Here's a prediction about the health care/insurance reform bill that just passed the House of Non-Representatives. They'll be collecting the taxes four years before it goes into effect. Guess what's going to happen? The money won't be there in 2013, because the Liberal-Fascists will have spent it all. Don't believe me? How about all of those IOUs in the so-called Social Security Lockbox. Social Security is currently in the red! So do you really think this health care/insurance reform is going to turn out any different?
The other interesting thing that came out of the vote this evening and for the health care debate process is that being a Democrat means that you generally have no principles and that your vote can be bought and sold as easily as a whore or man-whore sells their bodies.
Bart Stupak (D-MI) certainly lived up to his name by actually believing that Presi-dunce Obamanable would sign an executive order banning Federal Funds from being used for abortions, i.e., the Hyde Amendment would be enshrined in a Presidential executive order. As the Catholic Online website noted in its Politics Blog:
The Susan B. Anthony List was to honor Congressman Bart Stupak with an award for his Pro-Life stand. They have now rescinded the award with these words: "This Wednesday night is our third annual Campaign for Life Gala, where we were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform-we will no longer be doing so. By accepting this deal from the most pro-abortion President in American history, Stupak has not only failed to stand strong for unborn children, but also for his constituents and pro-life voters across the country."
To quote one self-described anarchist, "The Law [NN: That would be Obama's promised Executive Order] Isn’t Worth the Paper It’s Written On." Now if the Obamanation promised Stupak verbally, well then Samuel Goldwyn's quote that, "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on" is à propos. All that's left now is to pray that we can undo the great damage that this America hater has done to this great nation.
This was unreal.
So every year in Valencia [NN: Spain] they create these sculptures that critique or satirize society and then they burn them down. The burning takes place at midnight and the early hours of the morning. These sculptures are placed throughout the city, in plazas, next to houses. It's quite dangerous; thus, the basis of it's appeal. It kind of feels like a war zone would, I imagine. All day when you are at Valencia there are firecrackers being set off every few seconds, the sound of each new one startling you more than did the last.
Anyway, before the fallas start you have to wait for the firemen to arrive on scene so they can spray the surrounding walls with water as a precaution. You know, in case the flames get out of control. It's not uncommon for spectators to get wet as well.
You would never see something like this in the United States. We just don't spend money on building beautiful things to burn them down later. Instead, we allow what we already have that is beautiful to burn down naturally, allowing Big Ears to justify it as a stride towards "hope." Words are so powerful. They elected our president and are what win wars. If I could build a war team, the most efficient one would be equipped with poets and Jews. Poets, who know the power of discourse, and Jews, who know the power of guilt. Besides, the Israel army is one of the toughest in the world... you just don't mess with the tribe.
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