Thursday, February 11, 2010

Comments to the Editor

A reader, Milton wrote about The Children's Hour, posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2010...

"I guess Palin does not understand satire and she complains about telaprompters, what a hypocrite. Palin’s hand job just shows all of us what kind of dullard we are up against, I have not seen this since junior high. She is so perfect for "Fake News". WOW and some call her a leader….please."

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NN replies:

Thank you Milton for reading this blog. Your readership is greatly appreciated. I sincerely hope that it is thought provoking for you and others that might come across it in the vast blogosphere.

The point of the The Children's Hour post is to show the pettiness and sheer vapidity of the current political discourse.  We're no longer arguing ideas--but personalities.  We live in dangerous times and this is no time for silly people.  Robert Gibbs epitomizes the current silliness and vapidity of American politics.

 As an aside, perhaps it is a generational thing inasmuch as the current crop of "leaders" are predominately Baby Boomers.  Baby Boomers are "the worst generation" as opposed to their parents that were dubbed "the greatest generation."  With few exceptions, "Boomers" are for the most part irresponsible, immature, and self-centered mediocrities.  Although Gibbs missed the Boomer birth cutoff year of 1964, he easily fits in with his Boomer Boss Obama.
That being said, the Presidential pool is shallow on BOTH sides of the aisle.  When you look closely at the current occupant of the White House it is scary to realize that in four years of his US Senate term that he only showed up for work about 143 days.  As an Illinois state senator, he voted "present" about 193 times.  During those two terms in office Obama spent the majority of his time running for higher office.

What kind of leadership is that?  It's so seriously lacking enough that I would take Palin's awkward naïve transparency any day of the week over Obama's empty suited secrecy that includes sealed birth, all school, and other records.  What bothers me the most is that it apparently takes more proof of qualifications to buy a cell phone than it takes to become President.

But we'll never know how smart Obama really is because we have only his two autobiographies (possibly ghostwritten) and the fawning thoughts of silly groupies like Chris Matthews to draw any conclusions about his intellect. Moreover, the presumptiousness of a 40-something thinking that he warrants not just one, but two autobiographies before he achieved any real accomplishment is absolutely astounding.
But if you don't believe me then watch Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose on the topic of Obama.

You could also argue that a POTUS that can't even speak to elementary school kids without a Teleprompter shows a lack of something. Obama might make a perfect contestant for "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?"  It would make for a very close contest between the 5th graders and Obama, assuming Obama was without a Teleprompter to give him the answers.

Finally, Obama's tendency to blame his failures upon Bush is childish and shows a serious lack of something such as character.  As the old proverb goes, "A poor craftsman blames his tools."  If Obama wasn't really up to the job he shouldn't have run for the office.  Obama acts like a petulant child that isn't getting his way.  It makes me think that he, like Clinton, only wanted the job solely for the perqs like affording (on the taxpayers' dime) $100 a pound Kobe beef.

This is even more galling when you consider that his majorities in Congress should allow him to pass whatever he wants done.  Whatever you may think of George W. Bush, he wasn't a crybaby like Obama.  Clinton left him a pile of crap and his cowardice in not eliminating Osama Bin Laden even when he was handed the SOB on a silver plate caused 9/11.

Aren't we lucky that we got a real leader in Obama?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Children's Hour

But for Scott McClellan, Robert Gibbs might easily be the worst Presidential Press Secretary in the history of that office.  He most assuredly is the biggest buffoon to have ever held the position.

So let's play "The Six Degrees of Peter Griffin."  The creator of Family Guy is Seth MacFarlane an Obama supporter.  Robert Gibbs, Obama's Press Secretary bears an uncanny resemblance to Peter Griffin of the Family Guy on Fox.  That was almost too easy. But wait there's more.  The Wikipedia article on the Family Guy decribes Peter Griffin as...
average...not particularly competent...obese and...his IQ falls near the borderline of mental retardation...(as made explicit in the episode "Petarded"). [Are you listening Rahm Emanuel?]
Of course I took artistic license in editing the text of Wikipedia article's description of the Peter Griffin character. But the revised description as applied to Gibbs is fairly accurate when you watch this imbecile in action. 

