Barack Hussein Obama is about to take his sixth vacation this year. It seems like only yesterday that the Lame Stream Media was bitching and moaning about George Bush going into his ranch in Crawford, Texas ONCE a year in August for a stay-cation of sorts. Obama and Michelle Antoinette are going to Martha's Vineyard to hang out with the swells for ten days. But you must understand that our Man-child Community Organizer in Chief is under a lot of stress. As Oprah said earlier this year, "I don't know what people want him to do [about the Gulf oil spill]?" Well, maybe he could have gone to the alleged secret room in the White House where George Bush hid the magic "fix it" button. Had Bush used the "fix it" button it would have stopped Hurricane Katrina cold. But Bush wouldn't use it. And we know the real reason that he wouldn't use the magic button. "W" hates black people, at least according to that paragon of sobriety, Kanye West. And that's why Katrina wreaked such havoc on the Gulf region, especially the "Chocolate City" as former New Orleans Mayor Ray "No Noggin'" Nagin called it.
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Obama's European Socialist Roots |
It's stressful to have to live up to a superhuman image--especially a carefully crafted one. This is not to say that Harvard Law Review President (read Editor) Obama didn't do okay at Harvard Law School, despite never having produced a shred of legal scholarship. But it's also strange that his handlers have had to hide all of his school records from childhood to law school and his birth certificate. So what's going on here?
Before Obama, we knew the school grades of those that wanted to be President. We found out about the academic pratfalls of Al Gore's twin washouts from law and divinity schools. (Question: How do you flunk God?) We also learned--although it wasn't publicized much by the Lame Stream Media--that George W. Bush had a better grade point average (GPA) at Yale than his 2004 Presidential Election opponent, Senator John "F." Kerry. (Blowhole Kerry's lower GPA was excused as his having achieved a "gentleman's C" average, i.e., he didn't really apply himself.) JFK and Richard Nixon were exemplars of high academic achievement. And only recently, did we find out that FDR was a mediocre college and law student. But he was a brilliant socialist politician in the mold of his contemporaries Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and to a lesser extent, Francisco Franco.
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It should really read FAILURE |
Obama's handlers have to tell him exactly what to say in public. That's where the teleprompter comes in. Remember the flap that the Lame Stream Media and Dumbocrats raised about Sarah Palin's notes on the palm of her hand that she used to make an off-the cuff speech? Well, they called her dumb, incompetent, etc., but there's always an excuse for the Man-child's malaprops. Usually his malaprops happen when the Man-child's teleprompter isn't near by. But the excuse is usually that he's soooo tired from the job of being the President. How sad for such a young man to be so tired. Yup, no other President has ever had so much on his presidential plate. No Depression, World War, Civil War or any other crisis is as difficult as what the Man-child's problems are. But the true audacity of Obama's stewardship of the presidency is his almost robotic adherence to a radical Liberal-Socialist agenda that is alien to the average American. It's almost as if he has been programmed to follow a destructive agenda directed at Americans. (There's a movie idea, Robo-Prez.)
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Just about every "historic" piece of legislation passed under Obama's watch is not wanted by a majority of the American people. This includes Health Care [De]form, the takeover of a majority of the American automobile industry, Financial [De]form, the numerous bailouts including those for government worker labor unions, and now the flap over the proposed mosque to be built just two blocks from Ground Zero. Obama gave the impression that he supports the building of the mosque personally. He gave spurious Constitutional arguments last Friday night at the Ramadan feast with Muslims. Maybe that's why a growing number of Americans believe that Obama is a Muslim.
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A typical Democrat voter expresses her ire at the electoral process. |
There are other anti-American Obama positions that would make a sane person wonder if this man is really an American citizen? These include his apology for America world tour, bowing to the Saudi King, requiring Miranda rights for enemy combatants (read radical Muslims), moving Gitmo POWs (read radical Muslims) to an Illinois prison (automaically conferring civilian criminal procedural rights on them), and his de facto racist Department of [In]Justice policy of not prosecuting civil rights violations by black perpetrators against whites. Obama acts more like a Kenyan usurper of the American Presidency than as a loyal American. The remedy for this mess is to elect a majority of Conservatives with at least a 70% majority in both Houses to commence impeachment proceedings to remove this grossly incompetent impostor.