Here is a proposed Contract with America for 2010 that the Republican party should present to the American people during the mid-term elcetions if the great damage that has been done to this country by Obama in 2009 is to be undone.
There is risk in openly opposing the Obama regime. Like all fascists they vehimently hate criticism and punish their enemies severely. (And you thought Nixon was wicked bad!) The Nazi-like tendencies of this administration, coupled with their gulag / Robert Mugabe mentality--well, know this, an IRS audit would be like a vacation in Bermuda with 72 porno princesses in comparison to what the advocates of medical death panels would probably do to a political opponent if there were no Bill of Rights. But they're working on destroying our rights.
It is more likely than not that they will resort to incarceration and eventual death ("shot while trying to escape") in re-education camp for their opponents if they are successful in keeping their majorities in the House and the Senate. That's why Gitmo will not be closed anytime soon.
It is more likely than not that they will resort to incarceration and eventual death ("shot while trying to escape") in re-education camp for their opponents if they are successful in keeping their majorities in the House and the Senate. That's why Gitmo will not be closed anytime soon.
The net effect of this proposal would be to provide real funds to financial institutions and not loaned Federal fiat money. The banks in turn could loan these real monetary funds to the real job creators--small businesses. This expands the money supply in the purest capitalistic way without any government bailouts or loans.
You can almost hear the class warfare stooges saying that the exemption favors the rich. So what if some "wealthy" people get a $10,000 exemption? Isn't their money just as good if used to benefit the entire nation? This proposed investment tax treatment also makes any tax savings savings bank account an attractive investment for every economic level. More importantly everyone, poor, comfortable, and rich alike would have the incentive to save and provide their own tax cuts.
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have sheltered their fortunes through charitable foundations. So why not have a shelter for the the rest of us? Of course this would take a lot of power away from the Federal Reserve Bank, but quite frankly they've done a lousy job of managing the money supply and the economy.
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have sheltered their fortunes through charitable foundations. So why not have a shelter for the the rest of us? Of course this would take a lot of power away from the Federal Reserve Bank, but quite frankly they've done a lousy job of managing the money supply and the economy.
2. Provide for generous capital gains treatment and accelerated depreciation for all domestic AND foreign companies that construct or significantly improve factories located or constructed within the United States.
3. Provide for a sur-deduction of ten percent of the average monthly salary plus the monthly base salary of non-management employees. The caveat to this would that the (1) employee must have worked for a minimum of 180 days and have not been terminated for cause or laid off, (2) Have the absolute legal right to work in the United States, and (3) have actually worked a minimum of 90% of the employment period. There will be no exceptions to requirment (3), including illness. Temporary and seasonal help would be excluded from eligibility for the sur-deduction.
4. Place a 12-month moritorium on NEW applications for immigration visas and citizenship. Those already in process may continue. Hardship and refugee cases may be considered on a case by case basis.
6. All costs for expenses incurred because of illegal immigration shall be collected from the country of origin and not the Federal government. Jurisdiction for a new Federal cause of action for state, local governments, and other entities that have provided uncompensated services and goods to illegal immigrants shall be in the Federal Court system in the Court of Claims.
7. American English shall become the official business language of the Federal government. This means that all official Federal documents and voting materials involving any Federal election shall be published in American English only. States and local governments may continue to use multi-lingual ballots but only for local and state elections.
8. Immediately end all bans on offshore drilling and nuclear power construction. We have denied ourselves a plentiful energy source because of a stupid movie, The China Syndrome and one oil spill. The Liberal-Fascists are clinging to old tech.
9. Immediately commence an investigation into the accounting procedures and practices of Freddie Mac and, in particular, Fannie Mae that resulted in former head Franklin Raines to reap $93 million in bonuses. Ken Lay of Enron infamy had nothing on that guy in terms of creative accounting leading to bigtime bonuses for corrupt executives.
10. Term limits for every Federal office. Two four-year terms for the President, two six year terms for Senators, four two-year terms for House members, and 16 years with a right of reconfirmation for all Federal judges. The reason for 16 years is because Americans voted in 1944 to give the First American Fascist Dictator, Franklin D. Roosevelt a fourth term as President. No one should ever have a lifetime office or job. This is why we became independent from the King of England in 1776. We got rid of an oppressive King. For now, let's get rid of an emerging de facto fascist dictatorship.