I have been getting a lot of letters lately from the Republican National Committee (RNC) asking me for money. Fifteen years ago I used to send $45 every two weeks to the RNC. I was energized by the toppling of the power drunk and corrupt Democrats. I was also inspired by the so-called Contract with America. But I stopped sending the RNC money when the Republicans didn't respond to Bill Clinton's lying advertisement that implied that Republicans wanted to destroy Medicare. I thought that they were wusses for not responding to the obvious false parcing of a long quote from then House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
In fact, the Democrat prevaricators intentionally misquoted then House Speaker Newt Gingrich as saying that Republicans wanted Medicare to "wither on the vine." A comment on an ABC blog got the quote right. What Gingrich actually said was:
In fact, the Democrat prevaricators intentionally misquoted then House Speaker Newt Gingrich as saying that Republicans wanted Medicare to "wither on the vine." A comment on an ABC blog got the quote right. What Gingrich actually said was:
O.K., what do you think the Health Care Financing Administration is? It's a centralized command bureaucracy. Now, we don't get rid of it in round one because we don't think that that's politically smart and we don't think that that's the right way to go through a transition. But we believe it's going to wither on the vine because we think people are voluntarily going to leave it-- voluntarily.
Gingrich meant that it would be the Medicare bureaucracy that would "wither on the vine," not Medicare benefits.
I wondered what in the world the had the RNC done with all those contributions that I and others sent in good faith? Since 1996, the GOP has been a huge disappointment to me resulting in me finally changing to independent voter status in 2004. The one thing from the Contract with America that I really wanted--term limits--was left undone. This is why scumbags like Teddy "Lady Killer" Kennedy and Robert "KKK" Byrd were allowed to take taxpayer money for being useless public "servants."
But no I didn't re-register as a Democrat. I had left the Democrat party after 20 years when the crypto-socialist Bill Clinton was nominated in 1992, as the party's Presidential candidate. The party that I had joined in 1972 had people like Henry "Scoop" Jackson, Sam Nunn and conservative party members in it that actually loved America. It also seemed to have a non-Marxist agenda that was designed to serve the interests of the American people not the interests of Europe or the Third World. Now the party consists a bunch of crypto-Marxist girlie men and obnoxious women.
By 1992, the Marxist lemmings that I had despised in college were now running all things in the political, entertainment, and the media forums. After frivolous dalliances with drugs, sex and rock and roll, the trust fund radicals from the Ivy League and other elite universities had assumed their pre-ordained positions in the establishment. The proof came with the alleged anti-capitalist Jerry Rubin, the radical yippie who ended up holding business networking seminars in 1982.
Like most aristocracies the political left proceeded to define membership in the new plutocracy by having an Ivy League degree, old money pedegree, or by being a talented but unmonied acolyte with potential to serve the plutocrats. Most of these talented but unmonied acolytes fail to understand that they are nothing more than "useful idiots" to the leftist plutocracy. What is amazing is that the loudest acolytes of the Marxist scenario actually believe that they will be rewarded with membership in the upper crust. Surprise! They will be amongst the first to be lined up on the execution line as most Marxist regimes do to "useful idiots" when they are no longer useful to them. Note how the Bolshevik Revolutions parallel the current Progressive Revolution; but without the blood--yet.
The revolutions of 1917 overturned the old social order. In that year, the new Bolshevik (see Glossary) government nationalized private estates and church lands, and it abolished class distinctions and privileges. Workers' councils (Soviets--see Glossary) took over the operation of factories [NN: GM and Chrysler are now "owned" by the Auto Workers Union] and were given the right to set production goals and remuneration levels. Banking was declared a state monopoly. Thus, the economic foundations of the old social order crumbled. The new ruling elite, the Bolshevik-Marxist intelligentsia, drew its support from what it called the proletariat--workers, landless peasants, and employees--while the formerly privileged--the clergy, nobility, high-ranking civil servants, and merchants--found themselves stripped of their property and even hindered in obtaining housing, education, and jobs. The Bolsheviks lifted some of the restrictions a short while later when they realized that they needed the professional knowledge and skills of some former members of the elite to operate the government and the economy. Yet the children of the formerly privileged were barred from educational and career opportunities for nearly two decades after the Bolshevik Revolution.
This information comes from the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army.
The Democrat party became the radical chic haven for the spoiled trust fund radical children. There was no longer any room for a "Law and Order Liberal" or even a "Bleeding Heart Conservative" in the Democrat party. Only those that had belonged to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or the myriyad of juvenile Marxist-like groups had a voice. It seemed that past membership in the Socialist Workers Party or the CPUSA (Communist Party of the USA) was a resume enhancement. SDS radical credentials got Tom Hayden elected to the California State Legislature and he was rewarded for helping the cause by getting to rent a hot celebrity wife in "Hanoi" Jane Fonda for a few years. After that, leftist plutocrat Ted Turner rented Jane for a few more years.

Amend the Tax Code to exempt up to the first $10,000 of savings from taxation for all taxpayers per tax year. What this means is that all taxpayer can give themselves a tax cut depending on the extent of their thriftiness. What this will do is to cause an influx of "real" cash (earned income) into the banking system and not fiat money (play money) from the Federal Reserve. Screw the leftist class warfare pablum that such a tax change would only benefit the rich. It's honest, not punative, and will encourage good financial behavior from a wide range of taxpayers. And hasn't the tax code been used before to encourage certain types of behaviors?
Any Federal involvement in health care insurance should be in the area of wealth preservation, i.e., catastrophic health insurance. Many people can't get assistance because they, as former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (and tax cheating Democrat) said they've won "life's lottery," i.e., they bought a house or had a savings ethic. Liberal Republican President Richard Nixon proposed such a plan in 1974. But Watergate and first attempted coup by the Democrats to install Democrat House Speaker Carl Albert as the President of the United States was in full force and the Democrats had their own agenda in place. Nixon parried that coup by appointing Gerald Ford as Vice-President. The best laid coup plans of Democrat girlie men and obnoxious women was deferred until Obama's election.
Energy independence is critical to our continued success as the greatest nation on Earth. So why are the Chinese drilling for oil off our shores? Where is the true loyalty of the Congressional Democrats in forbidding us to do what our economic and political ENEMIES are doing? We need to drill offhore and drill now! We need to forget the bulls**t scare tactics of the China Syndrome movie. How convenient was the fact that the nuclear accident (?) at Three Mile Island happened 12 days after the movie's release? Shouldn't we investigate why the Santa Barbara oil spill ended up curtailing off shore drilling in the US?
These are just three suggestions to try to solve some heavy duty problems in America. But any suggestions for reform must be based upon a true love for the US as a country. As I've stated before Obama's and the Democrat's agenda is based upon a hatred of America. Let's stop these haters. By the way being scrappy about the issue that you're concerned about is no crime. Barry Goldwater put it best when he said:
Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality, ladies and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism...I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!Thomas Jefferson the alleged spiritul Father of the Democrat Party put it best when he said, "I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." These are words to live by. Yet the Obama regime doesn't give a damn about America. So be very afraid Liberal Fascists because your spiritual father, Thomas Jefferson is pissed at you for betraying his vision of America and his spirit is coming to get you in the 2010 elections.