From the pages of the Gomorrah Times (Los Angeles Times)** comes the news that the two million dollar blackmail attempt by a CBS 48 Hours producer is having a positive effect on David Letterman's Late Show ratings. According to the Times, "On Thursday, numbers for "Late Show with David Letterman" surged 22% based on preliminary estimates, according to the Nielsen Company. Letterman spent part of the program discussing a recent $2-million blackmail attempt and admitted that he had had affairs with female staffers on his show." Wow, can you see all kinds of problems here? First off any staffer that didn't get a promotion or a raise could legitimately allege that Letterman discriminated against them if the paramours of Letterman got preferential treatment in terms of pay, assignments, working conditions, or job promotions. (Of course Letterman indirectly says to us to respect his privacy by saying he's not going to talk about it anymore.)
It is not unusual for Liberal Fascists to treat the workplace as their personal sexual fiefdom. Bill Clinton probably felt (pun intended) that Monica Lewinsky was a job perquisite. He also allegedly used Secret Service agents and Arkansas troopers to procure phone numbers and names of women that he was interested in. Or how about former Maryland Governor Jim McGrevey that appointed his gay lover, a man named Golan Cipel with no actual qualifications, as a homeland security advisor. McGreevy, on August 12, 2004, announced that he would resign in November 2004. McGreevey was faced with threats from Cipel's lawyer Allen Lowy that Cipel would file a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.
It is not unusual for Liberal Fascists to treat the workplace as their personal sexual fiefdom. Bill Clinton probably felt (pun intended) that Monica Lewinsky was a job perquisite. He also allegedly used Secret Service agents and Arkansas troopers to procure phone numbers and names of women that he was interested in. Or how about former Maryland Governor Jim McGrevey that appointed his gay lover, a man named Golan Cipel with no actual qualifications, as a homeland security advisor. McGreevy, on August 12, 2004, announced that he would resign in November 2004. McGreevey was faced with threats from Cipel's lawyer Allen Lowy that Cipel would file a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.
The irony is that while claiming to be ardent supporters of feminism, Liberal Fascists are among the biggest exploiters of women and, in some cases men. Yet, rarely do these Liberal Fascists ever pay for their peccadillos. The 1983 Congressional Page scandal involved two congressmen. One was Representative Dan Crane (R-IL) and Gerry Studds (D-MA). The Washington D.C. law for the age of consent is 16. Crane slept with a 17 year female page and Studds took a male page on a two week trip to Portugal. Crane lost his bid for re-election but Studds continued to be re-elected until his retirement in 1997. He was honored by his Democrat colleagues at his funeral. Compare this with the treatment of Mark Foley (R-FL) who was forced to resign for sending mash notes to a former Congressional page who was over 18 at the time! In that case, the Republican leadership forced Foley to resign after other instances of explicit text messages surfaced. It was clear that the Republicans were not supporting Foley under any circumstances in any bid for re-election.
Ted Kennedy, (RIP), the man responsible for the probably alcohol-related vehicular homicide of Mary Jo Kopechne in 1969, suffered no real consequences as a result of his conduct. His punishment? A two month suspended sentence for leaving the scene of an accident. Kennedy, a notorious womanizer and legendary drinker, denied being drunk or of there being any sexual impropriety on the evening of the accident. Some might argue that Kennedy scotched (pun intended) his chances to be President of the United States. That's a dubious assumption because in 233 years only 44 persons have attained that office after arduous and sometimes bitter election campaigns. Moreover, Ted Kennedy never had the charisma and drive of his older brothers.
So where does all this leave us? Despite his personal problems and lack of common decency and decorum, Letterman will probably keep his night time gig because he is one of many media stooges for the Liberal Fascist DNC. He is free to slander Sarah Palin's underage daughter with sexual innuendo and get away with it because it serves the interests of the DNC to attack a potentially formidable election opponent. The Liberal Fascists have managed to insulate their legal and ethical misdeeds with the misconcept of public morality. All you have to do is to support the Liberal agenda and then you will be given a nearly unconditional golden pass for your sordid or hypocritcal personal life. This includes living the private life of a capitalist while trashing it in a documentary. You are also free to lie to a grand jury and during a deposition and still be President. The only no-no is racism, but not racism against whites which is, "oh-tay!" Most any black sit-com or the rare Latino sitcom will contain snaps against whites at least once an episode. Religious bigotry is okay too, if the target is Christian. Such bigotry is especially welcomed if it is directed at Catholics or the Mormons. (Mitt Romney is the reason for the Mormon persecution by leftist bigots like Tom Hanks.) On the other hand, taboo targets are any special interest group that supports Liberal-Fascists at the polls whether they have the legal right to vote or not.
The moral (pun intended) is that if you're a Liberal Fascist or a simpático to their agenda you have little or nothing to worry about if your hand is in the morality cookie jar. That's good news for Roman Polansky.
**Sodom is San Francisco.