Thursday, February 17, 2011


I don't know about you, but I sure wish that I had a part-time job that paid me $60,000+ with Summers off or in the case of year round schools, a three week vacation every three months. Throw in Federal and state mandated holidays, the Christmas (PC Censorship) Winter Solstice break, Easter (PC Censorship) Spring break, and seriously, who could complain about having such a sweet deal?  How about having the ability to get pay raises simply by accumulating college credits, the cost of which I could also write-off against my tax liability? 

     I could also get tax write offs for out-of-pocket expenses.  Any teacher that whines that they contribute classroom supplies without reimbursement is probably being less than candid about their personal finances.  I have known several teachers that have written off such expenses on their 1040s.  

     Moreover, were I a teacher, I couldn't be easily fired for anything short of pimping or selling drugs on school grounds.  I would also get such kid glove treatment even though I may have "helped" functionally illiterate students "progress" through the school system.  Who cares if they can't read their diplomas or promotional certificates?  They will make the ideal Democrat voter--unhappy, uneducated, underemployed, and part of the growing underclass.  So give me my pay raise! I deserve it!

     Throw in better health and retirement plans than I could get in the private sector and I'm there, ready to indoctrinate and assist the Liberal-Fascists achieve their political and social agenda.  And I don't even have to be a competent teacher!  That's probably a plus for my Liberal-Fascist handlers. 

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Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is seeking to balance the budget of his cash strapped state.  He has proposed a bill that would  "strip" public employees of their collective bargaining "rights" except for wages, working conditions and hours, i.e., the Governor wants to get rid of the union's "right" to negotiate out-of-control pensions.  As a result, there is/are an/-- ongoing Day/Days of Rage with the public teacher employee union protesting the reduction of their "entitlements."  This  protest is in the footsteps of French and Greek parasite union workers raising sand over the raising of the retirement age to 62 and pension reductions. Add to that Euro-mess, the British  parasite university students rioting over tuition hikes and you have the prototypes for public employee labor unrest.

     As the unrest continues, the escalating misconduct of the Wisconsin teacher's union will probably become more thug-like in the style of Hitler's goons.  How long will it be before they act like their fellow public employee union SEIU thugs that at a townhall meeting beat black conservative activist Kenneth Gladney in St. Louis two years ago.  These teacher's union "brown shirt" stooges/goons are carrying signs with gun sight grids on the Governor Walker's likeness.  They are also surrounding Governor Walker's house in a crypto-Nazi thug-like attempt to intimidate the Governor via threatening his family.  Kristallnacht anyone?

     Paradoxically, these self-described "dedicated teacher" hypocrites still claim that they are only protesting for the benefit of the children.  There are in it for the money. Period.

This "spontaneous" protest is indirectly being encouraged by the Crypto-Nazi Democrat Party. (Would it really matter if they were blatant about their thuggery? The Liberal-Fascist simpatico news media stooges would cover-up for them anyway.)  The Liberal-Fascist Democrats or their fellow wacko leftist stooges are busing in rent-a-mobs in hope that the Wisconsin National Guard will fire on the protesting crowd. Such an act might create a new Kent State shooting incident.  

     Remember the Neil Young's dumb ass propaganda song, Ohio?  Of course, to  Leftist stooges like Young, it was Nixon's fault for the four student deaths even though Nixon had nothing to do with the Ohio National Guard being there; just as it was Conservative talk radio and Sarah Palin's fault for the recent shootings in Tucson.  And, if all else fails, the porcine Liberal Fascists will blame Bush.  (No offense meant to you, Porky.) 

