A reader, Milton wrote about The Children's Hour, posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2010...
"I guess Palin does not understand satire and she complains about telaprompters, what a hypocrite. Palin’s hand job just shows all of us what kind of dullard we are up against, I have not seen this since junior high. She is so perfect for "Fake News". WOW and some call her a leader….please."
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NN replies:
Thank you Milton for reading this blog. Your readership is greatly appreciated. I sincerely hope that it is thought provoking for you and others that might come across it in the vast blogosphere.
The point of the The Children's Hour post is to show the pettiness and sheer vapidity of the current political discourse. We're no longer arguing ideas--but personalities. We live in dangerous times and this is no time for silly people. Robert Gibbs epitomizes the current silliness and vapidity of American politics.
As an aside, perhaps it is a generational thing inasmuch as the current crop of "leaders" are predominately Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are "the worst generation" as opposed to their parents that were dubbed "the greatest generation." With few exceptions, "Boomers" are for the most part irresponsible, immature, and self-centered mediocrities. Although Gibbs missed the Boomer birth cutoff year of 1964, he easily fits in with his Boomer Boss Obama.
The point of the The Children's Hour post is to show the pettiness and sheer vapidity of the current political discourse. We're no longer arguing ideas--but personalities. We live in dangerous times and this is no time for silly people. Robert Gibbs epitomizes the current silliness and vapidity of American politics.
As an aside, perhaps it is a generational thing inasmuch as the current crop of "leaders" are predominately Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are "the worst generation" as opposed to their parents that were dubbed "the greatest generation." With few exceptions, "Boomers" are for the most part irresponsible, immature, and self-centered mediocrities. Although Gibbs missed the Boomer birth cutoff year of 1964, he easily fits in with his Boomer Boss Obama.
That being said, the Presidential pool is shallow on BOTH sides of the aisle. When you look closely at the current occupant of the White House it is scary to realize that in four years of his US Senate term that he only showed up for work about 143 days. As an Illinois state senator, he voted "present" about 193 times. During those two terms in office Obama spent the majority of his time running for higher office.
What kind of leadership is that? It's so seriously lacking enough that I would take Palin's awkward naïve transparency any day of the week over Obama's empty suited secrecy that includes sealed birth, all school, and other records. What bothers me the most is that it apparently takes more proof of qualifications to buy a cell phone than it takes to become President.
What kind of leadership is that? It's so seriously lacking enough that I would take Palin's awkward naïve transparency any day of the week over Obama's empty suited secrecy that includes sealed birth, all school, and other records. What bothers me the most is that it apparently takes more proof of qualifications to buy a cell phone than it takes to become President.
But we'll never know how smart Obama really is because we have only his two autobiographies (possibly ghostwritten) and the fawning thoughts of silly groupies like Chris Matthews to draw any conclusions about his intellect. Moreover, the presumptiousness of a 40-something thinking that he warrants not just one, but two autobiographies before he achieved any real accomplishment is absolutely astounding.
But if you don't believe me then watch Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose on the topic of Obama.
You could also argue that a POTUS that can't even speak to elementary school kids without a Teleprompter shows a lack of something. Obama might make a perfect contestant for "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" It would make for a very close contest between the 5th graders and Obama, assuming Obama was without a Teleprompter to give him the answers.
Finally, Obama's tendency to blame his failures upon Bush is childish and shows a serious lack of something such as character. As the old proverb goes, "A poor craftsman blames his tools." If Obama wasn't really up to the job he shouldn't have run for the office. Obama acts like a petulant child that isn't getting his way. It makes me think that he, like Clinton, only wanted the job solely for the perqs like affording (on the taxpayers' dime) $100 a pound Kobe beef.
This is even more galling when you consider that his majorities in Congress should allow him to pass whatever he wants done. Whatever you may think of George W. Bush, he wasn't a crybaby like Obama. Clinton left him a pile of crap and his cowardice in not eliminating Osama Bin Laden even when he was handed the SOB on a silver plate caused 9/11.
Aren't we lucky that we got a real leader in Obama?
Finally, Obama's tendency to blame his failures upon Bush is childish and shows a serious lack of something such as character. As the old proverb goes, "A poor craftsman blames his tools." If Obama wasn't really up to the job he shouldn't have run for the office. Obama acts like a petulant child that isn't getting his way. It makes me think that he, like Clinton, only wanted the job solely for the perqs like affording (on the taxpayers' dime) $100 a pound Kobe beef.
This is even more galling when you consider that his majorities in Congress should allow him to pass whatever he wants done. Whatever you may think of George W. Bush, he wasn't a crybaby like Obama. Clinton left him a pile of crap and his cowardice in not eliminating Osama Bin Laden even when he was handed the SOB on a silver plate caused 9/11.
Aren't we lucky that we got a real leader in Obama?