Wednesday, April 13, 2011




On today's Sean Hannity Radio broadcast, House Speaker John Boehner was interviewed by Hannity.  Boehner was unusually defensive about the cuts that he supposedly pried out of Obama.  Listening to Boehner, we can see why the GOP is outmatched by the Liberal-Fascist ideologues time and time again.  Boehner conceded the government closure option from the start.  He did not have the stomach to follow through with it.  This gave Obama all the incentive he needed to say "Nope!" to the defunding of Planned Parenthood, i.e., the Baby Butchers that are so concerned about the health of women.  Moreover, Obama was able to save the taxpayer funded Democrat allies, the propaganda organs NPR and PBS.

* * * * * 

Maggie Q as "Nikita" is way hotter than "Fat Boy" Nikita K

Boehner got "Khrushcheved" by Obama, which is a kinder way of saying that he got screwed by Obama.  Obama got Boehner to back-off pushing any funding cuts for Planned Parenthood, NPR, and PBS.  This concession by Boehner was similar to Khrushchev extracting a promise from John F. Kennedy (JFK) during the Cuban Missile Crisis to not invade Cuba in exchange for removal of Soviet ICBMs from Cuba.  Khrushchev snookered JFK into helping him reduce the need for a Soviet military presence in Cuba.  It also gave Castro a reprieve from having to find a way to defend his dictatorship from an invasion by the US or its surrogates. 

The JFK promise assured the Soviet Union of a secure base of operations for the spread of Marxism throughout Latin America.  The legacy of JFK's blunder is found today in the Marxist governments of Hugo Chávez (Venezuela) and Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua).  What will John Boehner's legacy be to the taxpayers of the United States?  It was pretty sorry performance by a politician that was supposed to be a good negotiator. Query: How were the Democrats able to stymie the GOP for six years (2001 - 2006) even though the GOP controlled all three branches of government?  The answer is easy: the GOP's fear of being demonized.  This fear is irrational because the Liberal-Fascist Democrats regularly demonize the GOP anyway. So what did Boehner and the gutless GOP have to lose by doing what the voters sent them there to do?

 *  *  *  *  *

In the remake, Boehner should play the lead. 

Boehner feared that his worst nightmare (in his mind) might come true if he and the House Republicans were perceived as being bad guys.  If the government was shut down, then the Lap Dog media was going to demonize the Republicans for starving old people and killing women seeking to kill their unborn fetuses.  This is a classic example of the weakness of a politician like Boehner that has been in elective office far too long.  They don't see a country anymore, just interest groups.  They pander to these groups and fail to do the right thing for the country as a whole.  This is the best argument for term limits.

But what was the GOP National Committee doing in the meantime?  Bupkis.  As soon as it became known that Obama was willing not pay the American military to protect Planned Parenthood's funding there should have been a massive GOP media blitz hammering away at Obama's twisted priorities.  But the GOP, as always, allowed itself to be slapped around like a prison bitch.  It makes one wonder what the Republican National Committee does with all those contributions?  They probably spent the contributions at a fetish strip club as they did in 2010.  Talk about reckless spending...

Needless to say, prepare yourselves for more disappointment with the GOP when they fold their hand over the raising of the debt ceiling and screw-up next fiscal year's budget.


Illustration by Nick Nafta using an element adapted from another work.
Here's a capsulized summary of Obama's budget speech today: blame Bush, raise taxes on the rich, cut the Defense Department budget, and change America into Amerika. 

This sounds like the same old drivel that Obama has been saying for the last two years.  This ideologue won't compromise unless he's challenged.  He's only as brave as the news media lets him be.  So GOP, why not go over his head to the people as Reagan did 20 years ago.  Once you educate them, he will cave.  It's also a good bet that when the going gets tough, Obama will go on vacation. Grow a spine GOP!  Take heart in the words of the immortal Groucho Marx in Duck Soup, "Oh course you know this means war!" Groucho and the rest of us "Groucho Marxists" will thank you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


