Here's an attempt by US taxpayer funded NPR (National Partisan Radio) to demonize "their enemies" on the right. Once again, they ignore historical and actual fact by implying that Hitler was a "right winger" although Nazism--(National Socialism and in German: Nationalsozialismus)-- is a form of Socialism.
The slur is partly true, but only because Nazis are to the right of traditional Socialists and Communists. This tag developed during German elections in the 1930s during Hitler's ascent to power. In one respect, our American news media resembles Josef Goebbels' propaganda machine in that they practice the "Big Lie" technique to perfection.
Here's our legendary news media in action as documented by Breitbard's Big Journalism! According to Big Journalism, "What a beautiful racket the left has going. Those of us who dare not be liberal are literally paying, through our tax dollars, for NPR to smear us like this:"
[Click on link above to see the Big Journalism/NPR video report.]
Partial transcript:
"The thinking, as we have been reporting, is that this is a domestic, extremist attack and officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There's the Columbine anniversary, there's Hitler's birthday, there's the Oklahoma City bombing, the assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco."
"The thinking, as we have been reporting, is that this is a domestic, extremist attack and officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There's the Columbine anniversary, there's Hitler's birthday, there's the Oklahoma City bombing, the assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco."
The NPR reporter is Dina Temple-Raston. John Nolte, the Big Journalism reporter wryly observed that her name "... makes sense. After all, don't most serial-smearers have three names?"