As we witness the impending collapse of the American Republic, we see the same desperation that most despots experience as their world collapses around them. Barack Hussein Obama golfs and goes to parties as the American Republic collapses. The scene that is most reminiscent is Nero fiddling as Rome burns. But even more apropos is the New Year's Eve party scene in Godfather II where the Batista regime in Cuba is collapsing as Castro's Communist barbarians advance toward Havana. It was a New Year's Eve party that ended with Batista telling party guests that they were on their own in light of Castro's impending victory. So it seems with embattled American citizens.
We are witnessing a collapse of the American housing market. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are going poorly due to the mismanagement by Liberal Socialists. The wildly unpopular ObamaCare's implementation is faltering badly. The Gulf oil spill is spiraling out of control with allegations of the Obama administration sabotaging reasonable attempts to quell the spill. Meanwhile, our POTUS [sic] golfs, goes to parties, and generally acts like a laid back President Dwight D. Eisenhower during the 1950's. The key difference is that America was on auto-pilot as the preeminent economic and military power in the world during Eisenhower's administration.
This President [sic] is an incompetent party animal. He has intentionally worked to destroy the capitalist economy of the US. He has extorted a $20 billion dollar slush fund from BP, one of his biggest campaign contributors that will probably be misused for political purposes, i.e., the real victims won't see much in the way of recompense for their losses.
So what is the solution? I am loathe to recommend that anyone blindly vote for a Republican candidate. Many Republican RINOs have shown themselves generally to be a spineless bunch of jellyfish with no principles or guts. What is needed is that Americans vote in Tea Party candidates of any party. They will be strong enough to commence impeachment proceedings against the Kenyan usurper. Investigations should also be commenced against Democrooks like Christopher Dodd, Barney Frank, Franklin Raines, and others. And if appropriate, jail time should be the ultimate goal of any proceeding. "Jail to the Chief" sure has a catchy sound to it, doesn't it?
NOTE: With the Summer season, these posts will be appearing from time to time as events dictate. We will however, be monitoring the Al Gore/Portland Oregon masseuse global warming/groping scandal as the tabloid news breaks.