©Nick Nafta
Recently on the "Hannity" TV show on the Fox News Channel, Ann Coulter admonished Donald Trump to "drop the birther BS."  The story was featured on The story contained the following description of the exchange between Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter:
On Monday night’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel, Coulter said the “birther” conspiracy has been long debunked by other conservative outlets. “Well, I think maybe I’ve been watching too much Charlie Sheen because Donald Trump seems perfectly sane to me,” Coulter said. “I don’t know where he gets this $2 million Obama has spent to keep his birth certificate — he posted his birth certificate on his web page. I am glad that Donald Trump is bringing it up so that people who haven’t been paying attention and don’t know that the American Spectator, Human Events, Fox News – you know, every conservative outlet has already shot down this rumor, which by the way, was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign.”
You can watch the entire interview on You Tube.  But as much as I admire Ann Coulter, I have to disagree with her a bit on this one.  I'm not dismissive of the issue as readily as Coulter is because of the furtive secrecy surrounding Obama's birth certificate.  It doesn't pass the basic smell test.  Why act like you're guilty of hiding something if you're not guilty of hiding anything?  Especially when it can be easily resolved with a simple release of a full birth certificate.   But prominent Liberals always demand absolute privacy whenever there are sensitive personal issues involved.  Bill Clinton refused to release his medical records.  (The reasons are not entirely clear for Clinton's refusal.)  But his Republican Presidential opponent in 1996, the older Bob Dole had to release his medical records to prove he wasn't infirm.
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I don't seriously believe that Coulter is an Obama operative as suggested by some of the reader comments on She's much too smart to throw in with arrogant not-as-smart-as they-think-that-they-are Liberal-Fascists.  Although if she were an operative, it would one of the greatest con jobs of all time.

This is it!  Proof positive?
This is an issue that does need further clarification by Obama.  Especially after all the sand raised over the eligibility in 2008, of John McCain (born in Panama to US parents),  and in 1968, George Romney (born in Mexico City to US parents),  to run for President of the United States.  As for the document that is causing all the the controversy; the purported Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth leaves a lot to be desired. It has no official signature, no embossed or attached seal, or no essential details of the live birth, like the name of the attending physician.  Moreover, on  the certificate, (pictured to the right), under the father's race is the description "African."  I don't remember in my college Anthropology 101 class any race ever being described as "African."  That was in the mid-1970s, when it seemed like everyone was obsessed with hot button issues like race and racism.  Although modern anthropologists don't use the traditional concept of race anymore--in reality, things haven't changed much in the last 50+ years since the Civil Rights movement started.  

The only other evidence of Obama having been born in Hawaii are birth announcements in two newspapers according to Coulter.  Are there any other hard copies of the newspapers available for ready inspection?  It would also be nice if microfiches of the newspapers were available for viewing at more than one public library in Hawaii.  But I have an open mind on the issue.  Because the consequences to America if Obama were to be something other than what he purports to be is too terrible to imagine--even for the most ardent America haters like most of the MSNBC pundit line-up.

The best evidence of Obama's American birth/citizenship would be a valid birth certificate.  But it would not be a document that looks like it might have been taken from a stationery cabinet and hastily filled-in by a student political intern--and a stupid one at that.  Such a defective document might also have about as much credibility as the phony document that Dan Rather tried to use during the 2004 Presidential Election, to prove that G.W. Bush was AWOL from the National Guard during the Vietnam War.  Presumably, Rather's apparent end game was to affect the election outcome in favor of Democrat candidate John Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran.

But many Liberal-Fascists are sociopathic, Clouseau-like ideologues.  So it shouldn't be too surprising to imagine that in their misguided zeal, that they might from time to time, try to pass badly created documents off as legitimate ones to advance a political agenda.  But I worked in state and local government for almost 20 years and saw some of the dumbest things ever written on official letterhead and other documents by dimwitted government employees.   So the above-mentioned "African" race "mistake" is not beyond credibility as an "honest" bureaucratic mistake.

So all Obama has to do to make "Birthers" look foolish is to show a valid birth certificate.  The kicker is that even Obamabot Chris Matthews of MSNBC wants Obama to release his birth certificate.  But that's not likely to happen because all of Obama's records from first grade through Harvard Law School are sealed airtight.  So what could his handlers be hiding?  Did he fail "coloring books" in the first grade?  They say that the cover-up is worse than the crime.  Imagine that, a failure to color within the lines... a true high crime and misdemeanor.