Remember in 1988, when the Liberal press, particularly Newsweak, tagged then-Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush as a wimp? Big Bush was a bonafide WW II fighter pilot hero. But that insult coming from a bunch of crypto-draft dodging left wing journalists (sic) from the Vietnam Era was galling to Bush. But what happens when a bonafide wimp like Obama does become a POTUS?
There’s nothing more perilous than linguine-spined, weak, wussy with something to prove. Anyone who has ever seen the movie, The Magnificent Seven, should remember the scene where the Horst Bucholz character, a young wannabe gunslinger named Chico tries to prove to Yul Brenner’s character, real gunslinger Chris Adams, that he’s a real tough hombre. As you might guess, Chico greatly embarrasses himself in a drunken rage trying to provoke Chris into gunfight and ends up sleeping his drunkenness off on the floor of a cantina.
Our newly minted manly man President “Chico” Obama apparently has a lot to prove as a foreign policy gunslinger—especially as the 2012 Presidential election year is fast approaching. Obama is looking to burnish his semi-tough guy image. But you’re safe from "Chico's" wrath if you’re an oppressive, murdering anti-Semite like Ahmajinidad. Chalk it up to fellow Muslim despotic courtesy being extended to help establish the Muslim Caliphate from Central Asia to West Coast of Africa.
The death of Qaddafi on Thursday shows danger of the wimp factor in practice. Obama claimed full credit for the suck-cess although his role in the Libyan government regime change was kinetic, i.e., we weren't actually in control. But, although Obama wants to give Islamo-Fascist enemy combatants Miranda warnings, he thinks of outright assassination or overthrow of secular Muslim dictators when it serves his weak willed purposes. The assassination deaths of Anwar al-Awlaki and Muammar Qaddafi are testament to the desperation of a true wimp in need of a backbone. As a result of Obama's wimp factor, we are also finding out that the Libyan rebels, which Obama's diplomatic henchmen and henchwomen allegedly knew nothing about, are imposing the female hostile Sharia law upon Libya. So much for the so-called Arab Spring freedom movement. Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood thanks you for your support, you manly man Barack.