On Tuesday, Gibbs mocked Sarah Palin for having written notes on the palm of her hand by showing his meaty paw with a scrawled grocery list and the words "hope," "change."  This is the spokeshole for a man that can't speak to elementary school kids without using a TelePromTer®.  This is also the kind of puerile behavior that I would expect from a junior high school kid.  It only shows me that Obumbler's handlers and the motley crew that call themselves the Democrook Party are deathly afraid of Palin.

But immaturity is not the only shortcoming that Gibbs has.  He is also condescending, which for the life of me I can't understand.  Somehow this doughy little twit  has gotten the idea that he's the cleverest, wittiest man in the press room.  Nothing in the universe could further from the truth.  Note this little confrontation with reporter April Ryan.  Listen closely to the unjustified arrogance of this total meat bag. What it also shows is that many white Liberal males are closet racists and sexists.

But when the rubber hits the road, Gibbs can't even come up with a plausible answer to a predictable question.  Watch as this dumbo can't name any country where a single payer healthcare system works.

"I don't know" is always a stupid answer to give, especially when you know ahead of time that one of the questions by those opposing a single payer healthcare system is to ask where in the world it has worked.  But "I don't know" seems to be the tagline for this bumbling imbecile.  Watch the imbecile give a non-answer to a question about a White House publicity stunt gone bad involving Air Force One.

Given the understandable shock of New Yorkers to the scare caused by Air Force One and two fighter jets apparently strafing the Statue of Liberty, the lack of any reaction by Gibbs is stultifying.   A good White House Press Secretary would anticipated the question about an event that caused such a stir.  Gibbs claimed that he was "doing other things."  (He was probably playing a computer game.)  Now when the White House does prepare answers it's to their own canned questions.

Even that old Bolshevik bag lady propagandist Helen Thomas gives the  weasely Press Secretary grief.  But this total waste of genetic matter stumbles, fumbles, and bumbles his way while tilting at windmills.
Unlike Don Quijote, this twit has no ideals or ideas for that matter.  His career has been that of a political lackey, i.e., if he had to get a real career he couldn't because he has no apparent marketable job skills except as a paperweight or better yet as deadweight.  There's a billboard off a Minnesota road which features a photo of former President George W. Bush with the words "Miss me yet?" 

A better billboard would have had pictures of the late Tony Snow and Dana Perino, the last two Press Secretaries to George W. Bush with the words "Miss us yet?"   To that I would answer a resounding, "YES!"

©J. G. Waldman. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Laissez les Bon Temps Roulez

What a weekend for victims everywhere!  The Saints have saved New Orleans!  Hungry? Ni modo, the growling in your tummy will go away just because the Saints won!  Still homeless, ce n'est pas grave, because the Saints won!  The people that have sat around for five years waiting for the government to do something for them have now got a new reason to sit around.  They have hope!  And as we all know hope is an excuse to do nothing. 

The Super Bowl has become a feminized event with the evolution of the Super Bowl party.  It used to be that it was about the game, competition, and men getting a respite from "honey do" lists.  Now it's evolved into petits fours, silly commercials, geriatric rock 'n' rollers, and even worse it's become a political prop for the effete Leftists to tell us what a victory by the Saints would do for the city of New Orleans. The Saints winning the Super Bowl has about as much to do with the helping the plight of New Orleans as a woodpecker has to do with construction.  Dammit, I want my pro-football back!
Our Articulate President

