Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Isn't it amazing that Donald Trump's life was threatened by a leftist Brown shirt thug last Saturday, but that he is the one being accused of inciting violence? It is the Hitlerian tactics of the radical left that is causing the so-called "violence". I was a Ted Cruz supporter until Cruz opened his mouth and sided with the irrational left by blaming Trump for the actions of the leftist thugs.

Quite frankly I am tired of the leftist direction of this country. It is breeding a nation of blubbering crybaby victims. I am tired of criminals being elevated to the status of martyrs. I am tired of false claims of racism and sexism where there is none. I am tired of every little act or deed, real or imagined, being characterized as a "micro aggression" against some hypersensitive basket case. Where is the nation's backbone? Where is our sense of humor?

Our nation is not only descending into third world status, but into the humorless abyss of a totalitarian state. The real danger comes from the tactics and rhetoric of coat and tie Bolsheviks, like Bernie Sanders and the stuffed pantsuit Fascism of Hillary Clinton. I pray that America wakes up before we find ourselves under the jackboot of a radical leftist tyrant.