Wednesday, November 28, 2012


An article entitled, It Doesn't Pay to Work, in the online blog Powerline provides an added argument for my proposal to suspend the voting privileges of those on public assistance until they become self-sustaining. The article provides arithmetic proof that slouchers prosper in the socialist paradigm. The article cites the following example: 
[I]t is now more lucrative – in the form of actual disposable income – to sit, do nothing, and collect various welfare entitlements, than to work. This is graphically, and very painfully confirmed, in the below chart from Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (a state best known for its broke capital Harrisburg). As quantitied, and explained by Alexander, "the single mom is better off earning gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045."
Besides the apparent futility of honest work, we have lost the concept of shame as Judge Robert Bork pointed out in his book, Slouching Toward Gomorrah. The worse the behavior or the ruder the remark the more socially and politically acceptable it is under the Saul Alinsky social disruption model. These are the tactics of the indolent Occupy Wall Street Movement. This movement went viral in 2012. Most of the participants appear to be pathological protesters and/or relics from the 1960s. None appear to have any real marketable job skills. So the imposition of a welfare state is critical to their survival. 
Years ago, I was at a "members only" preview art opening at the San Diego Museum of Art (SDMA). Refreshments were served to the delight of the SDMA's patrons of the arts and regular members like me. But there was a shameless little man hovering around the serving tea cart who was rapidly consuming the little meatball hors d’oeuvres. He was aggressively stabbing at the meatballs over and over again using the same toothpick. He looked like a human sewing machine. And it was the wooden equivalent of "double dipping" with a partially consumed potato chip. He gulped, slurped, and swallowed the tasty meatballs without taking a breath. But he was oblivious to the disgusted expressions of the people around him. 
File:Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program logo.svg
Is there any government cheese in my
SNAP stash?
Now, his once boorish actions are commonplace. Just go down to the local Costco and watch the swarms of human locusts consuming trays of tasty free food samples (Yippee!) without buying anything.**  These 47 percenter parasites  supplement their Food Stamp sorties at the local grocery store with Costco free samples to feed their families. Aren't "Food Stamps" (a.k.a., the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [SNAP] enough taxpayer largess for you 47 percenter parasites? While many of these freeloaders wouldn't voluntarily put in overtime at work--as if they are ambitious enough to have a job--they will go through brick walls to get anything free. Their mantra is that it's free, so why shouldn't I get my "fair" share?!
The Romans lost their empire to a government program called "bread and circuses." It was free of course and the consequences to the Roman Empire speaks for itself. But what would you do if given the choice between working for a living or having a subsistence living provided for you as long as your basic needs are provided for; plus freeloaders have flat screen TVs, medical care, a smart cell phone, food stamps, extended unemployment compensation, the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and Internet access to Red Tube free porn (Yippee!). But wait there's more! You can still vote multiple times to keep the poverty pimps in office. Vote fraud for the masses! Hooray! In California, the 47 percenters voted to raise income taxes on the wealthy and sales tax on the rest of us. Why not? It's not as if any of these slugs were going to be paying much in taxes at all.
** NN Note: There's an old Yiddish proverb that says, "Never ask a shopkeeper about prices unless you intend to buy something." We need more of this character building stuff.