What I can't understand is why anyone would question why the NFL should consider Rush Limbaugh's joint bid to own the St.Louis Rams? After all, he's got the financial means to help breathe life into a moribund football franchise. But Liberal-Fascist race mongers never get the scrutiny that Conservatives get. Yet Conservatives get accused of racism constantly by self-righteous White Liberals. As a Latino, I've often been accused of racism by these same self-righteous whites! Imagine that, self-hating whites accusing me of racism! Many of these same people are "reformed" racists. Good for them. I'm glad that they came to their senses. But I think that a lot of their vitriol is a case of projection of their bigotry upon me. They are as annoying as a reformed smoker or whore. Personally, I wish I could get a respite from politics even if it were only for a few hours on Sunday.
Well, I watch Sunday Night Football in America on NBC (National Broadcasters for Communism) and I have to put up with that extreme Liberal-Fascist nut case and academic poseur Keith Olbermann and that ninny Liberal-Fascist fruitcake Bob Costas during the pregame show. Maybe, I should raise Holy Hell about having to watch those two DNC media stooges pontificate about football, especially since probably neither one ever played any sport; unless it was jump rope or tiddly winks. Unlike many Liberals, I'm willing to be corrected. But In the spirit of full disclosure, readers should know that I was a mediocre athlete in junior and senior high school. However, because I actually played sports, I think that I can speak with some authority as to what it's like to be an athlete even if I was nothing more than cannon fodder for the first string players during football practice.
My rights as an American sports fan are being abridged by the leftist lame stream media by having to listen and watch effete Europhile Liberal-Fascists broadcast football and other sports while doing the DNC's job of criticizing Conservatives. [NN: I have not been a registered Republican since 2004; and after 20 years I left the Democrook Party in 1992, when the crypto-communist Clintonistas took over the party.] I want Ameri-philes broadcasting the uniquely American games of football, basketball, and baseball. (Yeah, I've been told that American football has origins in the European games of soccer and rugby. But that's like comparing an effete game like cricket to baseball! BTW, I've also been told that the Incas played a game similar to basketball, but it still is not basketball!)
Oh crap! So the inexperienced, incompetent, imbecile Obama might meddle in the last bastion of male refuge from the pussification of our society--pro-sports! How appropriate that it would it be for a guy that wore "Mom Jeans" as he incompentely threw out the first pitch at the 2009 Baseball All-Star game to "fix" pro sports.
But Limbaugh's bid was the talk of all sports talk shows and the NFL Player's Union (NFLPA). The NFLPA in fact is taking a stance against Limbaugh's bid. What a surprise that a leftist labor union would oppose a conservative owning a pro football team! As a former AFSCME (American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees) and SEIU (Service Employees International Union) member while working as a bureaucrat and State Bar prosecutor, I resented the goose lock step support of Democrat candidates. There was never any analysis of the issues except for recitation of DNC talking points. I quit both of the unions because I refused to put one thin dime into the pocket of any Liberal-Fascist plutocrat!
The NFLPA's leftist leader (sic) DeMaurice Smith using DNC talking points to oppose Limbaugh's offer says that:
I've spoken to the Commissioner [Roger Goodell] and I understand that this ownership consideration is in the early stages. But sport in America is at its best when it unifies, gives all of us reason to cheer, and when it transcends. Our sport does exactly that when it overcomes division and rejects discrimination and hatred.
In an idiotic statement masquerading as journalism by ESPN sports propaganda "journalist" stooge Chris Mortensen says:
Limbaugh has expressed a number of controversial racial ideas in the past. For example, he suggested that Gen. Colin Powell supported Barack Obama's presidential candidacy simply because he was black, and he also stated that the media wants black quarterbacks to do well and that Donovan McNabb doesn't deserve much of the credit he has received for the Eagles' success.Here's the exact quote by Limbaugh:
The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is little hope invested in [Donovan] McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve.
Mortensen appears to be yet another DNC media stooge playing the race card. The predecessors of the modern Liberal-Fascists, the good LIberals like Hubert Humphrey promoted racial equality without any racial animus. But even my Black--and very conservative friends--are loathe to criticize Obama because, well, hey, he's the ground breaker for Blacks in politics much like Jackie Robinson was for baseball over 60 years ago. But contrary to popular belief, Obama is really a modern day political Stepin Fechit for George Soros, the man that hates America. I would also urge readers to not be so naive as to believe that the lame stream media wasn't invested in Obama getting elected President of the United States because it made history. Because of Baby Boomer and Generation Next vidiots influenced by Liberal-Fascist propaganda like the network news, newspapers, magazines, movies, and all other forms of entertainment media it's no wonder that the inexperienced, incompetent, imbecile Obama got elected. In other words, Obama's voting base of the Baby Boomers and Generation Next were dupes.
I sincerely look forward to the eventual end of this Liberal-Fascist racist nightmare whether it ends by ballot or otherwise. Yes, I do want Obama to fail in the same way that he and his Liberal-Fascist cohorts want America to fail.
What is truly amazing is that taxpayers dollars fund the salary of former Weather Underground member and domestic terrorist, University of Illinois Education Professor Bill Ayers and that his sicko wife Bernadette Dorhn has achieved legitimacy by working with a prominent law firm in Chicago. Only in the Amerika of Obama could such sociopaths achieve such career heights. Yet, people wring their hands over the fact that Rush Limbaugh wants to buy a piece of the St. Louis Rams--go figure...