Friday, August 12, 2011


o quote Ronald Reagan, "There he goes again!"  Our "play everyday" Presidunce is going on vacation again.  This time it's to Martha's Vineyard, playground of the plutocrats.  The terminally bored Michelle Antoinette must be bending his ear again and the Boy Blunder cowers in fright.  (Bill Clinton also cowered before Hillary.)  In his heart Obama knows that going on vacation at this time is bad.  Many voters and their families are either going on involuntary stay-cations because they are unemployed or they're cutting back because they are in fear of losing their jobs.  But the wrath of Michelle Antoinette must be too frightening for the Presidunce to ignore the justified wrath of economically aggrieved voters.

Funny thing about Liberal men, they seem to either be deathly afraid of their women or they are closet misogynists.  If they're Tom Daschle or Harry Reid they adopt effete mannerisms and speech so that they will--in their feeble mindsets--not offend women voters.  If they are Bill Clinton, Gary Hart, Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer, or Teddy Kennedy they become womanizers because of their deep seated contempt for women in general.

Needless to say, Obama may be counting on the short memories of voters and the cover provided by the Lame Stream Media complex.  This time his faith in those factors are gravely misplaced.  This is not 2008. He has a record now.  It can't be hidden because we are all living through the Hell created by this incompetent, insensitive, puppet of the plutocrats.  The people are on to your scam President Puppet.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Ye gods, it doth amaze me,
A man of such a feeble temper should
So get the start of the majestic world,
And bear the palm alone. Julius Caesar (1.2.129)

It's been two and a half years, but it's still unbelievable that such an inexperienced, incompetent and largely unknown man was elected to be the President of the United States of America.  This is being posted on the eve of the 37th anniversary of the resignation of the "evil" Richard Nixon--a man that had moments of brilliance and very low moments during his Presidential tenure.  Taking a page from Liberal Fascist pig moral relativsim, Nixon's "crimes" appear minor in comparison with this corrupt gangster's high crimes and misdemeanors. There's nothing worse than a Robin Hood that turns out to be a Robin Hoodlum.

There have been several examples of men that were not quite up to the job of being the President.  The most recent example was Jimmy Carter.  But like the proverbial broken clock that is right twice a day, Carter was right when he selected Paul Volcker to head the Federal Reserve.  Volcker administered some harsh economic medicine, which probably helped to defeat Carter in the 1980 Presidential election.  But the country's best interests were served through this appointment by laying the foundation for the Reagan Revolution in which tax cuts paved the way for nearly two decades of uninterrupted prosperity.  In retrospect, Carter's appointment in the late 1970s of such a harsh economic taskmaster as Volcker was seemingly self-sacrificing.  There's no such self-sacrifice with Obama the prima donna do nothing--he's into partying and enjoying the "perks" of the job without the responsibilities.  Gone are the days when you were fairly certain that your President would, to paraphrase Spike Lee, do the right thing

Contrast Carter's duty to country with the adolescent unpatriotic whining of Barack Obama and his legion of defenders.  When he and his mind-numbed Obamabots try to excuse his shortcomings, it is always because it is either someone else's fault or that he's the victim of prejudice against Blacks.  But it was a liberal blogger that first used the term "Barack the  Magic Negro" and not Rush Limbaugh as the lying Liberal Fascist pigs have tried to assert.  It was David Ehrenstein in his L.A. Times opinion piece that called Obama the "Magic Negro."  Ehrenstein is an American film critic of Jewish and Black heritage that writes primarily about homosexuality in film.  The "tag line" in his opinion piece was that, "The Illinois senator [Obama] lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man."  Eherenstein is correct in noting that Obama appeals to white elitists. They almost always have Ivy League credentials.  Moreover, there is also the issue of having slave blood as a qualifier to assert one's "Blackness" that was brought up by the President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Charles Steele Jr.  Heaven help any non-black that would have brought up that argument in 2008!  But Liberal-Fascist step 'n' fechits like the multiloquent Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) will always cry racism even when  Obama is being criticized solely on policy grounds for promoting the white Liberal Fascist Plutocrats' agenda.  She doesn't realize that she is providing cover for Liberal-Fascist white plutocrats like the Kennedys and Warren Buffett.  What a foolish woman.  But then Obama delivered a eulogy at Robert "KKK" Byrd's funeral.  Never forget that the Ku Klux Klan was a political/terrorist arm of the Democrat party.  Also note that Democrat icon JFK voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act. That might make for an interesting Black History Month presentation.

Of course we're all familiar with the classic refrain, "It's Bush's fault!"   Add to that old chestnut the new Liberal Socialist pig refrain, "It's the Tea Party's fault for the S&P credit downgrade!"  Oh no, it couldn't have been the $4 trillion pissed away by this spendthrift adolescent the last two and one half years.  Yet, Obama blames everything on the "mess" that he inherited from the evil "W"!  But it wasn't fate as Barack the Boy Blunder would have you believe.

Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus; and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs, and peep about
To find ourselves dishonourable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings. Julius Caesar (1.2.135)
Had he truly earned the sterling university and law school grades that he and his handlers claim that he earned, but now furtively hide, Obama might have learned something about the fatal flaws of arrogance, pride, and about the sacredness of the U.S. Constitution.  Yet, two and a half years into his Presidency and Obama still blames everyone else for his mistakes; like the lack of "shovel ready jobs" after he pissed away $800 billion plus on money that was used to save public sector union jobs.  In other words, it was a money laundering scheme to ensure that part of the union dues paid would be contributed to the Democrook party.  After gifts of American public corporations to corrupt unions, the use of bribery to pass unwanted health legislation, and an illegal war in Libya; why he hasn't been impeached is one of the great mysteries of this very young century.  Nixon would have a true grievance were he alive today.