Christopher Dorner, the ex-LA cop accused of three revenge killings is beginning to garner support from among the loony bin crazies of the Left. Several years ago, Michael Savage wrote an aptly titled book Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, which "savaged" the so-called Liberal intellectual mindset. (It is doubtful if there is any intellectual content there at all.) The book contains the following passage chastising Liberals on page 203 of the book's Afterward:
In the end, your tolerance of the intolerable is actually a reflection of your loss of clarity; your tolerance of virtually everything and your "anything goes" attitude is not a mark of liberalism, it's a mark of the degeneration of your ability to judge anything.
Savage appears to be correct in his observation of the Liberal mindset.
A CBS Sacramento website's news article notes that surprisingly thousands of people are supporting Dorner. The article also notes that it is hard to believe that people would support the "targeting of police officers," but there is a Facebook (FB) page called We Are All Chris Dorner (WAACD) FB page. Some of the comments written there would sound like ones that you might hear at a sociopath convention.
""The Los Angeles police captain who was chairman of the department's board of rights hearing that fired Christopher Dorner and may be one of the top targets in Dorner's list of enemies has not left his home since the manhunt for the ex-LAPD officer began on Monday..."
Here's a typical crazy leftist illiterate low information voter reaction:
I hope he gets him next and everyone in that list y is there's cops protecting cops what they can't protect them self and we are supposed to depend on them to protect us they can't even protect them selfs[.] (sic)
Here's some more unedited and uncorrected WAACD FB comments. Please try to ignore the bad grammar and vulgarities from the nuanced thinking Democrat voting base:
-Crooks in uniforms that's the police for you
-I hope he gets away fuck pigs!!!!!
-Oh yea...he's a AA male so its ok. No its not OK! We don't know IF HE EVEN KILLED THOSE PEOPLE!!!! WE JUST HAVE THE WORD OF A CORRUPT LAPD AND MSM!
-It's almost been one year since trayon Martin, the tide is changing this is what happens after years and years of bullshit and asking begging pleading for justice! Now it's fuck justice people getting blood thirsty
-GOD BLESS CHRIS DORNER & HIS FOLLOWERS NATION UNDER GUERRILLA WARFAREThe illiteracy and illogical thought processes displayed by these "nuanced thinkers" in their FB comments is immoral. If this isn't an indictment of the American education system that is dominated by Liberal teacher's unions I don't know what is.
A friend of mine described what Liberalism is doing to America as, "keep 'em dancin', keep 'em high" so they don't know what's being done to them. It's already been done for forty years of indoctrination through the educational system, the news media, television and motion pictures. Of course, Dorner is getting the "Victim" as well as the "Teflon Obama pass." Any criticism of this Black Avenger will be seen as racism. But murder knows no race. If Dorner was so aggrieved, there is a civil law process. But we have a President that wipes his feet on the Constitution daily. Why should we expect anything different from Dorner?