal realm, Canadian defamation laws also limit freedom of expression and may differ somewhat from those to which you are accustomed. I therefore ask you, [that] while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in mind. [NN: Sounds like an implied threat to me and an apparent crypto directive to the little leftist campus commie bots.]
According to Ms Coulter in her most recent column entitled Oh Canada, the e-mail was widely disseminated before she got it.  This suggests that M. Houle was sounding the call to arms, i.e., sticks and rocks, to undermine the Coulter appearance.  Ms Coulter also asked whether hate speakers like Israel-hater Omar Barghouti and ancient 1960s radical Angela Davis had received similar warning letters.  Mark Steyn's comments on M. Houle's e-mail before the scheduled Coulter speech are poignant, if not downright scary as to the state of the western world democracies today:
This is the pitiful state one of the oldest free societies on the planet has been reduced to, and this is why our free speech campaign matters - because those who preside over what should be arenas of honest debate and open inquiry instead wish to imprison public discourse within ever narrower bounds - and in this case aren't above threatening legal action against those who dissent from the orthodoxies. Lots of Americans loathe Ann Coulter but it takes a Canadian like François Houle to criminalize her. The strictures he attempts to place around her, despite his appeal to "Canadian law", are at odds with the eight centuries of Canada's legal inheritance. Canadians should point that out to him politely, and explain that, although he lives high off the hog courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer, he does not speak for them.
The little leftist campus commie bots responded to M. Houle's silent dog whistle command by acting like the Brown Shirt thugs that most socialists end up becoming despite their initial good intentions.  And as we all know, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.  The article catalogs the self-righteous indignation of these sawdust socialists.  Here's a visual sample of the little totalitarian thugs in action celebrating the de facto censorship of Ann Coulter.

well sieg heil Baby!  In fact, their chant "hate speech stopped" sounds a lot like Hitler's zombies in action.  I can almost hear these same dimwits chanting "Yes we can!"  Can book burning à la Farenheit 451 be far behind in the land of beavers and leftist boneheads?   Most anti-free speech vitriol seems to be emerging from the left these days. 

Here's Ms Coulter defending herself against the leftist rhetoric repressors:

If you think that Liberal-Fascist repression is any different in the Amerika of Barack Hussein Obama, then I'll leave you with this comment from the future high commissar of censorship, Senator Charles "No humor" Schumer of New York.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Well they got what they wanted...

Here's a prediction about the health care/insurance reform bill that just passed the House of Non-Representatives.  They'll be collecting the taxes four years before it goes into effect.  Guess what's going to happen?  The money won't be there in 2013, because the Liberal-Fascists will have spent it all.  Don't believe me? How about all of those IOUs in the so-called Social Security Lockbox.  Social Security is currently in the red!  So do you really think this health care/insurance reform is going to turn out any different?

The other interesting thing that came out of the vote this evening and for the health care debate process is that being a Democrat means that you generally have no principles and that your vote can be bought and sold as easily as a whore or man-whore sells their bodies. 

Bart Stupak (D-MI) certainly lived up to his name by actually believing that Presi-dunce Obamanable would sign an executive order banning Federal Funds from being used for abortions, i.e., the Hyde Amendment would be enshrined in a Presidential executive order.  As the Catholic Online website noted in its Politics Blog:
The Susan B. Anthony List was to honor Congressman Bart Stupak with an award for his Pro-Life stand. They have now rescinded the award with these words: "This Wednesday night is our third annual Campaign for Life Gala, where we were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform-we will no longer be doing so. By accepting this deal from the most pro-abortion President in American history, Stupak has not only failed to stand strong for unborn children, but also for his constituents and pro-life voters across the country."

To quote one self-described anarchist, "The Law [NN: That would be Obama's promised Executive Order] Isn’t Worth the Paper It’s Written On."  Now if the Obamanation promised Stupak verbally, well then Samuel Goldwyn's quote that, "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on" is à propos.  All that's left now is to pray that we can undo the great damage that this America hater has done to this great nation. 

From one of the more interesting blogs on the Internet comes this observation about how they do things in Spain versus how they now do them in the United States:

This was unreal.

So every year in Valencia [NN: Spain] they create these sculptures that critique or satirize society and then they burn them down. The burning takes place at midnight and the early hours of the morning. These sculptures are placed throughout the city, in plazas, next to houses. It's quite dangerous; thus, the basis of it's appeal. It kind of feels like a war zone would, I imagine. All day when you are at Valencia there are firecrackers being set off every few seconds, the sound of each new one startling you more than did the last.

Anyway, before the fallas start you have to wait for the firemen to arrive on scene so they can spray the surrounding walls with water as a precaution. You know, in case the flames get out of control. It's not uncommon for spectators to get wet as well.

You would never see something like this in the United States. We just don't spend money on building beautiful things to burn them down later. Instead, we allow what we already have that is beautiful to burn down naturally, allowing Big Ears to justify it as a stride towards "hope." Words are so powerful. They elected our president and are what win wars. If I could build a war team, the most efficient one would be equipped with poets and Jews. Poets, who know the power of discourse, and Jews, who know the power of guilt. Besides, the Israel army is one of the toughest in the world... you just don't mess with the tribe.