Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Self-censorship is wrong when it is done to avoid retribution by the State and its henchmen. Self-censorship is the beginning of tyranny. First the Statists were after the Second Amendment and now they're turning their sights on the First Amendment. Exhibit A: Phil Mickelson backs off (read an ersatz retraction of) his comments about excessive taxes. I don't know what spooked Mickelson to disavow his legitimate concern and right to protect from confiscatory taxes what he has lawfully earned. But it's scary to think of the possibilities with this Liberal-Fascist bunch. They're good at subtle intimidation. Do you hear the jackboots yet?
     Golf rival Tiger Woods apparently agrees with Mickelson's earlier expressed desire to leave California and its high taxes; "Well sort of..." according to the Los Angeles Times. The Times quoted Woods as saying, "Well, I moved out of here [California] back in '96 for that reason," Woods explained. "I enjoy Florida, but also I understand what he was, I think, trying to say. I think [that] he'll probably explain it better and in a little more detail.  
     The unwillingness to pay one's "fair share" of taxes is rapidly becoming an issue with the Liberal-Fascists in D.C. Vice-Presidunce Biden extolls the patriotic virtues of paying taxes in an pre-election interview.  Here's the offending video of that interview. He calls paying taxes as doing your patriotic duty. Huh? I thought that unjust excessive taxes were part of the reasons that we fought the Revolutionary War against King George "the Insane" III. 
      Well I, for one, am tired of paying higher taxes to redistribute wealth to people that: (1) didn't pay attention in school so that they could get a better job; (2) didn't work hard and diligently at their jobs to get promotions and pay raises; (3) didn't save or invest their money wisely; or (4) didn't come up with next "big" idea.
      Items (1) and (2) requires self-discipline. But given today's lower job and educational standards, a modicum of effort will probably pay off handsomely.
     Item (3) is easy if you start young, e.g., start saving a dollar everyday. Increase the amount as you earn more money. At a minimum, you have $365 in savings every year. Anytime is a good time to start saving.
     Item (4) doesn't require even a BS or BA degree. Mrs. Fields and the man formerly known as Famous Amos made fortunes baking cookies. Steve Jobs built a better computer. Bill Gates created a standard operating system for computers. Ron Popiel was worth $100,000,000 selling gadgets on TV when he passed on.
     But did you ever notice how a lot of those jokers calling for higher taxes always get to keep their wealth? Answer: They do it through foundations--all perfectly legal--but why do they want to deny the right for you keep your hard earned money? The answer could be explained with extensive psychological examination and analysis, but the short answer is the term "control freak." For example, plutocrat and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to control the amount of soda pop you drink. That's freaky.  The essence of tyranny is control.  
     Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism, and Liberalism are social, political, and economic systems created to protect the plutocracy and the oligarchy through control by using a class (read caste) system and onerous taxes upon wage earners and emerging small businesses. The latter protects the established businesses of crony socialists. Utopian scams like these have been suggested or tried from the time of Plato's Republic to Marx's Communist Manifesto and its bastard child, the modern day Nanny State. Look at all of the socialist countries in the world and ask yourself why do they all still have millionaires and billionaires in supposedly egalitarian economies? (It's sort of like asking an evolutionist, "If we're descended from apes, why are there still apes?") 
Remember that Freedom is not Free. Free people are not equal. Equal people are not Free.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time, read it and weep. Then wait for your government check.