Tonight is the third and last debate between Obama and Romney before Election Day on November 6th. It's amazing that Obama's "victory" at the last debate was declared by the Goebbels Media because he was apparently wide awake. Perhaps he dialed it back on his Soma pills. Soma was the drug of choice in Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World. So maybe to unleash his big brain muscle he didn't take his Soma. It didn't help him much because Obama still has no second term agenda, no vision, and no new ideas. He relies primarily upon a 19th century economic and social ideology--socialism--to address 21st century issues. Sad.
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Liberalism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy, free, making money honestly, having good clean fun, not redistributing the wealth of other people, and doing it all without government involvement. Apologies to H.L. Mencken.
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Obama Lied after a Diplomat Died
Unless the Lame Stream Media goes after Obama like they went after Nixon during Watergate nothing will happen to Obama regarding his dereliction of duty at our consulate in Libya. Another Democrat will probably escape justice.