Did anybody catch Obumbler's mispronounciation of the word "corpsman" at the prayer breakfast on February 4th?  Here's a partial transcript from the Rush Limbaugh show highlighting the "smartest ever" President  Obumbler's elocutionary excursion into waxing eloquent:
OBAMA: One such translator was an American of Haitian descent -- representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the world -- Navy Corpse-man Christian (sic) Brossard. And lying on a gurney aboard the USNS Comfort, a woman asked Christopher: "Where do you come from? What country? After my operation," she said, "I will pray for that country." And in Creole, Corpse-man Brossard responded, "Etazini." The United States of America.
Wow, that must be the way they say it at Columbia and Harvard.  And they said Bush and Quayle were manglers of the English language.  Of course we'll never know how smart he really is because all of his school records are sealed.  This recent stupid verbal faux pas  is almost as bad as when Obumbler the Kenyan Usurper made his famous slip about his Muslim faith.

For the sake of the Republic, we should ask ourselves what are the Liberal-Fascists hiding about this immature bumbling man-child masquerading as a grown-up?  By the way, I would put Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams so far ahead of the dunce Obama because it would literally be a "no-brainer."

Oh and Yeah, that Sarah Palin is a Real Ditz!

Liberal-Fascist crybabies are shaking their stubby little stankfingers at Sarah Palin because she wrote some reminders on her hand so that she wouldn't forget some points during her keynote address at the Tea Party Convention.  Never mind that Obumbler needs a teleprompter just to speak coherently to twelve year olds and younger.  This just shows that we need to see his college and law school transcripts to see if he's at least as smart as a 5th grader.

They used to criticize Reagan for using index cards.  Liberals are such hypocritical little twits. (I wanted to use another word that rhymes with twit).  It's okay for their doofus to use an electronic idex card, i.e., a teleprompter, but let Sarah Palin use a few handwritten notes and all hell breaks loose.  What childish examples of genetic vomit that the Liberal-Fascists are.

Murtha Dies but his Lies Live On 

Congressman John Murtha, 77, died today of complications from gall bladder surgery.  While it's never kind to speak ill of the dead, the truth is never inappropriate to mention.  Murtha hid behind his Marine and Vietnam service while being a tool of a leftist Time Magazine reporter in accusing serveral soldiers of war crimes.  Have a gander at the Honorable Gentleman spew his vile anti-American bile.


Murtha was also an unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam Scandal (i.e., Arab Scam, oops! That would never fly in the politically correct Amerika of the Kenyan Usurper!).  For those under 30 years of age, the FBI in the 1970s and 1980s, ran a sting operation to catch federal lawmakers that they believed could be bribed. The operation was called Abscam. Their objective was to catch government officials accepting bribes in return for doing political favors for a non-existent sheik.  Although Murtha turned down a $50,000 bribe he hinted that he might "open for business" at a future date.  For your viewing pleasure here is the "Honorable" John Murtha trying to wease his way into a future revenue stream.


In 2008, the FBI raided the offices of PMA, a lobbying firm that had become one Murtha's biggest sources of campaign cash. PMA specialized in getting earmarks for defense contractors and with Murtha's powerful help them got them. In 2007 and 2008 Murtha and two other Democrats serving on the House Appropriations defense subcommittee directed $137 million to defense contractors who were clients of PMA. Between 1989 and 2009, Murtha received over $2.3 million in campaign contributions from PMA's lobbyists and clients, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks the flow of political money.  

Meanwhile, the crybaby hypocrite Liberal-Fascists were beating their concave chests about the evil Jack Abramoff and the Republican Culture of Corruption.  Talk about pots and kettles...  To be sure, corruption must be stopped.  But it must be stopped without regard to party affiliation.  In the case of Murtha, the House Committee was in the midst of dragging it feet to look into the matter. 

Doesn't it bother you that it takes almost an act of G-d to bring a bribe taking SOB like William Jefferson (D-LA) to justice? How can a crook like that be caught with $100,000 and keep his Congressional seat for almost two years?  The best guess is that as long you have the politically correct public morality--i.e., if you're for abortion, if you're for a single payer healthcare system, if you're not racist unless it's toward white males, if you're not a religious bigot unless it's against Catholics and born again Christians--then you're in like Flynn.