     It's always rich when Democrats call Conservatives "Nazis"!  Philosophically, Democrats are closer to Hitler's Nazi party, (a.k.a. Nationalsozialismus or National Socialism), than any Republican that ever darkened the doors of the White House or Capitol Building.  Liberal-Fascists are the crypto-Nazis that are seeking to silence talk radio.  They want to control the Internet with a "kill switch" like the recently deposed Egytian strongman Hosni Mubarak used against protesters.  They routinely attempt to destroy their political opponents through news media character assassination, by thuggish intimidation, or as in the case of Kenneth Gladney, physical violence.  They also have a compliant lap dog "news" media that Hitler's propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels would have have proud of to cover up for them.  Well,  seig heil, baby!  Release the Liberal-Fascist thugs upon America! 

     Maybe, Governor Walker should take a page from Ronald Reagan's firing of the striking air traffic controllers and fire these striking teacher [sic] parasites.

(NN: Most of this post about the Liberal-Fascist Wisconsin teacher's union insurrection is based upon news stories found in the Drudge Report, 02/17/2011.)


Last Friday was the first anniversary of Michelle "Antoinette" Obama's "Let's Move" program. This non-event was celebrated naturally with a party, as Egypt and the rest of the Middle East burned.  The signature theme of the Obama Administration seems to be that you never let an opportunity to party go to waste even if the United States is going to Hell in a hand basket.  This is pathetic when you realize that Obama has no idea of how to do the job the American people elected him to do.

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The "Let's Move" program is a disguised political and economic agenda consisting of nutrition and exercise components that are aimed at eventually gaining complete control of the American agricultural economic sector.  Recall the take-over of two thirds of the American automobile industry and you'll understand the modus operandi of the Obamas.  The bottom line in this scam is that the rest of us that are not in the ruling class are mere "fat asses" to be manipulated by those that know what's good for us.  

The "Let's Move" program is also a more benign method of a hostile takeover of the agricultural economic sector than was the first Five Year Plan used by the "Soviet Exterminator" Joe Stalin. Stalin violently created agricultural collectivism, i.e., stealing the farms of the entrepreneurial Kulaks in the late 1920s and 1930s.  The Kulaks paid a dear price for their resistance to Stalin's economic "reforms" (sic).  As we know, school lunches in the United States are largely comprised of various food commodity surpluses purchased through agricultural price supports by the Federal government.

     In the past year, Michelle Antoinette has moved for legislation that now regulates the public school lunches of any kid that isn't fortunate enough, as the Obama's kids are, to be sent to a private school that has catered lunches.  At least we would think so, because of the exorbitant tuition that these elitists pay to keep their kids away from the "Little People's" little people.  With elevation of the Afro-Fascist Obama to the American Presidency, racial hegemony has given away to economic and social hegemony. 

     Would the Founding Fathers and Mothers have ever envisioned that the Federal government would reach into the lunch buckets of kids and prescribe what they are to eat.  The alleged founder of the Democrat Party, Thomas Jefferson would turn over in his grave because of this intrusion of government into the traditional bailiwick of parents as to what to feed their kids. 

     It is also intuitive that another goal of this culinary hegemony is total control of every aspect of the non-ruling class members' lives.  This is the goal of socialism: total control of the average man and woman.  Equality of misery for the masses, except for the ruling elites.  

Led by the Afro-Fascist Obama, the ruling class, i.e., the plutocrats like Warren Buffett; the oligarchs, like our tax cheating Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner; the Stalinists, like Hillary Clinton; and the ethnic/racial/cultural rabble-rousers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, are presiding over the collectivization of America.

Sadly, the First Couple engages in a, "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality.  We have seen pictures of the First Lady scarfing down ice cream cones and Presidunce Obumbler wolfing down cheeseburgers and greasy fries while, if they had their collective way, the rest of us alleged fat asses would be relegated to eating raw turnips and beets.  They'd be raw because under Obama's regressive energy policy, there would be no energy to cook the veggies with!  This gustatory hypocrisy gives a new, but sinister meaning to the phrase, "Let's do lunch." 

     So eat that junk food while you still can, you foolish fat asses that voted for this incompetent Liberal-Fascist regime. If all goes according to the Liberal-Fascists' plans, you'll be lucky to end up with bread and water: once a day.