Be True to Your School...
The problem with our Federal government is that there is far too much Ivy League School worship. The same is true for the United States Supreme Court. We have all been given the false impression that no one from a non-Ivy League college or university could be as smart as an average Ivy Leaguer. We also see this educational idolatry in our popular culture. As much as I like the CBS show, Blue Bloods, a program about a family of New York cops; it also suffers from the same malady. The youngest son Jaime Reagan went to Harvard Law School but has chosen to be a New York City beat cop instead of a high priced lawyer. Yeah right, that's a real plausible character. But an even more ridiculous example of Ivy League/false idol worship is the 1988 film Action Jackson. As described on BadMovies.Org, "Action" Jackson is a former college track star and Harvard law graduate turned Detroit cop, with a tendency toward unnecessary roughness. Talk about ridiculous plot lines... It's almost as lame as Harvard Law grad and Chief Justice John Roberts' majority opinion in the ObamaCare case.
Clean Mexican elections make US elections look downright corrupt...
Vote fraud is a form of identity theft. Our
identities as free citizens are stolen every time an ineligible person casts a vote
in our elections. Next time you think that having to show an ID to vote is racist, try voting in a foreign country without an ID. John Fund of the Wall
Street Journal, wrote about the electoral process in Mexico and believes
that the United States could learn a thing or two about running a clean
election from
Mexico has developed an elaborate system of safeguards to prevent voter fraud. Absentee ballots, which are cast outside the view of election officials and represent the easiest way to commit fraud, are much harder to apply for than in the U.S. Voters must present a valid voter ID card with a photo and imbedded security codes. After they cast a ballot voters--just like those famously pictured in Iraq last year--also have a finger or thumb dipped in indelible purple ink to prevent them from voting again. ¶ In the U.S. opponents of such anti-fraud measures as photo ID laws claim they will disenfranchise many voters and reduce voter turnout. But John Lott, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, notes that in the three presidential elections Mexico has conducted since the National Election Commission reformed the election laws "68% of eligible citizens have voted, compared to only 59% in the three elections prior to the rule changes." People are more likely to vote if they believe their ballot will be fairly counted.The recent Mexican election went smoothly with no hint of election fraud. Meanwhile, the most racist and fascist US Attorney General in US history is suing several states because their voting laws would require showing an ID to vote. IDs are required to open bank accounts, get utility services, obtain credit, and for a myriad of other ordinary services. It obvious that undocumented immigrants are really undocumented Democrat voters. Democrats cannot win without vote fraud because their ideas are weak.
The Crack Pots Calling the Kettle...
Listening to the Obama surrogates on the Sunday talking head shows makes one wonder if these people hear what their mouths are saying. The DNC chief urged Romney to release all of his tax returns. Another Obamabot said that Romney was the most secretive candidate since Richard Nixon. Other bots questioned Romney's offshore bank accounts. The subliminal obloquy is that Romney is acting like a secretive tax evading crook. Hmm... didn't Obama seal all of his records from birth through law school? Didn't Obama have business dealings with convicted felon Tony Rezko? Didn't Obama invoke executive privilege to cover up Eric "The Red Racist" Holder's involvement in the Fast and Furious scandal? Yeah, your administration is a real transparent bunch.
Big Bungler is Watching...
Posting this blog is a difficult task inasmuch as Leftist gremlins sabotage it by interfering with the process of composing the blog. The composition page frequently malfunctions by not saving content or by having the cursor move all over the page. Don't worry Barky, this blog will cease when you're voted out of office in November.